Sentences with phrase «genetic stability of»

However, the long - term genetic stability of this cell type remains to be determined, so as to avoid tumor formation following therapeutic cell transplantations.
Loss of heterochromatin regulation has potential consequences for the long - term genetic stability of stem cells, and the ability of stem cells to mature into specialised cell types.
Data from these three lines of evidence were used to assess the antiquity and genetic stability of Chirikof's ground squirrel population and to reconsider the role of long - term data in the determination of native and indigenous species.
Based on the data available, no final conclusions can be drawn on the genetic stability of the rice plants.

Not exact matches

Comprising just 30 letters of genetic code, piRNA are only found within cells in the reproductive organs of animals, where ensuring the stability and integrity of DNA is of particularly vital importance.
«This study gives us strong evidence from a widespread species that the stability of the climate makes a difference in the amount of genetic diversity retained within a species,» said Mager.
The long - term stability of the silencing effect could prove critical in developing treatments for genetic diseases.
Some species, like the impressive cockroach, have gone so long unchanged that we tend to think of them as genetic masterpieces, as judged by the ultimate critic: unwavering stability in the context of evolution.
«Ötzi the Iceman: Researchers validate the stability of genetic markers.»
Adding even a little extra genetic code could change a compound's stability, how it is released into the body or the efficacy of its active ingredient, says Vincent Remcho, a chemistry professor at Oregon State University.
It focused on flagging sources of uncertainty and evaluating methods of testing fitness, genetic stability and lateral gene transfer.
In the new paper, Zheng's lab reports that a particular genetic sequence in Foxp3 is solely responsible for the stability of a Treg.
Currently, they are making their own versions of the vaccines that are under production for the 2017 and 2018 flu seasons, and are planning to test how they differ in terms of growth, genetic stability, and actual protection.
Her work on the genetic mechanisms of cardiomyopathies and muscular dystrophies has identified several genes that are important for cardiac and skeletal muscle membrane stability and produced insights into how heart failure and muscle dysfunction occur.
Team Identifies Genetic Abnormalities in Stem Cell Lines — The study, from the Loring lab, suggests the need for frequent genomic monitoring of stem cells to assure their stability and clinical safety.
Keiichiro Suzuki, a CRISPR expert from Salk Institute researcher, also not involved in the study, said by email: «Due to the high stability, specificity and ease for biosynthesis, the synthetic CRISPR RNA approach developed in this study will facilitate targeted genetic modification in a variety of human cells for fundamental studies as well as therapeutic applications»
We breed first and foremost of ther health and genetic soundness of the breed, temperament, drive, stability, and social nature.
Von Willebrand disease is caused by genetic mutations that impair the synthesis, release, function or stability of von Willebrand factor.
«If we are able to leverage technologies like genetic engineering to enhance stability of the plant photosynthetic machineries, I'm very hopeful that this technology will be competitive to traditional solar panels in the future.»
«The gene - environment analysis revealed that early genetic factors were pervasive in accounting for developmental trends, explaining most of the stability and change in physical aggression,» Dr. Eric Lacourse said.
There is evidence for a reasonable degree of stability of CU traits across development [5, 6], and a genetic component to the development of these traits [7].
Genetic and environmental influences on the stability of withdrawn behavior in children: a longitudinal, multi-informant twin study.
Alternatively, it may also be the case that genetic effects on negative affect in offspring are muted in the context of family stability and / or ample resources in the early environment.
To obtain a better understanding of how genetic and environmental processes are involved in the stability and change in problem behavior from early adolescence into adulthood, studies with genetically informative samples are important.
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