Sentences with phrase «get horror stories»

Ask any professional sales person, and you'll get horror stories about this kind of job.
I'm getting horror stories from other ladies around me, describing how their breasts became deformed or would crack and bleed.
You've got horror stories, for example, of children racking up sizable bills when purchasing apps or in - game content.

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One student told me that he thought college students tended to ramp up their privacy settings and change them more frequently because «we're getting closer to being in the real world and we've all heard these horror stories of prospective employers mining applicants» Facebooks.
Everyone has heard horror stories about Airbnb» ers getting stiffed by unscrupulous hosts.
Postmates got $ 141 million last October (though has yet to fully solve its notorious problem with high fees; just Google around for horror stories of $ 20 burrito deliveries).
Google «working for a narcissist» and you'll get a host of horror stories, from employees wooed and then quickly dumped by charming leaders to bosses lashing out about insanely minor offenses.
So why do investors continue to do just that, despite the horror stories we hear when a firm like Lehman Brothers gets into trouble?
At the World Government Summit in Dubai, in February, Musk again cued the scary organ music, evoking the plots of classic horror stories when he noted that «sometimes what will happen is a scientist will get so engrossed in their work that they don't really realize the ramifications of what they're doing.»
My husband told me horror stories, and how his Pastor Dad just sat back and watched them get hit and yelled at, then come hit them again when my MIL instructed him to.
If you want to get your thrills and chills from that sci - fi / horror / fantasy story, go right ahead.
All one gets in the film are one - sided stories of horror and lament, intended to induce a feeling of revulsion in the viewer.
My gaming group (Expeditions, Ltd, Cal State Fullerton, 1976 - 80) was pretty cool about it — we had some female gamers, mostly girlfriends of some of the gamers who got hooked themselves — but there were some really bad horror stories going around:
When the first «girl gamers» started getting into the scene geeky white boys inhabited only by geeky white boys like me, you heard similar horror stories.
I hear horror stories about this all the time), or unless you can get someone their house back or their job back, do not try to help.
A Yahoo story makes it sound like a horror movie, and MASN makes it sound like an advanced surgical procedure: «Nationals third baseman Anthony Rendon got decompression treatment for the subungual hematoma he suffered to his left big toe.»
(I have two friends with horror stories of their child getting air sickness!)
Women always hear horror stories... I think because those women who do have difficulty need to share their experience and get support.
Well, each time I come across a horror story on SIDS, I get a sense of relief knowing that my baby is always right next to me.
And don't believe people who insist that the longer your child sleeps with you, the harder it will be to get them out — this is almost always said by people who have never co-slept, think it's dangerous, or know one person with a horror story about how their child snuck in and climbed in bed with them until they were 8 (which breaks rule # 3 anyway).
We thought we had gotten lucky having heard horror stories from other families whose children did not sleep through the night until they were a year or two old; still getting their parents up numerous times per night.
I had heard so many horror stories and had this «knuckle down and bear it until it gets better» attitude when my son was born... And then the first time I held him, he found his way, latched on perfectly the first try, and ate easily from the start.
When I said the word «homebirth» to ANYONE I got a host of horror stories that always ended the same «and if i hadn't of been at the hospital my baby would of DIED»: /
I had heard horror stories of cloth diapers... getting stuck with pins, leaking, poop everywhere, a constant smell in your house, etc..
Get all the information on dog breeders you need to make a responsible, informed choice.We've all heard horror stories about flaky out - of - state dog breeders, irresponsible practices and puppy mills.
Getting the side - eye and hearing horror stories about placenta encapsulation?
Having a chat with your friends who've recently had babies will be really helpful at this stage — even if they do have what they might call «horror stories» you can get some honest, reassuring advice — and of course, some practice cuddles with their babies!
I had been shown the horror story Second Impact Syndrome videos of the football players who swallowed handfuls of ibuprofen to make it through games and then were tackled and never got back up.
It's one thing when pregnant women interrupt gory birth stories to say, «I get that this is going to happen, I'd rather not hear horror stories right now.»
Our message is definitely getting across: after your «Subway Horror Stories,» our #RideCuomoRide petition, and the Cardboard Cuomo subway tour, the Governor finally responded by pledging $ 7.3 billion toward the capital plan's budget gap.»
«We've heard from our members that subway trains have gotten noticeably worse this last month,» said Raskin, whose group is collecting subway rider horror stories to send to Gov. Andrew Cuomo to convince him to fund the MTA's capital budget.
They hear the horror stories about promotion and tenure decisions, the fight to secure funding to keep research going, and the drudgery of teaching introductory courses in which students only want to get the «A» that will help them get into the medical or graduate school of their choice.
«We've all heard the horror stories of people telling their adviser they're not interested in becoming a professor, and all of a sudden, no one will talk to you,» says Jane Hu, who got her Ph.D. in psychology and now works as an outreach specialist for the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle.
I was skeptical to get back on lexipro because I didn't think that anxiety was the only issue I was dealing with and I had heard horror stories about antidepressants.
There also seem to be numerous horror stories about Xanogen, from guys who have been charged several times for this scam to those who can not get their money back.
You'll know the horror story that follows; your pores get blocked, p.acnes bacteria shows up, and then it's only a matter of time before acne rears its head.
I have heard way too many travel horror stories of people getting things stolen in transit.
I've heard some horror stories about people getting sick!
I've always been interested in getting eyelash extensions, but I've heard some horror stories that have kept me away from it.
I've shared your horror story on the highway with several family... still can't get over that, and hope all your wounds are healed.
You will hear horror stories of items being too see through or made with cheap materials that get destroyed after one wash.
However, I've read the horror stories about getting incorrect charges or autorenewals when using a paid dating service.
They don't get it, they're worried they'll become the next horror story, they think it's a lot of work, or what have you.
I've seen horror stories on Craigslist and all these other places, and in my professional opinion, what most people come to me about is the «I met so and so online, we exchanged a bunch of information, and then they turned kind of crazy and they've got my Skype name, my email address, my phone number, what do I do?»
Hey, by the way, before we get out, I want a couple more horror stories.
I get so many clients that tell me their horror stories all because they didn't do a chemistry meet up first.
You've probably heard terrible horror stories of people getting «catfished» online where they end up meeting someone and finding out they are not who they said they are.
I mean, I didn't even get one good dating horror story out of this adventure!
Sure, we've got a bunch of obligatory business reports and scam horror stories, but in general the news were filled with contradictory and sometimes totally crazy items.
It is important that the benefits of dating later in life don't become overshadowed by horror stories and that the topic of dating later in life gets the attention that it deserves.
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