Sentences with phrase «get a glass of»

«Interrupt the conversation by sitting silent for a brief period, standing up, or moving to get a glass of water.
In case you're looking for something you can run through the night, the humidifier does come with a night light, which is especially helpful considering the device could get hot and you won't want to accidentally kick it at night while trying to get a glass of water.
Now get me a glass of Pepsi, butler.
Two hands are required to get the glass of whiskey to his lips.
Go now and make these cookies, get yourself a glass of milk and eat 15 of them.
Oh, and could you get me a glass of chocolate milk too?»
You get a glass of wine, freshly grilled seafood mix, juicy local lemons, ciabatta bread straight from the oven, and a lot of olive oil on your plate.
Then strain the resultant liquid through a coffee filter until I get a glass of almond milk and about a half cup of almond sludge.
If you have not ordered wine on a plane, maybe don't start, but if you do, get a glass of ice on the side.
(I also got a glass of organic Côtes du Rhône to have with dinner.)
So get yourself a glass of warm milk, perhaps a cookie or two (one of the expensive ones full of chunks of chocolate - you can afford it).
You can help your child practice being alone by running errands such as leaving the room to get a glass of water, load the dishwasher, and so on.
We need to take our children and train them to slow down, see who can walk from the front door to the kitchen, get a glass of water and walk to the lounge without spilling any.
Since he's going to cry for the 90 seconds it takes you to go to the bathroom or get yourself a glass of water anyway, why not put him on his tummy before you leave?
That said, just getting up to get a glass of water may feel like a chore.
Baby number 2 and on did not have that royal treatment, mama was too tired to lug out of bed, and daddy was too busy getting a glass of water and taking the older toddler potty all night.
When I would run downstairs to get him a glass of milk or grab my iPhone, he would insist on being ferried along on my hip.
«My husband gets up with the baby first, changing her and comforting her, which gives me time to prepare for breastfeeding (waking up a little, using the restroom, and getting a glass of water).
She then got me a glass of water and a cushion.
Because she didn't make a baby with you just so you could get her a glass of water or fetch her cell phone for her when she left it on the counter: she likes you, and your emotional support means a lot to her.
You might incorporate things like: getting a glass of water, looking at a photo or video of your child, calling your baby's guardian for an update, or darkening your office lights.
«Get a glass of water and a book or magazine to read.»
We know all the old and dumb tricks like chainmails, pyramid systems, «Can I get a glass of water» con.
If you're thirsty and you get a glass of water, you do not have full subjective linguistic consciousness of the act.
• Set your watch or mobile phone to remind you every half an hour to stand up and move — whether you walk around the corridors, get a glass of water or do some star jumps.
They also help you to feel full, so if you missed it before you workout, be sure to get a glass of this stuff inside you half an hour before your mealtime.
Action Step: Take mini-breaks between each task, even if it's just counting five breaths, stretching, getting glass of water, or doing some shoulder rolls.
Cystic acne spread over every inch of my face, and I was so exhausted that standing to get a glass of water felt like climbing Everest.
When I do, I always get a glass of wine with dinner.
What if they told me that at 1:42 PM tomorrow I would get a glass of water.
To use a very basic example, to get a glass of water I have to first go to the cupboard for a glass, then put ice in it, and then fill it with water.
When I got back to my desk I noticed that I wasn't feeling the snacking pang anymore, so I just got myself a glass of water instead.
To stay alert, try moving around every hour, even if it's just a trip to get a glass of water or look out the window.
The glasses are so cheery during these grey days, they make me smile when I get myself a glass of water.
This girl is going to get a glass of wine to calm the nerves.
Meanwhile I was all like, «Or... we could get a glass of wine instead?»
All those stupid things crossed my mind, but when I got there, I was welcomed by a bunch of gorgeous Burberry girls, got a glass of champagne in my hand and felt immediately good.
So by the time I got to the hotel it was too late to meet up with Johnny's family or my friends, so instead I just got a glass of wine from the hotel bar and brought it to my room, ate my peanut butter cups that I had impulsed - purchased at the airport, and watched the Bachelor in bed.
My sister and I shared a burger and fries — and I got another glass of wine, because why not.
So last night I'm getting a glass of soda pop for my beloved when it occurred to me, cuz that's the kind of random jumbly - joo that goes through my head non-stop, that all of the things that used to really have a solid reason for existence are just sort of fluffy meaningless filler these days.
Something suggestive, like «I'd love to get a glass of wine with you sometime,» is perfect for placing the idea in their head and also gives them a clue for what you can do together — think of it as dating Inception.
Its most frightening moment is an unbroken shot lasting almost one minute in which Tyler's character smokes a cigarette and gets herself a glass of water, unaware that a man in a crude sackcloth mask is watching her from the far side of the screen.
The women was just involved in an accident and you tell her to walk up stairs to get a glass of water.
On warm nights, Aaron, 38, waves to his neighbours before getting a glass of sparkling water for his wife (she's expecting their first child this fall).
Stop by Mistral and get a glass of wine with your choice of appetizer for $ 18!
Get a glass of bubbly (cava) when you arrive, check out late up to 14.00 at the Hotel Omm and go to eat at the Michelin starred restaurant, Roca Moo.
If you go to a restaurant you can't get a glass of water because of the shortages, but they are pumping it out of the aquifer to grow those strawberries.
Have all your paperwork and figures to hand, get yourself a glass of water or a coffee to help you relax and arrive at least five minutes early, not only to create a good example, but also to give yourself a few minutes to orientate yourself, set your papers out and relax.

Not exact matches

The startup has a «try before you buy» program, allowing you to select five pairs of frames from its website that get sent to your house for free before you commit to a specific pair of glasses.
For instance, you don't get the kind of gravity - driven diffusion that makes molecules scatter to a specific destination based on their density (think of excess sugar falling to the bottom of an oversaturated glass).
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