Sentences with word «geochronologist»

Then in 2004, geochronologists at Berkeley — Ludwig, Renne, and Roland Mundil, working with Australian geologist Ian Metcalfe — improved the pretreatment of volcanic zircon samples gathered in China.
In 1998 a Chinese and American group headed by geochronologist Sam Bowring of MIT nailed the date of the Permian extinction at 251 million years ago.
Those artifacts consist of pigment - stained seashells with artificial holes, presumably for use as necklaces, and seashells containing remnants of pigment mixtures, say geochronologist Dirk Hoffmann of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and colleagues.
asked geochronologist Daniel Richter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and Leuphana University in Lüneburg.
So Siberian researchers invited geochronologist Tom Higham of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom to re-date the sequence.
Another group headed by geochronologist Paul Renne of the Berkeley Geochronology Center in California notes that the gravity map of Bedout bears no resemblance whatsoever to another confirmed impact site called Vredefort.
Meanwhile, geochronologist Jack Rink of McMaster University in Ontario has offered evidence that Gigantopithecus — an extinct, real - world analogue of Bigfoot — may have crossed paths with early humans.
Geochronologist Richard «Bert» Roberts, now at the University of Wollongong in Australia, who did the first dates, agreed to redate the site with Wollongong geochronologist Zenobia Jacobs, using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, a higher resolution form of thermoluminescence dating.
Other dating experts agree: «I feel really good about the dates,» says Sheffield geochronologist Edward Rhodes, calling the resulting chronology «highly robust.»
Geochronologists often use known rates of radioactive decay of elements in rocks to determine the age of the rock.
U-Pb radioisotope dating is now the absolute dating method of first choice among geochronologists, especially using the mineral zircon.
«I can't believe that it is purely coincidence, based on what else we know happens when modern humans enter a new area,» says Richard Roberts, a geochronologist at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
«In fact, Homo floresiensis seems to have disappeared soon after our species reached Flores, suggesting it was us who drove them to extinction,» says Associate Professor Maxime Aubert, a geochronologist and archaeologist at RCHE, who with RCHE's Director Professor Rainer measured the amount of uranium and thorium inside Homo floresiensis fossils to test their age.
These relics of ancient South Americans add to evidence from nearby sites challenging the longstanding view of Clovis people as the first Americans (SN: 8/11/12, p. 15), a team led by geochronologist Christelle Lahaye of the University of Bordeaux 3 and archaeologist Eric Boëda of the University of Paris X reports March 4 in the
She assembled a team of archaeologists, geochronologists and other experts to take a closer look at the mysterious structures.
Geochronologists (JEE - oh - kron - ol - uh - jizts) specialize in determining how old a rock is.
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