Sentences with phrase «get distracted during»

It is so easy to get distracted during the day.
For Class bring soft treats that do not crumble - crumbly treats fall on the floor and pups then begin to surf and get distracted during training exercises..
At around 4 months old many babies begin to get distracted during feedings, as their awareness of the world around them grows.
As your baby gets older, they will get distracted during feeds.
I got distracted during the second batch of caramels and ended up with hard candies that did not make the cut.
The world around them with its swishing leaves, birdsong, noisy washing machines and barking dogs is so exciting and absorbing to your baby now that you may find they're constantly squirming and getting distracted during feeds.

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While it's important to recharge during the summer months, it can be easy to lose focus, get distracted and sometimes stop working altogether.
She was so distracted during the day, I knew she wasn't getting very much and it was becoming a frustrating experience for me.
We're working with that same developmental stage during this nursing strike so they get easily distracted.
My son is now going on 15 months and I'm still BF.He still feeds quite a few times during the day and also night.He asks when he wants to feed, he comes near me and whispers «teta», so cute.He never liked bottles and will only drink water in hhis sippy cup.Also he won't sleep without being nursed.He has seven teeth and 4 molars already but rarely bites me.Now that he's walking hhe gets distracted playing and hopefully he'll sometime want to stop nursing, but for now I'll continue.
It can also mean that baby is getting bored or distracted during nursing.
If your baby tends to get fussy during tummy time, the mirror might help distract her from the fact that she's stuck on her belly.
If you have a smaller milk storage capacity, a vulnerable milk supply, a baby who is distracted or busy during the day, or a baby who has any sort of feeding issue such as low muscle tone or perhaps a tongue tie that affects how effectively he feeds, your baby may take less milk at each feed so he will need more feeds over a day (and night) to get his «quota».
My seven month old has always done that and though I usually move them out of the way and insert the nipple myself, the fact that I haven't restrained her hands during her feedings means that she's gotten so good at finding my nipple on her own that she is now able to put it in her mouth herself if I'm not quick enough or if I get distracted by her older siblings.
However, older babies can be hungry too — around 5 months most babies become so easily distracted from feeds during the day when there is so much to look at in the big exciting world around that they get into a «reverse cycling» feeding pattern — taking short feeds during the day and «tanking up» during the night.
If you wait to try to pump and bottle - feed until you get to Boston you're going to be really worried about it (including being distracted during your interview, which won't be good), and it's going to be more stressful for all of you, including your son.
Unfortunately, I got a little distracted from my bliss during this time because part of my placenta was not coming out.
Silence reigns during experiments so that Danny doesn't get distracted, but between sessions Bill teases both the researchers and his son.
She was struggling with clearing her mind during meditation and, finally, confessed to him in a sputter of emotion, «I keep getting distracted; what should I do to be present?»
I like wireless headphones that way there is no chance of the wire distracting me or getting caught up during my set.
During this time of year, it is easy to get busy and distracted.
Add Embellishments Kids can get cranky during traveling, so it's best to avoid any items of clothing they can distract themselves with a start picking and pulling at.
Especially if you're like me and get super distracted with treating yourself during all those «cant Read More
During the meditation, I found myself frequently getting distracted with thoughts of work.
Iannucci didn't want anyone to use a practised Russian accent in case it distracted him or her from any usable ad libbing that occurred to them during shooting, and while the result probably makes for a funnier movie, it's still a little hard to get past.
Black's insistence on putting himself in the frame with Linklater during interviews is distracting: the folly of a man who was there when Linklater got his start, and now wants to make sure we all remember.
And during that time I wasn't distracted with other opportunities I needed to get started and I had to focus on the thing that was going to get me there.
It's not that difficult to get into, especially during the holiday season when people are busy and distracted.
Owners must do all that they can to keep the dog interested and motivated during training sessions as the curiosity of the breed may get them distracted.
Females are usually less distracted during training, and are more eager to get it over with, and get back to her comfy spot on the couch.
Baby boy Enzo getting distracted with #cetchews at #sunsetanimalclinic during his #fearfree visit.
Try both is able to smell her l carnitine revolution nutrition may get distracted dog flea remedy vinegar during the your puppy is might also become Dogs should never coat shiny and that can help you benefit much every day when when you first particular dogs dog safe yard flea treatment of people feel like and do other are appropriatefor your particular from the sun, so bring it home.
During a professional grooming session it is important that the dog doesn't have direct contact with its owner and get distracted.
If you distract the body by sending information to the central nervous system on other roads during the discomfort, it creates more «traffic» which the pain sensations have to overcome to get to the brain.
We found ourselves crashing our cars during races as we got distracted by some of the incredible vistas on offer.
If you tend to get distracted in the morning dealing with email, then do not plan on writing a memo during that time.
It's not that difficult to get into, especially during the holiday season when people are busy and distracted.
I tend to put audiobooks / podcasts on a lot during my commute and while I work (distracts me enough to get into a good zone), I've been using a pair of decent gaming headphones for a while, but I'd like to know your opinion.
During the nights we can't get to sleep as smartphones, tablets and laptops distract us.
The subwoofer, while impressive considering its built - quality, has trouble getting down to the lowest octaves, an issue which we noticed more during music listening than movie watching, since it can rumble the room a bit and the visceral experience is fairly distracting.
At the last four conferences I attended, I used my Surface Pro and OneNote to capture notes during the event and never once felt I was blocking the speaker or getting distracted by other notifications and applications.
If you're worried about getting distracted, remember that it's important to silence your phones and turn off your TV to really connect during this shared time, even if only for 20 minutes a day.
To say that adults are distracted during the holiday season is an understatement, and kids often get lost in the shuffle.
We suggest maybe starting to play around with Pinterest on your free time just in case you get distracted with all the fun during working hours.
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