Sentences with phrase «get it for asking»

That's what I get for asking her to get the mail for me.

Not exact matches

Well, new research shows that people who shy away from asking for advice because they think they'll appear less competent are getting worked up for nothing — asking for guidance actually makes you seem more capable.
Regarding Facebook's guidelines for workplace relationships, «We train that if you ask a co-worker on a date and they say no, you don't get to ask again — and beyond that we make it clear that an «I'm busy» or «I can't that night» is a «no»,» said Heidi Swartz, the company's global head of employment law.
The consumer will keep getting what they're asking for — more and better experiences.
McDonald's is switching to paper straws in its 1,300 UK locations, and the customers will have to ask for a straw to get one.
However, ask yourself: How much time, energy, feelings and resources do you want to give out for free so that someone you want to get away from doesn't feel upset or hurt?
She asked Pat — who already had a good - sized horse trailer and truck and had a reputation for topnotch care of her own and her boarders» horses — if she would consider transporting her horse the next time she needed to get to a show grounds a distance away.
The Small Business Administration asked for almost $ 1.1 billion for fiscal year 2013, but don't get too excited.
Encouragingly, that same survey found that when satisfied employees asked for a raise, almost 50 percent got it.
They ask for clarification, which can push us to get honest with ourselves.
Get to know them, ask what worked for them, and what didn't.
Business owners who have taken the step to incorporate or form an LLC, but who haven't gotten around to separating assets and finances, are asking for trouble.
A recent PayScale salary survey found that when dissatisfied employees asked for a raise, less than 20 percent got it.
He had called my wife in the weeks before (as he had with all of his direct reports) and asked her if there was a Christmas gift — something I really wanted — that he could get for me.
The value of keeping a customer satisfied in many cases outweighs the loss on the returned purchase, which is why consumers can generally ask for a refund on just about any purchase — and usually get one.
Ask three business owners the best way to pay for a company vehicle, and you'll likely get three different answers: buy, finance or lease.
For people who are looking to follow this same practice, Maxfield suggest re-evaluating your to - do list and asking yourself during this meeting, «Is this task getting me towards where I want to go in my relationships, in my career and in my life?»
For example, in a section below I ask, «How did you get started in your industry?»
Give current employees the opportunity to ask and answer questions so everyone can get an accurate feel for on - screen personalities.
Leader - Chivée is one of the individuals I was fortunate enough to interview for a series on the year ahead, Big Ideas for 2018, where I asked a number of my favorite award - winning marketing experts, authors, and other thought leaders — as well as some of Firebrand Group's own digital strategy and branding experts — to recommend one «Big Idea» that companies can take advantage of to get ahead in 2018.
So far, Trump has gotten what he asked for.
While a contact page form asking for name, location, phone, email, job title and biggest challenge may not get many submissions, an event registration might.
When Roger Parloff was reporting the story for Fortune in 2014, he asked questions that the company told him were «getting into the realm of trade secret.»
Levkovich: If earnings are up 14 % or 15 % and we lost a little multiple, getting up 5 % is not asking for the moon.
This may include asking for rework, negotiating prices or getting tough when a deadline approaches.
Dig Deeper: How to Build a Culture of Employee Appreciation How to Create a Company Philosophy: School New Hires on Company History Even if you ask some pointed or provocative questions in the interview and get the answers you're looking for, your newest recruit isn't going to be integrated into the company culture on day one.
The first is to add CNBC to your Flash Briefing to get updates whenever you ask Alexa for the news.
Cisco Canada President Bernadette Wightman talks about her best advice for tackling tough problems, what she always asks job candidates in interviews, and the best leadership advice she's ever gotten.
I replied, and their analyst got back to me within a few hours with access and asking for feedback.
Here are some typical questions a franchise broker would ask to get you started on the search for your franchising soul mate: What do you want out of a franchise business?
Inflation was too low, and borrowing costs in Spain and Italy were getting out of hand — so high that Spain was about to ask for a bailout.
Selena started getting tired of always being asked about Justin, and told the UK's Sunday Times that «it's difficult for people to separate us.
The factory apologized for the issue and asked the pair if they could wire the funds when they get home.
Just ask yourself — who has to know about my book in order for it to get the results I want?
I was able to go into that negotiation very calmly, feeling confident and feeling fair and I actually got what I asked for and now because of that positive experience, if I have to negotiate I understand how to go about it and how to navigate it.
That's because, as he explains in more detail on an October episode of his show, when you're stuck at your desk, «you're getting a lot of stimuli that you didn't ask for — like other people's conversations and phone calls.
Since I've tried and failed for years to get an interview with Dave Grohl, I have to ask: How did you manage to land the Foo Fighters?
As important as it is to get the word out about your company through as many channels as possible, it's also important to ask for and collect feedback.
We asked Waksman for tips on selling to the large chains, and we'll get to those.
Ask for more specifics throughout the conversation if you think what is being said is vague or could potentially get misconstrued.
Before Dan Price caused a media firestorm by establishing a $ 70,000 minimum wage at his Seattle company, Gravity Payments... before Hollywood agents, reality - show producers, and book publishers began throwing elbows for a piece of the hip, 31 - year - old entrepreneur with the shoulder - length hair and Brad Pitt looks... before Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist and Harvard Business School professors asked to study his radical experiment in paying workers... an entry - level Gravity employee named Jason Haley got really pissed off at him.
«If somebody moves to us with these funds [in their portfolio], we're looking for an immediate maturity date to get out,» says a Vancouver investment adviser with a nationwide wealth management firm who asked not to be named.
When we get asked to help post-acquisition with the integration / implementation phase, those competing low - level and mid-level interests are still there, still undermining the acquisition, even if the deal was and is the right move for the company overall.
Once I got off the phone with him, I called the actual company who I was supposed to be talking to and asked for Peter.
Lately there seems to be a lot of dialogue and articles written about getting up and moving, the importance of exercise for health, stress reduction and the specific benefits of standing up while working (fairly atrocious if you ask me) and the omnipresent topic of obesity.
Now that you understand more about how the influencer got to where they are today, ask if they have any specific advice or ideas for you, as you look to advance your business or career.
But when you ask drivers about UberPool, you get a very consistent extremely negative response, and there are reasons for that.
Before we really got things rolling, she asked to sit down with me and told me her new truth: She didn't think it was the right time for her.
To do so, make sure to ask all the questions necessary and get all agreements in writing as soon as possible to ensure accountability for both parties.
Yesterday, at Canadian Business for Social Responsibility's annual Forum, I got the chance to ask keynote speaker Stephen Lewis about the ethics of lobbying.
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