Sentences with phrase «genus are»

Most trees of this genus are found in Africa and Australia, but it is also native to Central America and is found on Ambergris Caye.
The relationships within the genus are not fully resolved.
While their coloring is similar to the fire - bellies, their skin texture is a dead give - away as to which genus you are dealing with; the paddletails have a remarkably slimy skin, whereas the fire - bellies are slimeless.
Jasmine — usually refers to members of the Jasminum genus, a group of flowering shrubs and vines belonging to the same family as olives, plants in this genus aren't generally toxic; in China, the flowers are traditionally used to make Jasmine tea
In Siberian, ginseng is called eleutherosides, and in the ginseng belonging to the panax genus they are known as saponin glycosides, or ginsenosides.
Probiotics from Lactobacillus genus are generally safe, but some strains can cause opportunistic infections.
Members of the Brucella genus are facultative - extracellular intracellular bacteria responsible for causing brucellosis in a variety of mammals.
The closest relatives of the genus are also confined to the Australasian region with the exception of a single genus living in South America.
Most disruptive of all is the suggestion that not all the species grouped within our own genus are necessarily from a single lineage — or that, perhaps, some of the species considered Homo, such as Homo habilis, are really australopiths.
Members of this genus are usually very rare in caves, with only five species reported from China before now.
Some of the specimens from a particular genus are missing.
Hybrids between different species within the same genus are sometimes known as interspecific hybrids or crosses.
psssh, theology in genera is a joke.
Granted, many of these listed are not in fact dinosaurs and it's also likely that many distinguished genera are likely variants of a single genus.
Teleologically structured activity is to be distinguished, however, from purposive behavior as genus is distinguished from species.
While an event is relative in being internally related to other entities of the same logical type; which it requires by a necessity that is «particular and definite,» a species or genus is relative only in that it requires, by a necessity that is «generic or indefinite,» one or more intentional classes (of individuals or of other more specific kinds), all of which are only contingently nonempty (1970a, l0l f., 103, 109).
The scientific name for the cowbird genus is molothrus.
And if besides relations of term to term, experience also presents to us independent terms, the living genera being something quite different from systems of laws, one - half, at least, of our knowledge bears on the «thing - in - itself,» the very reality.
Currently, 82 species of mammalian pollinators, including bats, 103 species of avian pollinators and one reptile are considered threatened or extinct according to IUCN criteria, the ratio of threatened vertebrate pollinators to the total numbers of vertebrates in their genera being extremely high.
The genus was first described in the 18th century by the Swedish botanist, Carolus Linneaus, who also described Coffea arabica in his Species Plantarum in 1753.
The Capsicum genus is one of the most diverse fruit (berry) species with pods coming in colours of red, green, purple, white, brown and black.
Founded in the early 1900s, this collection consists of approximately 89 % North Carolina material, although 31 states, 21 countries, and more than 405 genera are represented.
Like many of his colleagues, Haile - Selassie believes the fossils come from different species; which one of them evolved into our genus is a question that can only be answered through more discoveries.
The genus is so far ranging due to its unparticular diet and adaptability to different biomes and landforms, from marshes to hillsides to drainage ditches and even vacant lots, in both dry and wet regions, with varying proximity to water and rivers.
The oldest DNA from a member of our Homo genus is a fragment of genetic code from 430,000 - year - old Neanderthal ancestors found in Spain's Sima de los Huesos cave, which stays at a cool 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
But the genus is known to feed on frogs, lizards and small mammals.
«No plant genus is more important as a carbon balance on Earth than peat mosses.
A number of skeletons previously found there are from between 2 and 3 million years ago, from a time when we think the Homo genus was splitting from Australopithecus.
That's why CIEP typically identifies by family rather than genus; genus is deduced later during the study based on knowledge of the animals present at that time and place in the fossil record.
The new genus is represented by two extinct species, Pseudomegachasma casei from Russia and Pseudomegachasma comanchensis from the U.S. that evolved from a group of extinct sandtiger sharks that likely had a fish - eating diet.
«This important genus is named in recognition of Halszka's contribution to the study of Mongolian dinosaurs from the Gobi,» comments Rinchen Barsbold of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
Further analysis by Zitvogel and colleagues suggested that certain bacteria in the Bacteroides and Burkholderia genera were responsible for the antitumor effect of the microbiome.
Although the fossil record for the first members of the Homo genus is poor, the earliest definitive H. habilis specimen is about 2.4 million years old.
This frog genus is endemic to the Western Ghats of India and represents an ancient group of frogs that diversified on the Indian landmass approximately 70 - 80 million years ago.
Now the big question is: Has our genus been around much longer than previously thought, or did an earlier species of «makers» actually get a head start on the road to Homo?
The Actinobacteria phylum includes Corynebacterium and Propionibacterium; each genus was found in the ISS samples at a high level, which is «problematic,» says Venkateswaran, because they both have species that are opportunistic pathogens.
The Kadsura genus is an evergreen climbing plant of the Schisandraceae family.
Snow's colleagues at the Smithsonian Insitution, Drs. Paul Peterson and Konstantin Romaschenko, included a molecular phylogenetic analysis of 21 individuals of Diplachne, which indicated that while the genus is monophyletic, some accessions of the four subspecies of D. fusca are in fact polyphyletic.
Dwarf lemurs in turn received relatively little attention to date and the diversity within this genus is still not well known.
And the earliest known member of the Homo genus is now thought to date to about 2.8 million years ago.
Newly discovered species are described from a range of countries including Brunei, China, Christmas Island, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam, while previous knowledge of the genus was confined only to The Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Australia.
Furthermore, the genus is also quite astonishing thanks to another trait shared among the species.
The genus is native to the northern hemisphere, and includes deciduous and evergreen species extending from cold latitudes to tropical Asia and the Americas.
But the brown recluse lives in the Midwest and the South, with a few close relatives in the Southwest; no member of its genus is regularly found in the northern United States.
The genus is represented by 17 species in Europe and the Mediterranean, with four species occurring in Germany.
«It's the only one of its genus that's yellow, and remains a favourite among orchid breeders for that reason,» says Mark Watson, who helped to organise the exhibition.
He supports the theory that our genus is «polyphyletic,» meaning that some members might have originated independently in different regions of Africa.
Tim White, a professor of Integrative Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, told Discovery that these early members of our genus were fairly short in stature with large, projecting faces, big teeth and small brains.
As of now, the Homo genus is believed to be about 2.8 million years old, with Homo habilis being its earliest species.
The new genus is named Mescalerolemur after the Mescalero Apache, who inhabited the Big Bend region of Texas from about 1700 - 1880.
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