Sentences with phrase «get emails from people»

I continue to get emails from people wanting to know if there is a local support group in their area.
I get emails from people or I'm asked in interviews, like, «oh you're such a savvy marketer», which I kind of feel is a back - handed compliment.
I often get emails from people writing «Hey» or calling me «dude» or something like that.
We often get emails from people who are planning dive trips to Indonesia and want to know where the best places for diving are, and what we can suggest for a 8 - 10 day stay.
I often get emails from people considering becoming expats.
I often get emails from people asking me what to do when their cats show symptoms that look like they might have worms.
I know because we get emails from these people all the time.
Ran out of time to write a new April Fools» joke this year, but here are a couple of oldies but goodies: Free Money Printing Press (5 years later we still get emails from people asking if the offer is valid), CBOE's New Mega And Nano Options (like mini weeklys but better!)
I get emails from people almost every day who clearly should NOT be trading live, but they do anyways.
This is why I get emails from people asking me about their trading strategy, asking if XYZ «is a setup or not»... because they didn't take the time to master their trading method.
But every day I still get emails from people telling me they've just signed with Xlibris, or paid for a vanity publishing package,...
I love to get emails from people who have found the information helpful.
I feel it when I see reviews or get emails from people who say they literally couldn't put down Take Back Tomorrow, when someone reads The Somniscient late into the night and then is compelled to start reading again first thing in the morning, when people tell me they've been kept up until 3 o'clock in the morning because they couldn't bear to stop reading, when someone who listens to audio books only in the car says she broke her rule and listened to LC Kane's reading of The Girl at the End of the World throughout her day because she HAD to find out what happened next...
But every day I still get emails from people telling me they've just signed with Xlibris, or paid for a vanity publishing package, or published and are getting zero sales.
But then I get emails from people saying how much they loved the book and a good review from a book reviewer.
Every time another casting announcement comes out, I get emails from people worried this movie won't really be about Cap («Why not just call it Avengers 2.5 and be done with it!»
Webster Kehr: Well, I get emails from people all the time who are currently using chemotherapy and radiation and surgery.
I regularly get emails from people wanting to know how to eat more dessert, asking questions such as, «How can I lose weight and still get my fair share of sweets?»
Perhaps I view this less optimistically because I routinely get emails from people on the McDougall program and other low - fat, plant - based diets who are facing health problems.
When I get emails from people who lament the fact that they can't gain weight, I always first ask about the person's diet; more often than not, that person thinks they are eating enough, but are definitely not.
It makes me sad when we get emails from people who struggle and try and work hard to get healthier, and to better at push - ups, and just can't seem to make any progress.
I often get emails from people wanting me to «critique» their workout plan.
To this day, I get emails from people thanking me for letting them know that this was possible with twins.
More often, I get emails from people who don't quite know where to start.
I often get emails from people with cartoon suggestions.
I still get emails from people who have discovered my Newtape Letters published in First Things, pieces that played off C.S. Lewis» famous Screwtape Letters, asking me when I will write more.
One other thing, I keep getting emails from people off the blog asking if I can do a post on this subject or that subject.
OkCupid allows you to specify exactly what kind of people can send you messages, so you never have to worry about getting emails from people who live across the country, are way too old for your liking, or who don't match you by at least a certain percentage.
Both westport, decided getting emails from the person i first google online dating started and kind of forced.
«I was getting emails from people who owned other...
I keep getting emails from people saying they want to translate my books (for a price and 30 - 40 % of sales), but I have been reluctant to fork over money up front.
However, if you are getting emails from this person, you should immediately turn the discussion into about how much it will cost.
Many a time I have gotten an email from a person looking at Continental Kennel Club pups.
I have been getting emails from people that have lived around the world over the past month telling me stories about snow falling much later in the year that usual.

Not exact matches

Plus, if you get email addresses from people who didn't give permission to have their email address given out (or sold), you'll then be spamming them.
I called and got to talk to her - we had a great 10 minute conversation; I learned a hell of a lot more than I would have from any email; and, we are now scheduled to meet with «her people» and «my people» to discuss how to work together going forward.
Turn off your phone, check email at designated times each day, and when you get those requests from people who don't seem to get that you're really working (especially relevant if you work from home), let them know that your boss is benevolent but not a pushover.
While I did get a ton of new connections — going from around 800 of them to more than 1,500 — it was a pain in some ways, particularly the zillion notifications plus every 20th person emailing to ask me to remind him or her how we met.
I can't stand when I get an email from someone trying to pitch me and it looks like it's a standard email they sent to 20 people hoping to get a response from one.
Often people send generic emails out asking for recommendations from almost everyone in their network, and often people get generic recommendations back.
By contrast, if a typical Facebook post reaches a user, from our experience, it can generate clickthrough rates any where from 0.3 to 3 percent.So an email from Panera could conceivably reach more than 2.5 million people and get more than 400,000 clicks, while a post on Facebook for Panera will only reach 300,000 and might only get a few thousand clicks.
At a time when everything from confidential corporate emails to iCloud accounts are getting hacked, these successful people might have the right idea by turning to flip phones.
I get invitations from lots of people that I work with or have personally met or emailed so that's usually a no - brainer.
But whenever I write about how success is often based on outworking other people — both in terms of effort and in terms of hours spent — I get indignant emails from readers.
Numerous tools quickly sprang up letting anyone see whether an email address was included in the dump; one person reached out to say they «got a call, from our church leaders yesterday, saying my husband's work email was on [Ashley Madison email checker], oh my!»
I personally get five to eight emails every day from people asking what I think of their idea and whether I have any feedback.
I felt lost in endless spools of social media, all the while emails by the thousands were piling up, phone calls were getting lost in the mix, and messages from the most important people in my life were getting drowned out in the din.
«I've already gotten emails from a bunch of people saying, oh I need to make an appointment, I saw cupping last night,» says Erika Weber, a licensed acupuncturist and the owner of the New York City - based 16th Street Acupuncture.
I get emails all the time from people who want me to advise their company.
Erlend: I got this email from an ex-girlfriend the other day and she said im tired of making all the people rich, and I replied that I said well, if you want to make more money, you are going to add more value, you got to help more people and a lot of people do not understand that about business that like people that are like yourself that are having income streams and money and do not understand that like that you are making this money because you are providing value in the what are some of the steps that people can take to move forwards?
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