Sentences with phrase «genuine leadership»

Above all, I encourage governments, in the spirit of reconciliation, to show genuine leadership and take action to create a just and equitable native title system.
Every time we give middle school students genuine leadership roles and real jobs, there is a possibility that they will fail.
The Governors in the meeting expressed their collective determination and resolve towards the provision of extra-ordinary development and genuine leadership in the region.
«Keeping the lid on this volatile situation is President Keane's primary objective during this hour... the creative team appears invested in making her a three - dimensional character with genuine leadership potential.
The contentious Trump era finds its questionable politics taken to task in films that use the past (The Post, Dunkirk, Darkest Hour) to ask provocative questions about what defines genuine leadership and why Constitutional freedoms need protecting now more than ever.
An analysis of VAL - ED results suggests that principals should provide more genuine leadership opportunities to the APs.38
«For those who are outgoing and well - organised, have genuine leadership skills, are tactful and discreet, like and are interested in people, appreciate beautiful scenery and wonderful city sights and can impart enthusiasm to others, are unflappable, and enjoy travelling by train, there are few jobs more enjoyable and fulfilling than to be a Tour Manager for Great Rail Journeys.
Santa Barbara, CA — Do California's efforts to control greenhouse gases — such as the passage of AB32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 — represent genuine leadership and meaningful progress in addressing climate change?
CVS is not the only company selling krill products, but it is one of the biggest and the one that it can make a difference by showing genuine leadership.
While guaranteeing an impeccable academic foundation and excellence for the doctoral degree programme of the Senate of Serampore, KC provided a genuine leadership to introduce an interdisciplinary approach to theological studies.
Does David Cameron have any genuine leadership rivals these days?
His engaging persona, his unfailing integrity, and his genuine leadership have benefited these parklands tremendously.
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