Sentences with phrase «get exposure through»

They put it on MLS, get exposure through Realtors, the the listing expires, is put on MLS and the commission portion is still incluced.
As indie game developers with zero marketing budget on our hands, we always hoped to get exposure through such Let's Players.
It's good for obscure games to get exposure through the VC but, man, couldn't they launch this with something more grand?
Minis seem an afterthought when it should be a chance for small indie devs like Zookey to get some exposure through a weekly segment on the blog and promotional space on the XMB for good quality small games.
People who live in northern climates with limited sun during the winter are often urged to take Vitamin D supplements or get exposure through special sun lamps.
All of the levered and inverse funds in the U.S. get their exposure through total return swaps.
All portfolios should have a combination of stocks and bonds so make sure you are investing in at least one stock fund and one bond fund or that you get exposure through a fund that holds both.
To get exposure through stocks, you can purchase shares of companies that have some important connection to gold.
And because Seeking Arrangement continuously gets exposure through the media, those numbers are almost guaranteed to increase.
It's also designed to mirror the characteristics of the broad - market funds mentioned above, but rather than holding bonds directly it gets exposure through a total return swap.

Not exact matches

«Of course not, but I have numerous examples of individuals getting exposure to well - connected individuals through social media that are able to move those conversations offline,» he says.
The core of my work involves helping former athletes transition into the business side of the industry, getting new broadcasters exposure through appearances, looking for bigger jobs and roles for experienced clients, negotiating new and existing deals and, of course, constantly working to grow our client base.
If both sides, through their eyes and their people's eyes, have concluded that the plaintiff is absolutely going to win this case, and the plaintiff is going to get a lot of money because they're totally on board with everything that has been presented, then that might be a good reason for the defendant to agree to a settlement with the plaintiff for less money than the potential exposure if the jury comes back and finds willful infringement.
And incumbent companies are finding more ways of getting exposure to them, whether through acqui - hiring or bulk recruiting.
So, as the market gets slammed today, our subscribers are obviously happy that all long positions were closed before the heavy selling began, and that our our market timing model generated signals that simultaneously enabled subscribers to begin taking short exposure as well (through two inverse ETFs).
I prefer to get cyclical exposure through two sectors: U.S. technology and U.S. financials (excluding rate - sensitive REITs).
Canadian investors can get exposure to REITs through the iShares CDN REIT ETF (TSX: XRE).
Aside from investing in mainland China companies via Hong Kong Stock connect, investment firms can get China exposure by piggy backing on other registered foreign investors through Participatory Notes or «P - Notes».
I get a lot of exposure through the S&P 500 companies like you mention.
I believe an exceptional way to get exposure to high - quality gold stocks is through our Gold and Precious Metals Fund (USERX), which invests in precious metals mining «seniors,» or those that generally have the largest market cap in the mining sector.
I am actively looking through all the REITs with real estate exposure that I can get my hands on.
While you can get some vitamin D in foods like salmon, egg yolks, and mushrooms, your best solution for optimizing your levels is through sensible sun exposure.
I am glad she is getting more exposure through sites like yours.
Your company gets more exposure, can make a more efficient marketing and will save your time and money by participating through Food from Finland; we take care of all the preparations.
While self - tanners provide an alternative to the harmful effects of the sun, if you're concerned about any chemical exposure whatsoever, some pro tips makeup application may be enough to get you through these 10 months and those first weary months of motherhood.
Make sure sons especially get exposure to male role models through sports, male relatives, or even other kids» dads Be A Good Single Mama 1) Don't be ashamed of being a single mother; realize you are a strong person, and a powerful figure in your child's life; you can still guide them and set them on the right path.
Actually, once I realized that Taggart was taking her readers through all of the potential chemical exposures in different parts of the house, I got somewhat intimidated and put the book off a bit.
As party goers browse through the prize list to see which prizes to put on their wish list, you'll get exposure for yourself or your company.
Because the body produces Vitamin D via sun exposure, we in the North — with our months of underexposure to sunlight — need to be particularly vigilant about getting enough vitamin D through diet and supplementation.
Rabies is caused by a virus that people and other mammals can get through exposure to the saliva or nervous tissue of a rabid animal and is fatal without proper «Post Exposure Prophylaxis («PEP») vexposure to the saliva or nervous tissue of a rabid animal and is fatal without proper «Post Exposure Prophylaxis («PEP») vExposure Prophylaxis («PEP») vaccines.
McFadden believes that scientists get better through exposure.
Although 6 days in Ottawa is nowhere near the amount of exposure U.S. graduate students interested in policy get through programs such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science (publisher of Next Wave) Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, it's the first such project of its kind in Canada and a running start.
Lars Bromley, in contrast, got his first exposure to the struggles of the outside world through the books he was reading as a teenager.
Through this two - part series, you will get an exposure to the wild ups and downs that you will be exposed to in your quest to find a permanent position.
The beam passes harmlessly through living tissue, but the nanotubes get so hot they roast nearly all of the cancer cells after one exposure.
Most people get their vitamin D through sun exposure.
«In fact, many people don't realize that you also get sun exposure through windows at the office, at home or in cars,» she said in a hospital news release.
Unfortunately, the sun's rays penetrate through clouds, and if you're sitting by a window, you're getting sun exposure.
Through years of experimenting and continual testing, I found that in order to get my levels above 30 ng / mL I had to get sun exposure and take supplemental vitamin D. Now, with my levels in the 50 - 60 ng / mL range, my thyroid is doing great and I feel the best I've ever felt.
Get your daily dose of sun - The best way to increase your vitamin D levels is through safe, smart and limited sunscreen - free exposure to the sun.
So if, say, a shirt has a UPF of 50, that means the cloth only allows 1 / 50th of the sun's damaging UVA and UVB rays to get through, which significantly reduces your skin's exposure.
It's pretty common knowledge that we can get Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight.
The best way to get appropriate levels of vitamin D is through sun exposure.
People normally get vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, which triggers vitamin D production in the skin.
Through exposure to other people and through one of the brilliant things great strongman John Brookfield said to me, «You have to get past the interval to really get to strength and to really get to endurance,» I began to have a modified thought on this acThrough exposure to other people and through one of the brilliant things great strongman John Brookfield said to me, «You have to get past the interval to really get to strength and to really get to endurance,» I began to have a modified thought on this acthrough one of the brilliant things great strongman John Brookfield said to me, «You have to get past the interval to really get to strength and to really get to endurance,» I began to have a modified thought on this activity.
Consider using phototherapy through safe tanning bed exposure if you are unable to get healthy sun exposure.
The vitamin D Council is dedicated to spreading the word about the importance getting adequate vitamin D through a combination of sun exposure, supplementation and food sources.
When our immune system is challenged through mild levels of toxic & microorganism exposure; it gets stronger & more resilient.
2) It's easier to make vitamin D through sun exposure without getting burnt.
Just by starting with basic hacks such as changing your diet, lowering stress levels through meditation, and decreasing exposure to blue light to get a deeper sleep, we can see huge shifts in how we feel every day.
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