Sentences with phrase «genetic distance»

Genetic distances among the island populations, as estimated by the four techniques, are not well correlated.
The team uncovered significant correlations between genetic distance between alders and dissimilarity of arthropod communities living on them.
Hidden within each of the 16 was evidence of four or five cryptic species that looked identical even to experts but that were nonetheless separated from one another by an average genetic distance of about 4 percent.
With the availability of genome sequences from representative species in whole phyla, rigorous quantitative measurements of genetic distance based on DNA sequence divergence has been used to test existing evolutionary trees and to re-classify organisms in all kingdoms.
In 1972, he devised a now widely used formula, Nei's standard genetic distance, which compares key genes of different populations to estimate how long ago the groups diverged.
Large genetic distance, multiple genetically fixed nucleotide site differences, morphological and habitat distinctions, and extremely limited hybridization of gene flow between forest and savannah elephants support the recognition and conservation management of two African species: Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis.
However, most bat SARSr - CoVs show considerable genetic distance to SARS - CoV, particularly in the highly variable S1, ORF8 and ORF3 regions [10,25].
One of your most significant contributions to the field is Nei's standard genetic distance, a formula that determines when different populations diverged based on mathematical analysis of their genomes.
Indeed, the genetic distance was the most important predictor to explain the variance of arthropod communities.
Even after spatial distances between trees and differences in environmental conditions ¬ - which are regarded as major factors affecting how an insect community is shaped ¬ - are factored in, the correlation between the alder's genetic distance and the insect community structure was solid, remaining consistent for the surveyed two years.
Though the genetic distance between the human and the swine viruses is significant, Peiris says there may be some cross-protective antibodies that will come into play.
I had developed the genetic distance theory [in the»70s] because I wanted to make a phylogenetic tree, and distance can be used for making trees.
That head - spinning mix has never been seen before, and given its genetic distance between known strains, CDC's Cox said the virus was likely lurking around somewhere long before it jumped into humans — and it may not have been in pigs.
The researchers then statistically plotted the genetic distances between the groups based on 326 genomic markers — stretches of DNA with no known functional significance — that are known to vary among people whose ancestors came from different parts of the world.
It may sound surprising but even some basic concepts, like allele frequencies and genetic distance, are not straightforward when dealing with Plasmodium genomes.
The efficiency of the method hinges on the degree of sequence divergence among species and species - level identifications are relatively straightforward when the average genetic distance among individuals within a species does not exceed the average genetic distance between sister species.
The genetic distance modern wheat has drifted exceeds the difference between chimpanzees and humans.
Their genetic distance from humans decreases the chance of disease or a virus such as swine flu being transferred through their consumption.
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