Sentences with phrase «get on my schedule»

If you don't read your Bible and pray very regularly, get on schedule where you spend at least five or ten minutes every day in the Word.
I need to get on your schedule I'll try to get that added tomorrow.
During those early weeks, your little one is still getting on a schedule and your supply is constantly up and down to accommodate your baby, so it makes sense that you're at a risk for infection.
I'm a very routine person so I'm desperate to get on a schedule.
Do you have a simple idea that I can work with to get him on that schedule before september?
I've been trying to focus on the sleep training before I tackle the more rigid scheduling - I mean, if he won't sleep longer than 40 minutes or less, how can I get on schedule?
You know, I had people tell me you need to get him on a schedule, you need to get him on a schedule.
Mommy Tips: Getting Yourself on a Schedule Getting yourself on a schedule will allow you to reduce stress, and have more time to your enjoy your family.
Additionally, it's easier to get on a schedule once your baby is no longer a newborn and likely has some routine around when he or she eats and sleeps.
HUGE improvement... hopefully one day we will get on the schedule, but for now I can just ask for baby steps... if you have any more advice for getting through the 45 minute nap thing, I would really appreciate it!!
And it's not because my kids are super amazing and I am super lucky to be blessed with angels from heaven, it's because I put in hard work to get them on a schedule from birth to ensure better sleep.
«Get him on a schedule
As your baby leaves the newborn phase behind, gets on a schedule, and becomes more aware of his environment, he'll begin to outgrow this «sleep anytime» stage.
Now, you start waking that one to get them on schedule with the one that's not as strong as a sleeper.
They simply want to bond with their babies and start getting them on a schedule.
IT's tough int he beginning but you have to get them on a schedule especially boys.
ever since i brought him home from the hospital i have tried to get him on a schedule... feeding him every 2 1/2 - 3 hours.
I am a SAHM of boy / girl twins and in order to save my own sanity (I NEED a little alone time every day - I'm HUMAN) I had to get them on a schedule as fast as I possibly could.
Before I could start officially weaning him, I needed to get him on a schedule.
I used to say to myself that Charlie is a good sleeper because I got him on a schedule from the beginning.
A new baby's sleep pattern can be all over the place and it puts a lot of pressure on new parents to get them on a schedule.
Fourth, getting on a schedule and sticking to it.
You can either change their schedule «cold turkey» on the day of the time change, let them adjust to the new time on their own, or change their schedule 15 minutes at a time until you get them on the schedule you want - depending on your baby's personality.
We decided to get her on a schedule.
I think she could do 4 except that her naps are not long enough for her to do 4 — maybe I just need to push through and deal with a cranky baby to get on this schedule?
And the book says by this age she should be on a 3 - 3.5 hr schedule, but I'm not sure the best way to GET her on that schedule since my days are not all the same.
Interest groups press to get on his schedule.
Authorities are still searching for a California man who was reported missing after he failed to get on a scheduled flight from Buffalo to California on April 29.
Train yourself to get on a schedule.
Simply get on my schedule now so we can discuss if my program is right for you.
Mine has agreed, but I haven't been able to get him on the schedule.
I had planned to get on a schedule to post more regularly but shocker, that hasn't happened just yet!
Passionate about improving parent participation at school and fueled by my own frustration with reply - all email and difficulty getting on the schedule to help in my daughter's kindergarten class, I founded in 2009.
Once you find an editor, you've got to get on their schedule.
To help yourself get on a schedule, consider creating a blogging calendar.
Tip: While getting on a schedule will help ensure results, you don't have to stick with «more frequent» payments if you find that it is unaffordable.
For a dog, take him out more frequently and try to get him on a schedule.
Dogs are creatures of habit, so if you get them on a schedule right away, you are setting them up for success.
Also, get on a schedule of bringing your kitten to the litter box during the times elimination might normally occur such as after a nap, after a meal and after playtime.
We will need a copy of your vet's medical notes and x-rays before getting you on our schedule.
or call 941.957.1955 to get more information about our transport program and to find out how to get on our schedule.
We will need a copy of your veterinarian's medical notes and x-rays before getting you on our schedule.
Give us a call for more information or to get on the schedule (801) 467-6069: Grooming Clinic - Shedding: Saturday May 9th @ 10 am for $ 15, dogs are invited!
Just call 701-685-2242 and talk to Annie to get on the schedule!
The next day, get him on a schedule and proceed accordingly.
The report said, «Guaranteed work hours are no longer the normal and just «getting on the schedule» has become the reward for job performance.»
If you do not have a suitable vehicle, or if you would like to have South Jersey Driving School take your student driver to the test, we are happy to provide you with current pricing for this service and to get you on our schedule.
If you are interested in scheduling a road test or a refresher lesson, please call our office at 201-689-1999 or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you with current pricing and get you on the schedule!
If you are interested in scheduling a road test or a refresher lesson, please call our office at (973) 812-6208 or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you with current pricing and get you on the schedule!
If you do not have a suitable vehicle, or if you would like to have New Life Driving School take your student driver to the test, we are happy to provide you with current pricing for this service and to get you on our schedule.
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