Sentences with phrase «gently poke»

when you read / hear Fowler gently poke a stick at the ridiculous, the incomprehensible, the rubbish - talkers) and looked up the word «quango.»
The next day, use the eraser end of a long blunt pencil to gently poke through it's nest until you find it.
Using a fork, gently poke a few holes in the top of each Hot Tart.
What Allen does do in this straight comedy is to gently poke fun at the all the dramatic conventions of Greek tragedy.
He'll feel it if you gently poke your tummy — though you won't feel his movements yet.
Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until the cake starts to pull from the sides of the pan and springs back when you gently poke it.
At 25 minutes gently poke the edge of the cake with your finger; it should bounce back and the center should not be jiggly.
Take one of the balls in your palm and, using the thumb of your other hand, gently poke straight into it to just beyond its center.
Once your dough is spread out and even, gently poke the bottom of it with a fork to prevent rising.
Gently poke a few small holes in the bottom of the pie crust, being careful not to poke through the tin.
Some people gently poke the dough with a finger to leave a shallow impression.
Using a knife gently poke a hole into each tomato and stir the tomatoes into the olive oil to coat them.
Having gently poked fun at the excesses of nihilistic «installations» and «performance art,» he offers his own version of both.
Humor about one's community both strengthens that community (by pointing to shared experiences) and challenges it (by gently poking at its blind - spots and assumptions).
The dough is ready when it is almost doubled, and if it holds an indentation when gently poked with your finger.
If accused of being self - centred, he is not above gently poking fun at his parent friends about the giant carbon footprint left by their minivans equipped with car seats shipped from China.
Lazio started by riffing off the e-mail scandal of his other primary opponent, Carl Paladino, releasing a host of his own fake messages that gently poked fun at reporters and detractors like state GOP Chairman Ed Cox.
They performed the heel prick procedure on the babies, which is used routinely to obtain blood samples, and applied low - intensity forces to the surfaces of their feet, a mildly painful experimental procedure that feels a bit like being gently poked with a blunt pencil.
Gently poking fun at itself - hello Karen Gillan in hotpants - this is a warm, sparky & surprisingly moving comedy perfect for every age group and ideal for when you need to watch something that requires little in the way of intellectual engagement.
Gently poking fun at Chilean national treasure poet Pablo Neruda, and the reverence for poetry, it leads to punk muse Stella (Pamela Flores) and a boho sexual world (the 18 cert is for sex, not violence).
It's also funny because it knowingly, gently pokes fun at our culture of «you can be anything you want to be,» the source of more sometimes - murderous disappointment than any other child - rearing strategy endemic to the West.
This playful story gently pokes fun at adult authority and revels in the independence of mind of toddlers.
We'll motivate and encourage you along the way while gently poking and prodding with targeted questions, all as part of my * unique * data mining process that helps me to create the show - stopping resume you need to win over the reader.

Not exact matches

If you poke the dough gently, it should spring back at once.
Gently, poke the dough all over the bottom and sides with the tines of a fork, gently please... don't take out your aggressions on this lovely tart Gently, poke the dough all over the bottom and sides with the tines of a fork, gently please... don't take out your aggressions on this lovely tart gently please... don't take out your aggressions on this lovely tart dough.
Arrange dough balls seam side down into 5 rows of 3 in prepared dish, cover loosely with greased plastic, and let rise until nearly doubled in size and dough springs back minimally when poked gently with your knuckle, 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Story & Photographs by Patrick Holian Recipes: Chile Water Ono - Licious Corn Relish Frizzled Shrimp with Chipotle Aioli Sweet Chile Chicken Tidbits Sweet Chile Sauce Ahi Shoyu Poke The sound of the surf gently awakes me from my nap.
Halfway through baking, remove from oven and poke any air holes that have formed, pressing gently on the crust with the back of a fork until it is flat.
Allow to proof for 1 hour (until it springs back slowly when poked gently).
Working one at a time, poke a small hole into side of doughnuts (a chopstick works great) and gently pipe in a generous amount of jam.
Insert a boning knife if you have one or a sharp steak knife into the end of the chop and gently slice a pocket being careful not to poke out the sides.
If you poke one gently, it's ready to bake if the depression left by your finger doesn't bounce back.
Using a 3 inch circle cutter cut spudnuts from the slab and poke a hole in the center of each with your fingers (handle gently to ensure you don't deform your spudnuts) place onto a baking sheet with lightly greased parchment.
Pinch dough around filling to enclose (it's okay if some is poking out), then gently flatten to a 4 1/2 — 5» disk, dipping your hands in oil - water as needed.
Simply poke the straws gently up the middle of the Peep -LCB- ouchie, I know -RCB-, then clean off the little gooey mess from the top of your straw.
it feels like someone is gently giving your hand a little poke.
The method combines two high - tech laboratory techniques and allows the researchers to precisely poke holes on the surface of a single cell with a high - powered «femtosecond» laser and then gently tug a piece of DNA through it using «optical tweezers,» which draw on the electromagnetic field of another laser.
And in three field experiments, they poked and prodded eggs with a small stick, or squeezed them gently with their fingers to measure how sensitive the eggs were to the kinds of disturbances a predator, such as a snake, might cause.
If you must wake up the hamster, poke around in the fluff around it gently as not to scare it and make it bite.
Other tricks include making a loud sound, tapping the side of the cage, poking gently with the yardstick or spraying a very small amount of water at them.
This test is performed by poking the skin gently with a needle.
Lift the skin gently, and form a triangular «tent» by poking your index finger of your dominant hand between and slightly below your thumb and fingers.
Poke your dog gently and then give her a treat.
As long as your dog isn't acting aggressively, one thing you can do to check is to poke and prod (gently but firmly) around their body — just like your vet does.
Sleeping,» he says as we poke gently at the plants and jerk our fingers back when they move, animal - like.
It could be a gently rising loaf of bread, a green fur on the top of your yogurt, or — perhaps most spectacularly — a beautiful mushroom poking up from the forest floor.
Press the stuffing gently and loosely into a pound cake loaf pan, cover loosely with tinfoil; poke a tiny hole in the foil to let steam escape, and bake at 350 F for about thirty minutes, longer if you want the stuffing more crispy.
Mama spoke gently, «You know children, when I saw the itty - bitty speck of red from Emma's bonnet poking through the blurry - white of the swirling snow, it flooded my heart with such hope!
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