Sentences with phrase «get back in bed»

And to do it, he may well get back in bed with a notorious pair of political scoundrels — Sens. Pedro Espada and Ruben Diaz Sr. — who also threatened a shutdown by joining Republicans and blocking Dems from passing new spending cuts next Monday.
I would just holler up to get back in bed and my boys all thought I was some kind of magic, all - seeing wizard for a few nights.
Just remember to smile and get back in the bed if this happens.
How else can I say «get back in bed»?
Whether I'm telling the kids to get back in their bed or asking my husband a question while he's helping tuck the kids in and I'm in our bedroom, being able to use our baby monitor for communication has been great.
Before kids have to get back in bed earlier for school, let them stay up late and experience the great outdoors — after dark.
If she doesn't get back in bed after that, go in and put her down, then go outside and close the door for two minutes, then three, then five, and so on.
On one night in particular I tried rubbing her back so she would fall back asleep, but my patience was waning and I just wanted to get back in bed.
Almost immediately after getting back in bed, I had to go to the bathroom AGAIN.
Each time I tried getting back in bed (twice before I gave up) when I laid down so much water kept coming and I had to keep changing so I got frustrated and paced the floor trying to plan.

Not exact matches

«I might get thousands of compliments while I am here in Europe on this tour and I will be in front of large crowds of people and they will clap and cheer and adore me, but when I go to bed at night, I give it back to God.»
You've gotten through two days of early alarms, sleepy cups of coffee, wobbling ankles in heels at 6:30 am (me every morning), and early work calls that just make you want to crawl back into bed with the covers over your head.
I get to wake up in my own comfy bed, without an aching back.
We got dressed in the dark and for a moment I climbed back in to bed, still so warm.
If I want breakfast in bed, I either need to fall asleep with a muffin on my bedside table (worse foods have been left there, believe me) or I need to get up, make it myself, then walk back to my bed.
I love getting up to make breakfast just to craw back in bed after with a cup of coffee - or prosecco if you're feeling frisky.
If you're laying in bed scrolling on your phone right now, get up before you accidentally fall back asleep.
I simply throw everything in before bed & have this wonderful breakfast all ready when we get back from our frigid run.
Things wrapped up late (my kids back in NYC were getting up when I was going to bed), but before I Ubered it back to my hotel, I asked Jeannette if she'd still be holding court at the end of the bar like she has for years.
To get back at half four in the early hours of Friday morning — by the time they got to bed it was six, and they had to sleep all of Friday.
I didn't think waking up once in the middle of the night affected you that much but holy moley, getting up for 30 minutes in the middle of the night to feed and go back to bed, I was sleeping about 12 hours a night but it was interrupted sleep.
Disclaimer — I had to help get my kids ready for bed around the 3rd inning and didn't come back until the 5th but in the first he made two bad pitches and paid the price with two doubles and one of the runs probably scored because of a terrible route run by Tucker.
I used to always get on my husband's case for drinking too much Mtn Dew (and really, he does drink way too much) but I now have 5 kids, including 1 yr old twins, and Mtn Dew is sometimes the only thing that keeps me from locking all the kids in cages and going back to bed lol (no, I would never really lock my kids in cages).
when hubby comes in we make time for intimacy before we go to bed and because my LO went to sleep peacefully and trusts we are there for him, when he wakes up n the middle of the night unless sick, he gets himself back to sleep.
And today, with a new pile of enamelware (from Brimfield) to play with in my perennial beds, and the sun shining, I'm ever so eager to get back out there and get my hands in the soil for just as long as I can!
Your baby is still too young to realize that he or she shouldn't do this during the night, and also too young to figure out how to get back in a safe position or to roll over without risking falling out of the bed.
Then everyone gets his goodnight send - off: a kiss, a backrub, and affirm their love for one another and it's off to bed (or in some cases, back to homework).
I move her at certain times and in certain positions and sometimes I can get a half hour or an hour with her sleeping in her crib, but she always ends up back in our bed because that is how we get the most sleep.
I had the opportunity to co-sleep with her on a vacation and I truly enjoyed it, but she definitely slept better when we got home and she was back in her own bed.
While you can get your child back to sleep lying in bed or sitting on the couch, a -LSB-...]
Parents are more easily able to get back to sleep: Some parents report falling asleep more quickly after a night - waking when their child is in their bed and easily comforted.
Every so often he gets fussy and I have to pick him up, calm him down, wait until he is drowsy again, and place him back in his bed.
Get down at eye level (gently touch his arm if that helps him focus) and while he is looking back at you say, «In 5 minutes it's time to put the toys away / clean up and get ready for bGet down at eye level (gently touch his arm if that helps him focus) and while he is looking back at you say, «In 5 minutes it's time to put the toys away / clean up and get ready for bget ready for bed.
I mention this because Daddy and I occasionally pop Baby E back in his bed in the morning to play while we get in a few more minutes of snuggling.
Often, kiddos with floor beds get off their bed in the night, only to get back on when they get sleepy or they fall asleep on the floor nearby.
In the case of getting him out of your bed, let's get back to the research (source) that has shown kids who are securely attached and met their needs for attention are a lot more independent.
In the morning when I get up with my older son he will stretch out and go back to sleep on his own in the beIn the morning when I get up with my older son he will stretch out and go back to sleep on his own in the bein the bed!
Dress them comfortably for bed in their organic kid's sleepwear, lay them on their back in bed with you, ensure there is nowhere they could get stuck in the bed, snuggle up and enjoy the immediate feeling of closeness with your little one.
I'm struggling right now with what to do - I was quite happy to let my 4 month old suck himself to sleep and would happily let him come into our bed, he always sleeps better there & I don't believe in «training» babies to fit in with our schedules... However, from being a «good sleeper» he's now nearly 5 months and his sleep has deteriorated to a 2 or 3 hr stretch, then he's up every 45mins / 1 hr or so throughout the night - not fully awake but crying for a feed to get back to sleep.
, lay them on their back in bed with you, ensure there is nowhere they could get stuck in the bed, snuggle up and enjoy the immediate feeling of closeness with your little one.
Over the last few weeks I've been trying to get him back to his own bed at bedtime, but he ends up in terrified tears.
Thanks for this post — we are in the midst of this same situation and I find myself «cheating» some nights and not getting my son up to pee because he looks so peaceful or I'm so tired or this or that... However, he wears «nighttime undies» to bed (by choice), so we have a back - up.
Be close to the bed (to physically reassure him of your presence and so that you can easily place him back without over exhausting yourself) but do not get in the bed or allow him to sit in your lap or be out of the bed.
I don't know what else to do to get him back in his own bed.
Additionally, in the days before school begins, re-start their usual back - to - school routines: going to bed earlier, getting up earlier and perhaps getting them to pick out their clothes the night before (dare to dream, I know).
Back in my room (I had no room mate in the other bed) we tried a few more times to get the breastfeeding going.
As advised in our antenatal class, and in the books, he told me to get back into bed and to get some sleep, but there was no way I could go back to sleep.
I remained very consistant with her by quietly putting her back in the bed each time she got out.
We have been co-sleeping since birth, but my daughter will only fall asleep in my bed when nursingWhen she wakes up, the only way to get her back to sleep is to give her the boob.
Regardless of how extreme or minor the side effects from bed rest are, these sessions will assist you in getting back to your strong self.
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