Sentences with phrase «get art assets»

We have to first establish contact with the developer, discuss print size, get art assets, get the game through manufacturing, and once it's in hand or on the way we will then put it up for sale.

Not exact matches

The rich get rich by buying appreciating assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, companies, and fine art.
The folks beyond the wall have nicer looking lasers and flying bubble ships than the dirty trucks and machine guns we've seen in the previous installments, which is a welcome change, but one can't get over the fact that every bit of art design we see feels woefully generic, as if they were scrounged from a bin of unused video game assets.
«Every art director knows when you get an asset from outsourcing you have to check for 1) Swastikas 2) Swear words 3) Miscellaneous genitalia.»
William: By the time we got done acquiring the art assets needed to finish Kobold's Quest, we had pretty much run out of money.
«We went through contract details, we spent a bunch of time, money, effort on lawyers getting the agreement part - way, got to a pretty happy place, got a dump of all the assets that BioWare had, and we looked through and we couldn't find any of the art source.»
It's taken a real team effort to get it all together; our coders have written magical code to get everything working (I'm quite sure they're wizards), art have got us some fantastic looking assets to fly around and through, rendering have made things look even prettier, we've got badass particle effects going on, the audio continues to be outstanding, the UI team have worked miracles and given us everything we needed and made it very pretty, QA have been invaluable in play testing and of course, finding bugs, and of course the design team who have made something really fun to play.
The U.K. - based company, which recently expanded its operations to New York City, provides short - term loans against high - value luxury assets such as watches, jewelry, cars and fine art, giving its customers an efficient, easy and (most importantly) reliable way to get some quick cash.
William Powhida's complex, text - heavy show imagines the natural extension of the current fascination with art as luxury commodity (hint: get rid of those pesky, rebellious artists so you can stabilize the asset).
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