Sentences with phrase «get cruz»

get the cruz instead, it does nt come with the bassinet.
If ade does go and we can't get cruz how about crouch as against us he has an awesome time imagine him with us.
I just got my cruz last week and today was the first day it would even turn on.

Not exact matches

i think cruz is good, but i really think hardy and felder are the best at it imo — i want to see them get a shot on the big show.
Unlike the CRUZ, the VISTA also comes with a bassinet that you can use in baby's first few months, but seeing that I'm going to get the HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper anyway, that wasn't a deciding factor.
Our new client is easy to install to your device and there are a few ways you can get it on your Kobo Vox, Kindle Fire, Pandigital Novel, Micro CRUZ, or any other android device.
None of things have not happened to my cruz And I have had it for almost a month it goes pretty fast, maybe y ’ all got to much stuff on it
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