Sentences with phrase «genus called»

In cats and dogs, most coccidia are of the genus called Isospora.
There is the one from Thailand from the, it is like, there is a restaurant there called Cabbages and Condoms that was sponsored by the Office of Sexual Health or something like AIDS awareness and they had a genus they called «Prophylactica» which are flowers made out of condoms; and there was, let us see what else... There is the «Conglomeratium,» the cement plants, so several of those in Laos.
An international team of scientists have discovered two new plankton - eating fossil fish species of the genus called Rhinconichthys (Rink - O - nik - thees) from the oceans of the Cretaceous Period, about 92 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the planet.

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2000 years ago: Philo Judeaus said: «The letter of this statement is plain enough; for it is expressed according to the symbol of the part, a half of the whole, each party, the man and the woman, being as sections of nature co-equal for the production of that genus which is called man.»
This is what Barthians call the genus tapeinoticum, the genus of humility: If Christ lives a historical life as man, obeys, suffers, and dies, God is in some way subject to temporality, obedience, suffering, and death in his very nature as God.
For example, the classification of algebras into two genera by the law of idempotency (a + a = a) ultimately proves inept, and Whitehead's discussion of positional manifolds repeatedly confuses the distinct notions of what we now call affine and projective spaces.
She wrote to her sister Everina in 1787 that she was trying to become «the first of a new genus» of women — what some today might call «liberated».
At first it was thought to be related to black pepper and was even called «long black American pepper,» and it wasn't until the 17th century that it was placed in its own genus.
Less specific is the cure to hasten childbirth from the Andokes for the northwest Amazon, which calls for crushed chile pods mixed with the flowers of a species of the genus Urtica; apparently, the medicine is applied directly to the vagina, which would cause intense burning.
At least five species of the genus Piper are cultivated to produce what is generically called «pepper.»
Schamhaupten was once part of the so - called Solnhofen archipelago in the Altmühl Valley in southern Bavaria, the area from which all known specimens of the genus Archaeopteryx originated.
A dark, bulbous - headed ant called Protomognathus americanus invades these tiny abodes and plucks the pearly brood of ants in the genus Temnothorax.
LMU paleontologist Oliver Rauhut and Christian Foth from the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart have re-examined the so - called Haarlem specimen of Archaeopteryx, which is kept in Teylers Museum in that Dutch city and has gone down in history as the first member of this genus to be discovered.
Many roads in this part of China are lined with trees of the genus Paulownia, sometimes called phoenix trees.
Although the common name «black widow spider» is most commonly used to refer to the three North American species best known for their dark coloration and red hourglass pattern, it is occasionally also applied to several other members of the Latrodectus (widow spider) genus in which there are 31 recognized species including the Australian red - back, brown widow spider (sometimes called the gray widow), and the red widow spider.
The foot and ankle bone seen here belonged to a large, plant - eating sauropodomorph called Glacialisaurus hammeri, a new genus and species of dinosaur that lived during the Early Jurassic period, approximately 190 million years ago.
Guinea pigs (also called cavies) are rodents belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia.
Isabelle Kruta of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France, and colleagues used a technique called synchrotron X-ray microtomography to create 3D images of Baculites, an ammonite genus common in the Cretaceous.
According to remains found in recent years in Els Casots, these crocodiles would also have shared their habitat with large mammals: rhinoceroses, the equid genus Anchitherium, peccaries, mouse - deer, primitive pigs and bovines, extinct relatives of elephants (including the mastodon and a proto - elephant named deinotherium) and some carnivorous species, such as the so - called bear dogs and felids, hyaenids and extinct mustelids.
Unlike most species of the genus Drosophila, which deposit their eggs in fermenting fruits, the so - called spotted - wing Drosophila, D. suzukii, lays its eggs in ripe fruits.
William Jungers calls members of Lucy's genus, the australopiths, the «ultimate morphological generalists.»
For her final - year project, she studied the taxonomy, ecology, and biogeography of a genus of grass called Melica under the supervision of Fátima Sales.
Coral guard - crabs belong to the genus Trapezia and defend their habitat in coral reefs from predators called corallivores in exchange for shelter and nutrition.
«The zebra and quagga mussels (collectively called dreissenids, because they belong to the genus Dreissena) are here to stay.
Their appearance and later lab tests showed that they were a genus of bacillus called Clostridium, closely related to the organisms that cause tetanus and gas gangrene.
Back in 1992, a short scientific paper noted the fossil and classified it as a bony fish belonging to the genus Dialipina, based on the scales and the head bones» similarity to those of bony fish called Dialipina from the New Siberian Islands.
Using the Hi - C technique, the team identified a yeast belonging to the genus Pichia, which turned out to be a hybrid of a known species called P. membranifaciens and another Pichia species completely new to science, the team recently reported on the preprint server bioRxiv.
They compared four groups: a closely related genus of water strider called Stridulivelia that does not have fans, untreated Rhagovelia, Rhagovelia in which the fan was surgically removed, and Rhagovelia in which geisha and mother of geisha were knocked down by RNA interference.
By studying 81 skeletons and 477 skeletal features or characters, paleontologists conclude that the fossils originally called Brontosaurus show enough skeletal differences from other specimens of Apatosaurus that they rightfully belong to a different genus.
In 2010, a group called WildEarth Guardians in Santa Fe petitioned FWS to list species of the genus Poecilotheria and on Tuesday, the agency agreed that there's enough science to warrant further review.
Whole - genome sequencing confirmed that the virus, which the scientists have dubbed CyCV - VN, for cyclovirus - Vietnam, is novel; it belongs to a genus within the Circoviridae family called cycloviruses.
They belonged to a large group called Psocoptera, which also contains the booklice, but they were a new genus.
However, one of the newly described species, called C. rex, meaning «king» in Latin, is the largest species in the genus, and among the biggest of all geckos in the world.
In the study, scientists revised the genus Macrochelys, often called the «dinosaurs of the turtle world» by lay people, to include Macrochelys temminkii and the two new species, Macrochelys apalachicolae and Macrochelys suwanniensis.
The planthopper is called Iuiuia caeca, with the genus name (Iuiuia) referring to the locality, where it was found, and its species name (caeca) translating to «blind» in Latin.
As a result, the scientists report the first fruit consumption within the mouse - eared bat genus, called Myotis, as well as the whole subfamily Myotinae.
He named one new genus he had created — Exserohilum — for the prominent protuberances called hila (the belly buttons of the fungal and botanical world) on its spores.
In many cases, they examined clusters of closely related organisms, such as tiger beetles or a group of tropical plants called spiral gingers that belong to one genus.
About a dozen genera of early whales have been lumped together in a group called the Archaeocetes, because no one knows enough about them to classify them further.
Researchers have created a new genus for the unique animal called Atretochoana, meaning closed nostrils.
Hidden high in the mountains of Ecuador and Costa Rica is an unusual genus of flowers called Axinaea.
Informally called the Australian humpback dolphin, the newly recognized species joins three other close relatives in the Sousa genus: the Atlantic humpback dolphin (S. teuszii), the Indo - Pacific humpback dolphin (S. chinensis), and the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (S. plumbea).
It can be distinguished from other members of its genus by call, skin texture, and the presence of a rostral papilla.
Homo habilis, the first of our genus Homo who appeared 1.9 million years ago, saw a modest hop in brain size, including an expansion of a language - connected part of the frontal lobe called Broca's area.
The genus Ctenus belongs to the so - called wandering spiders, which roam along the jungle floor at night and catch their prey without a web.
It was from an ancestral species — in the same genus or class called Homo — that led to modern humans.
If we mean the earliest representatives of Homo, the genus to which we belong, then the answer is quite different from the one if we mean the earliest people whose anatomy closely resembles our own (so - called anatomically modern Homo sapiens).
When Halimeda, a genus of green macroalgae, dies, it forms mounds called bioherms.
After all, you owe the penicillin in your medicine cabinet to a mold called Penicillium chrysogenum, part of the same genus as Penicillium roqueforti, the mold you can thank for that delightful Roquefort cheese stinking up your fridge.
Brassica campestris is another name for the genus - species grouping called Brassica rapa.
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