Sentences with phrase «get it off my chest after»

I just came in there with that comment because there was some back and forth arguments and i wanted to get that off my chest after reading someones response to me yesterday.
I remember my first workout... I had 95 pounds on the nech press, and couldn't get it off my chest after a few reps. I almost gave up completely.
I just had to get this off my chest after stumbling on a couple of videos on Youtube.

Not exact matches

After finishing all his stories and scouting reports, SI's NFL expert, Paul Zimmerman, still had things he wanted to get off his chest
I was furious at one stage of the season and needed to get stuff off my chest, but then after reading some comments, I found it wasn't too long before I felt the need to back Wenger up on a few things.
About a year ago I lost 70 pounds (give or take a couple) which left me at around 130 pounds, I still had some stomach fat and chest fat i wanted to get rid of but it wouldn't budge, so I decided to try Starting Strength, after gaining an alright amount of strength and muscle I decided to try and shed off the last few pounds using p90x and I'm currently 9 weeks into it and have lost 2 pounds....
But after a year of EA bashing us it's good to get it off my chest
After he got all the science stuff off his chest, we moved on to the Sprogs, my plans for the future, his plans for the present, fun things we could do together on weekends, stuff I want to do to the house... As we chatted, I ate a yummy seafood bisque risotto with prawns and ling, while he had a seafood curry and a waffle for dessert (the edible kind).
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