Sentences with phrase «genre lines»

The only time you may see something different is when a book or movie crosses genre lines.
In other words, the romance genre lines up with his most successful data - scraping techniques.
The only time you may see something different is when a book or movie crosses genre lines.
Time goes by, genre lines blur, but Dragon Quest has certain things built into its DNA.
NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS — Mavis Staples is one of the great alchemists of American music, crossing genre lines like no musician since perhaps Ray Charles and weaving her voice into the very fabric of gospel, soul, folk, pop, R&B, blues, rock, and hip - hop.
Opposite - sex love, same - sex love, love between unexpected partners and seemingly inevitable love all find voice in these tales, which range across genre lines from realistic fiction to science fiction to magical realism and beyond.
Spanning genre lines from historical mystery to science fiction to Regency romance, this volume proves why Adventures Fantastic says: «[Fiction River] is one of the best and most exciting publications in the field today.»
From vinyl outselling digital downloads in the U.K., to genre lines getting blurred beyond recognition, to...
You don't have to be Asian - American to appreciate the Wongs with all their flaws and missteps; this could be your family, or the family of anyone you know, and in that way the film crosses that invisible genre line in the sand.
Get Out ingeniously skews genre lines between horror and comedy, but is best viewed as a biting satire on race in America.
Head over heels with stop - motion — more like chop - motion — and gleefully spinning off socko genre lines like «57 hours later, I fell in love with this woman,» Chungking Express ought to be a huge amount of fun.
That's where horror has become important, a new genre lined with violent, expressive images that open up all new realms of political, sociological, and cultural discussion.
YA seems no longer bound by strict genre lines or pegged below a certain benchmark of quality — Kephart noted that YA novels are taking «more risks than ever with voice, structure [and] form,» and Weiss argued that the generally high quality of YA writing, coupled with increased interest on the part of adults, is facilitating a «leveling of the difference between high and low culture.»
47North is the seventh imprint from Amazon Publishing, and joins other genre lines including Montlake Romance and mystery / thriller imprint Thomas & Mercer.
This post is for the weirdos, the games that straddled too many genre lines or are members of genres that have too few rad games to sufficiently flesh out a «best of» post. . .
And sometimes readers will follow across genre lines.
Time goes by, genre lines blur, but Dragon Quest has certain things built into its DNA.
Q: Is it ok to write a book that crosses genre lines, like a mystery with time travel, or a romance with extraterrestrials?
S. Craig Zahler's debut, Bone Tomahawk, is in the unique position that blends the genre lines, mixing horror with gun - toting badasses.
Melissa talks with Tamara Ellis Smith about this group of readers that crosses age and genre lines.
The downside is knowing exactly how to market a book that may cross genre lines.
They encourage authors to blur genre lines and to experiment.
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