Sentences with phrase «genre of film»

I don't care what genre of film it is, if a story doesn't have well written characters then the story simply falls apart.
In this week's poster round up, we've got a nice selection of advertising from various genres of films.
There are a number of films in this category, moving from degradation to redemption, that are my favorite genre of films, if there is such a thing.
There are few genres of film more likely to elicit debate than horror.
If there's one genre of film where women tend to prevail, it is undoubtedly, and somewhat ironically, horror.
So the emphasis became more on the storytelling medium — the techniques you need to use to tell a good story no matter what genre of film you're working in.
Sharknado is one example of a «mockbuster,» a new genre of film defined by the internet generation's insatiable demand for quirky, cheap content.
«If you look at genres of films, they're all divided by emotions,» said Jenova Chen during his talk at the DICE summit, from which the above early concept art is also taken.
Daggers, however, is director Zhang Yimou's follow - up to the callowly beautiful Hero and, like that movie and a number of others (Ashes of Time, Bride with the White Hair, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Kill Bill, Zatoichi, Warriors of Heaven and Earth, and, in a way, Goodbye Dragon Inn), it belongs to a martial arts / art - house genre of films by hip young directors upgrading genres they loved as teenagers - «martial arts plus.»
I am a fun, caring and an easy going person I love spending time with family and friends, I love all types of music and a wide genre of films but I am an ultimate Harry Potter fan.
Based on the wuxia genre of films and stories, this kung fu fighting is fast and features lots of mid-air dashing and juggling of hapless combatants.
It's no secret that musicals are basically my guilty pleasure genre of film.
Taking elements of big robot anime, Power Rangers, Godzilla and everything else Del Toro loved watching as a kid, Pacific Rim features the remnants of humanity defending the Earth from giant monsters (aptly named kaiju, after the Japanese word for «monster» and the accompanying genre of films this movie plays off of) using giant fighting robots.
Joe Carnahan's The Grey falls in line with an intimate, frequently grueling genre of films that serve as potent reminders of why humankind builds cities.
Played as a lark, the cruelty of eleventh - hour abandonment at the altar comes off more as a complicated joke than the sort of evil - masquerading - as - cute that indicates most of the Julia Roberts genre of film.
The inventor almost by himself of two distinct genres of film in Italy (and just the concept of the arthouse slasher in the world), a co-writer of Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West, and a revolutionizer of horror - movie music became this guy who stopped aping Hitchcock and started aping... Jeunet?
He seems perfect for an Honorary Oscar - since he helped create a whole genre of film - remember the Merchant / Ivory brand?
Anne is one of the few young thespians that can shine in different genres of film & can easily do theatre.
AMG.COM: You have worked in various genres of film already, but recently with Why Him?
By Chloe Lawson Calgary — Spend all of March watching your favourite genre of film!
The «torture porn» genre of films does nothing for me — watching extended, agonizing, realistic torture is not my idea of entertainment.
It felt like a blockbuster action adventure film, drawing heavy inspiration from Indiana Jones and that entire genre of film, and making Uncharted's characters felt real.
We are not doing a study of the monster genre of films nor are we connecting or distinguishing the terms «monsters» and «madwomen» as they have been understood by feminists and others over time.
But little did you know, Come Sunday is actually the beginning of a burgeoning new genre of films: podcast adaptations.
What really underlay the attack was a massive rage that such modest artistic statements were made in the year of the bypassing of the most expensive ($ 20,000,000) attempt yet made in a genre of film that had outlived the sophistication of our culture and the churches.
Most of the scenes are not too funny, the slapstick sometimes getting out of hand, a lot of it is extremely silly, but then adventure is part of this genre of films.
Spoof movies come and go, and there will always be the ones that are great, but as time goes on, this genre of film is what really makes this industry hurt inside and out.
As these environmental issues continue to worsen, there's been a parallel rise in the eco-documentary — a genre of films dedicated to highlighting how human actions are negatively impacting the planet.
Viewers of «Django Unchained» should know exactly what they're getting before they walk in the theater, but for those who are uninitiated to the director's style or the genre of the film, please proceed with extreme caution.
Comedy films are a genre of film that unfortunately have a lot of liberties taken with it.
Many twists might seem like the clich s one expects in this genre of films.
I really loved watching «Side By Side,» and I highly recommend fans of any genre of film to watch this.
While I hate this genre of film, fans go to be grossed out, freaked out, and generally shocked by the characters behavior and Hangover Part III is far too tame.
Refreshing, in these times, to find a spoof on a genre of films that isn't just a rattling off of pop culture references and obvious sight gags, though Shaun of the Dead is still a favorite for many audiences.
When it comes to comedies (or any genre of film for that matter) it really needs to be worth watching from start to finish.
Sure, it may be tedious at times, but it definitely is worth seeing if you love this genre of film.
He loves all genres of film but has a particular love for science fiction and horror.
«Arthouse» is a genre of film that has the distorted reputation of being something the average moviegoer can't connect with, so the average moviegoer might not even try to connect with it.
then again, that's just the perfect addition to a film parodying a genre of films that seems to make fun of violence itself.
Release: Friday, October 12, 2012 (limited)[Redbox] All I really have to say is that was an awful lot of bloodshed over a Shih Tzu... then again, that's just the perfect addition to a film parodying a genre of films that seems to make fun of violence itself.
This is much more of a reluctant hero than one has seen from actors in this genre of film.
With the exception of an eleventh - hour declaration of love, which feels both out of character and present out of necessity to fit the genre of the film, Run and Jump is, to its credit, more mellow drama than melodrama.
This 9 - minute trailer for the greatest movie ever made features every genre of film with stars George Clooney, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, and Chewbacca.
I didn't know the name or genre of the film... and I think that helped.
No, instead of sweeping sentimental scores that many are used to, these genres of films favored guitar arrangements for their strings, whistles for their winds and a little distortion for their production value.
It's true that the movie business is facing challenges like never before, but if any genre of film should be able to get away with being complicated and intellectual, it's science fiction.
Adapted from Webb's 1999 book Dark Alliance and directed by Michael Cuesta (TV's Homeland and Dexter) this looks very solid stuff, in a genre of film that isn't made as often as I would like.
Cameraperson (Kirsten Johnson, 2016) O.J.: Made in America (Ezra Edelman, 2016) Kate Plays Christine (Robert Greene, 2016) If there was one genre of film that felt truly innovative this year, it was documentary, and these three films stood out as revolutionary in their own way; even more importantly, all are intensely passionate and emotional.
CHICAGO — If there is any genre of film that needs a good blasting, it is the romantic comedy.
Menace II Society — By far the best thing to come out of the «gangsta» genre of film and music is this debut film by the Hughes Brothers (who are exactly 4 years older than me).
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