Sentences with phrase «get crutches»

But they will get crutches as well, I don't want to keep reprinting.
You can have an X-ray or MRI to see if it's a full tear or a strain, and may get crutches or a prescription for physical therapy.
If, after taking his first few steps, your little one kept falling down, would you get him some crutches or a wheelchair?

Not exact matches

They become a crutch and distract you when the going gets tough.
I do appreciate the differentiation to link building software and link building tools, though I have found great results with software marketed as» Link Software», and as long as it's not a crutch or is based on ridiculous dreams that any software will do it all for you, it Can help:] But the Data Aggregation capabilities of a well designed program can make getting information a lot easier.
We DO get it you are threatened by complexity and need childish back and whites, and go «lalalalalalala» with your fingers in your ears if anything threatens your mental crutch.
The bible did get one thing right: this world is often a veil of tears and some need the crutch of religion to hold them up when facing it.
Some people want a crutch to get through the harsh reality of life in an uncaring universe.
Neat trick, and the Priests gained an invaluable crutch for extorting their flocks while getting the «donors» safely dead and buried before they showed up for collection!
I am praying that you get to grow beyond your stupidity and face life without the crutch of religion.
He argues that people take to religion as a crutch, because they can't get through life without help» or, as he thinks, the illusion of help» and the Christian and Jew and Muslim smile benignly and admit they can't.
Maybe people are not «fence - sitting», as you so inelegantly stated, but rather like myself have made a firm intelligent decision that religions are the cause of some of the most devastating periods in man's brief history on this planet and hopefully one day we will get past the need to use religions as a crutch for a weak mind and instead select lifestyles such as Buddhism to evolve.
While that may be a useful crutch for some for awhile, it still does perpetuate the ongoing... «ya» can't get and stay sober, unless you go to meetings / work the steps, etc...»
But, I certainly agree with you that this whole notion of being «powerless» and somehow turning your life over to a «higher power» is a crutch that they will have to deal with, and when they do relapse, which studies show that almost «all» of them do, again... it is always, that they were wrong in somehow they didn't work the «steps» appropriately, or got the «steps» out of order, or didn't fully turn their lives over to a «higher power», or they didn't go to «enough» meetings, etc...
Most reasonable people see religion for what it really is, and others cling to one sect or another as a crutch in life or as a smoke screen to get away with their vile behavior.
If a child gets enough «wise love,» love that is as free and accessible (and as important) as the air he breathes, he will become a healthy, loving, and self - reliant person, a person who does not need to use alcohol as a personality crutch.
«I felt a pop in the bottom of my foot in the fascia, and I couldn't get up... I'm waiting for the crutches so I can walk out of here.»
When you get frustrated trying to use someone else's crutches at school so you try break them / UjWkvOtCxJ
Someone in the grocery store may have a service animal, and other people walk with crutches or use a wheelchair to get around.
In essence, it offers some great insights as well as tips on reinforcing that great behavior (bringing mommy her crutches) and discouraging the negative stuff (screaming «no» from across the room when asked to wash hands because she knows mommy can't get up and do anything about it).
[Gallo's] 14 - year - old son, Derek, has spina bifida and gets around [off the ice] with a wheelchair or forearm crutches....
Get creative and turn your child's wheelchair or crutches into a part of your child's costume.
-- Use whatever crutches you can — swings, takeout food, whatever — to save time and get rest.
The big concern seemed to be whether they were setting themselves up for later problems if they did things like nurse the kids back to sleep or bring them into their beds or use other sleep crutches that they'd mostly gotten away from before the sleep regression happened *.
I actually remember hiking with you and Sarah when BabyC was around 2 months and me already fretting about her difficulty in getting to sleep and the bouncing crutch.
If your baby is not sleeping at night (or during naps), it's okay to rely on your baby's nap sleep crutch to ensure that your child gets enough naps at the right times of the day.
I suggest that you continue to use the naptime sleep crutch and create a flexible schedule that includes your baby's naptimes, so that your baby is getting quality daytime sleep while you are focused on night coaching.
The older your baby is, the more resistance you are likely to be met with, as older babies have had longer to learn habits and often rely on sleep crutches to get them to sleep.
Yes, in the long run the 4S's could develop into sleep crutches (needing to be rocked or need a pacifier), but if that works now and you are ok with breaking those habits later — get your sleep and enjoy that now.
I just can't seem to get her to go back to sleep in the am unless we pat her to sleep (we don't do that anymore because it had become a sleep crutch) and she has yet to go back to sleep on her own... she gets up once a night at 1ish for a quick meal and gets put back in her crib awake.
I just want to make sure that in the past you weren't maybe rocking her too much and now that sleep crutch is wearing off and she needs you to rock her more because she doesn't know how to get to sleep by herself unless you rock her into a drowsier state.
«As you modify your baby's sleep behavior, you are going to have to give up middle - of - the - night crutches, known as negative associations, that may get her back to sleep in the short run but won't prevent her from popping up again in an hour.
Throughout the festival, sight was restored to the blind, wheelchair - bound and crutch - aided people walked unaided, a woman with breast cancer got healed and the deaf and dumb also received hearing and speech.
This proved effective: «the gentleman waving a crutch» was one of the first to get picked.
«And today, Ghana after 61 years of independence, can deny a PWDs from getting on board an aircraft because they had nowhere to keep her crutches,» she queried.
Getting kids on crutches to fall over inside a giant ice cube sounds like cruelty, but it could lead to better cold - weather gear for everyone
Getting kids on crutches to fall over inside a giant ice cube sounds like cruelty, but it could lead to better - cold weather gear for us all
In contrast, other said they had received little or no training, were provided with conflicting or insufficient information to make decisions, and felt the need to make their own plans for getting out of the building — including negotiating stairs by walking slowly with crutches or assistance, crawling, sliding or seated in a manual wheelchair.
«We noted that not only did the mudskippers use their limbs to propel themselves in a kind of crutching motion on sand and sandy slopes, but that when the going got tough, they used their tails in concert with limb propulsion to ascend a slope.
Soon enough, Daniel could walk without crutches and got pretty excited about it, but unfortunately had a pretty bad epileptic seizure the very next day.
Lube has gotten a bad rap over the years for being a crutch during sex.
She has been eating healthy, getting through tough times without her historic cola crutch, and doing fine.
My philosophy is that you shouldn't be addicted to anything, so if you use coffee as a crutch, there is an underlying physiological reason why, and you need to get to the bottom of that.
Women in their 30's and 40's who are barely able to get up from sitting position without using some sort of crutch.
For me, my motivation is knowing that I won't need a crutch when I get old and I will still look like I'm 30 years old even though I am 80 (ok, maybe not that young but you'd never know).
Yes — the ziploc bag thing is a crutch and we have been trying to get of them and plastic wrap as well.
I also had a hard time breaking artificial sweeteners out of my diet at first also, it used to be my crutch for when I got rid of carbs.
That guy is depending on that music to get him through that workout, that's a crutch.
There's nothing wrong with that — until it becomes a crutch, like getting stuck in a rut of always wearing makeup because no one has seen your bare face.
While struggling to nix recurring blemishes, I often used foundation as a crutch to cover up my insecurities, and I honestly got sick of layering on the stuff.
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