Sentences with phrase «get a degree so»

It made me determined to get a degree so I could get out of there.»
I went back to get another degree so I could teach and move / go on to get an eventual PH.D and be a professor at a college myself.
But this is a mistake: you didn't get a degree so that you could leverage shelf - stocking skills, or expertise in tee - shirt folding at The Gap

Not exact matches

Well, things don't have to get so dramatic when you exercise a good degree of emotional intelligence.
Some colleges and universities have created programs and even degrees with a focus on entrepreneurship, and while this conceptually is a step in the right direction, it's not offering the immersion that is so necessary in the start - up world to really get your feet wet and understand by doing.
«Like so many new college graduates, Alida Nugent had a degree not getting her anywhere and tons of debt, which forced her to move back in with her parents.
So the question remains: Just how much of the narrative in «Zero Dark Thirty» is the result of the CIA's unprecedented degree of cooperation with Bigelow, and its attempts to get the film to promote the agency's preferred version of events?
Those are questions that perplex and confound many who are deciding whether to get the degree and, if so, where to get it from.
With enough experience and cleverness, certain folks get pretty good at picking up patterns and trends, so that they can say with a degree of certainty, «people who do this, tend to have that result,» or «X traits are often correlated with Y outcome.»
As Fortune recently reported, this is a company that wants to develop an ecosystem ranging from phones to rice cookers, so getting some laptops out there makes a degree of sense.
I mean, I'm 20 and about to enter the last year of my degree, so I've got a lot of time yet.
Everyone I know (including myself) who has any degree of success does so because they were willing to put in the time and the effort to get there.
So, what salary can you expect if you get an MBA or business master's degree?
And frankly I think it's a good trend in the sense that if you want to legitimize a new form of money it has to be regulated to some degree so that people won't get ripped off by fraud, like people selling Bitcoin they don't actually own or you know this kind of thing.
I have degree from a University from the 90s (NOT online) and the people I work with know where I got my degree from and it can be verified... IM sorry you are so desperate tio discredit me you will makeup anything
no wonder religion shouldn't be discussed,, it should be kept secret so that kids can be fooled; scared with hell where they will get painful third degree burns, ugly monsters will eat hem and called sinners to reduce them.
I would love to see you go get a college degree (in something other than theology) so that you can get a high (er) paying job.
So although I'm just beginning my journey into the regular work force I would encourage anyone that it IS possible to get a higher education degree on the side.
It seems to me that one way we get there is through deep and serious empirical study, so that we can determine with some reasonable degree of confidence whether the Eden Conservancy Project — and the general conservation strategy it represents — really is a good way for those of us who want to care for God's creation to invest our resources.
This is so sad... apparently you don't know how to study... I hope you have not studied to be a doctor... cause seems youd only read ONE book on medicine and you would call that study and get your degree... the Bible can NOT contain every single piece of info!
So whether you are interested in getting an online Bible college degree, or if you just want to get the information that an online Bible college offers, check out the list of schools near the end of this post.
Just as any minister needs to realize in a new degree that the ministry he is to get done is to be done largely through other people and in consultation with them, so the ministers in multiple - staff situations need to go even a step further — and realize that the principle applies first among themselves and also to their lay co-workers.
Second, I'm saving like a m - f-er so my kids can go to college and a murderer gets a free master's degree?
Of course «our» tax dollars and the welfare and he got college degree pay by us too everything free, but my kids pay student loans to go to college how sad the criminals get help and honest people don't, my kids work hard babysitting, delivering newspapers, washing cars, packing groceries, cutting grass oh that make me so proud of my kids!
The kind of orthopraxy that exists among many Christians is a devotional orthopraxy, or a syncretic orthopraxy, and so long as some of the clergy don't know about that, it coexists, and to the degree that some of the clergy find out about it, they get themselves terribly excited and think that they should be able to eradicate it.»
But on the side accessible to introspection, their causal condition is nothing but the degree of spiritual excitement, getting at last so high and strong as to be sovereign; and it must be frankly confessed that we do not know just why or how such sovereignty comes about in one person and not in another.
Snow, I know, I know, you are so educated that you are..., money is your god, that's alright for this world, and if you are young, I am 53, and I still want to think that I am young, and I can get a degree just like yours, I can get people to follow me just like many leaders, but my fate was just what it is.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Most important FACT is Clinton is intelligent, and did not get her Law Degree at «ORAL ROBERTS» so called university.
When Christianity became a business, and you get a degree in order to have that particular job is where these verses needed to misconstrued so that «pastors» as worldly job could get paid.
So let's get this straight lady (and any one for that manner), going to a seminary and receiving a degree or certificate does not equate actually being given divine authority to act on earth on behalf of God.
Not sure where he got his so called engineering degree from, but I would not be surprised if he got it from a slot machine or a copy machine.
How long one shall continue to drink the consciousness of evil, and when one shall begin to short - circuit and get rid of it, are also matters of amount and degree, so that in many instances it is quite arbitrary whether we class the individual a once - born or a twice - born subject) Unquestionably, some men have the completer experience and the higher vocation, here just as in the social world; but for each man to stay in his own experience, whate'er it be, and for others to tolerate him there, is surely best.
If extremely hot temperatures are desired, increase the heat to full high for another five to 10 minutes (the block will get up to 500 degrees F. so be careful handling it).
The recipe said to bake them at 400 degrees, so I pre-heated to 425 and then reduced the temperature to 400 after getting them into the oven.
:) But I suffered from a stupidhood: I turned the oven on to 200 degrees to get it warm so the buns would rise the second time... and then I forgot to turn it off.
Since it is generally pre-cooked, there is a pretty broad margin for error, but it will look and taste best if you do a full smoke and get it up to 160 degrees or so (you do have a decent meat thermometer with a remote probe for smoking, don't you?).
Done in the oven at 350, the inside will not get any hotter than 212 degrees, so they are basically steamed.
Hurricane Matthew swept through right as a cold front came in, so it got like 20 degrees colder overnight yesterday.
Do not try to leave these at room temperature for more than a few minutes — coconut oil melts at 76 degrees, so they will get quite soft at room temperature!
By doing so, that let me control more elements and hopefully get to market quicker with a great degree of success.»
Heat the egg white mixture until it reaches 160 degrees fahrenheit, whisking frequently so as not to get scrambled eggs.
So when I got in the car yesterday to go to the gym and it was 27 degrees, I didn't even wear a winter coat — I just put on my Chicago Bears fleece and I was good to go.
Yep, got to 90 degrees here in FL this week too so I am definitely needing some time off the oven!
And I always try to make at least one super satisfying dish on yoga days, because the yoga classes I go to are hard, and it's eight hundred degrees in the room, so by the time I get home, I'm hungry as heck.
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Get the ingredients together for the chicken so you have a little assembly line.
Turn chicken so the sauce gets on both sides and then put in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
i got second degree burns on my hands and forearm getting the tomatoes out of the oven, because i was so flustered about the wine glass that shattered across the whole apartment 5 minutes earlier, but it was a really great and healthy meal nonetheless.
We don't get any frost down here but the overnight temperature goes down to about 5 degrees C, so I have moved many of last year's plants into an unheated greenhouse.
I've been so ready to get into the fall spirit, but the 90 + degree whether has been like «sike».
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