Sentences with phrase «get on contraceptives»

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What if a woman is on contraceptives because she has three kids at home and would endanger her health if she were to get pregnant with a fourth?
We have had universal access to contraceptives since i can remember!!!! I only pitched in with my girlfiend, not the Neighbors or the Bum on the corner — Get it
You get the Obama administration's contraceptive / abortifacient mandate on steroids and a full - scale legal assault by Clinton Administration 3.0 on the capacity of religious institutions to be themselves as they understand themselves to be: communities of religious conviction with a right to their own moral integrity, not mere instruments for delivering whatever the government deems to be a public service or a public good.
And do you think he would approve of sacrificing unwanted babies, drug use, creating more poverty, lying to get elected, free contraceptives, and voting based on skin color?
Halo ladies I had unprotected sex with my bf on the second day of menstruation 23.2.2017 and I didn't take any contraceptive pill and on 4.3.2017 I had unprotected sex again but got pill on 6.3.2017 and on 16.3.2017 I had sex again and had contraceptive pill on 17.3.2017.
Unless you already have emergency contraceptive pills on hand, go to a pharmacy without delay — you can get these pills without a prescription if you're 17 or older.
This concept is primarily based on a 1977 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that showed women who got pregnant shortly after stopping oral contraceptives were twice as likely to have twins.
«Well I actually got really excited when I heard Speaker Boehner talking about «Plan B» because I thought finally they've made progress on a really important women's health issue that I've been working on,» she said at a press conference with Senate Democrats, referring to the emergency contraceptive, «Plan B.»
This could be a whole article on its own, but in short, I always counsel patients when they get on any types of hormone therapy — including oral contraceptive birth control.
We get it; condoms are notorious pleasure - busters, and not exactly the coolest contraceptive on the block.
Ben Keenan In Ireland today, women can order a pint in a pub, sit on a jury, keep a government job if she gets married, buy contraceptives and demand equal pay — none of which was legally permitted by the...
Birth control is indispensable and frankly life - changing for millions of women, and yet politicians are still battling over whether it's just too easy for us to get our hands on over-the-counter contraceptives.
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