Sentences with phrase «genetic differences in responses»

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«Our findings show that population differences in transcriptional responses to immune activation are widespread, and that they are mainly accounted for by genetic variants that differ in their frequencies between human populations,» said Lluis Quintana - Murci of Institut Pasteur and CNRS in Paris, France, who led one of the two studies.
This visual abstract depicts how genetic variants enriched in population specific signals of natural selection and, among Europeans, of Neandertal ancestry play a major role in the differences in transcriptional responses to inflammatory and infectious challenges observed between human populations.
«These results provide a first description of differences in immune response and associated genetic basis that might explain differences in susceptibility to disease between people of African and European ancestry.
Boyle's group has shown, for instance, that genetic differences influence the effectiveness of a modified Brucella in eliciting a protective immune response in cattle.
The authors wrote: «We argue that in the era of precision medicine, potential differences in response to compounds that disrupt the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway must be respected, especially as their effect may be defined by both genetic makeup and life events at the same time.»
I remember Dr. Rosedale speaking of how there are genetic differences in how much insulin is released in response to carbs and that the people who have higher insulin responses to meals are prone to developing hyperinsulinemia over time.
Of course, it gets even more complicated than that, because variations in genetics means that some metabolic types tolerate fats well and some do not, so diet tests administered without regard for genetic differences will produce conflicting results, and the complication then gets even deeper in that hunger may be a generic response to nutritional deficiencies.
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