Sentences with phrase «get control over their emotions»

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well i get where you come from but i wouldnt call it less passionate but more practical, i just do nt like to be butthurt ^ ^ i am fan of arsenal to enjoy the time i spend on football but if it ends in failures i try to get over its and be constructive about it, and i am not a fan of people who cant control their anger pains and have to project their frustrations onto the people who could be held responsible but not in this scale, in my opinion of the society humans should be able to control their emotions a bit and never stoop as low as to be abusive and i do think that a lot of comments on justarsenal were abusive and sorry but i do nt think of it as passionate an extreme example would be ultras you could call them muuuuch more passionate than me but in my opinion they are just scum of football, but of course i do nt want to compare the JA - commenters to ultras xD i just tried to illustrate my opinion ^ ^
«We are living in a society where sometimes we allow our emotions to take control over situations, to the extent that sometimes accused persons get compassion from the public more than the victims of the offence, probably due to our alien legal system.
When you experience strong emotions like anger, jealousy or pain, it's tempting to get so caught up in the feeling that you allow it to take you over completely — you lose all control.
If you can take control of your emotions, you will be able to get over the break up, easier and faster.
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