Sentences with phrase «get alllllll»

They get alllllll my coins.

Not exact matches

When I'm on the Whole30, I find it easy to get enough protein and healthy fats (avocado alllllll day, everrrryday, am I right?)
i'm not going to get upset over xgfx fails anymore and it's alllllll goooooood!
Why get samper when we can groom biliek into a monstrous cdm in the next 2 years arsenal alllllll the way.
Whatever you got, Google has seen it ALLLLLLL before.
SO, below I've got a super cute n» casual winter outfit for ya + a roundup of alllllll the amazing sales happening right now, as well as a few product picks from my favorites.
That line winds alllllll the way around the room, and was just the line to get to the building the con was in!
All of the young ladies were smitten, so they drew straws to take home alllllll of the extras: ^) I had to go the $ $ General this AM to get their deer napkins and plates for a gathering to happen on Wednesday evening!
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