Sentences with phrase «get snow days»

Here in the Northwest we don't get snow days but rather rainy days and plenty of them.
Parents don't get snow days, so when you and baby need to venture out into the cold, we've got you covered.
I love baking on surprise days off — I almost always make it mandatory when I get a snow day.
Lucky kids to get that every snow day!
While I haven't gotten a snow day from work in years (it's a sad thing this stops when you're an adult) I took a snow day of sort on Saturday.
I mean, I work from home so I never get a snow day.
Hope you have an amazing holiday and maybe we will only get snow that day (so - not happening, but we can wish right?)
So the next time you get a snow day, you'll be ready.
Here at the beach in Southern California, we have to travel an hour and a half to two hours to get a snow day.

Not exact matches

I live in Maine, and if you haven't heard, we recently got more snow in 10 days than we did all last winter.
I had a bad day yesterday struggling with blasphemy thoughts and it was snowing bad and i got to my job and i thought i could just open up the door and just go inside then this old man just was holding the door open and i got upset and said the holy spirit is of satan.
Ugh I know what snow on the first day of spring feels like... I'm lucky we didn't get snow this year!
I suppose it's that time of year — leaves are turning, it's getting colder, days are getting shorter... there's even a threat of snow around here.
We will get a mixture of warm spring days, rain, sunshine, the bursting of green grass and also the occasional dump of snow.
These kinds of days are delicious because you get the coziness of the snow and the energy of the extra light, and the light has that perfectly diffused snowy quality that is all fluffy and cloud like.
We made it two days in a row and trekked out in the snow to get raw cashews.
Yesterday was technically the first day of spring but apparently we're under what's considered a state emergency in terms of the weather and all the state offices are closed... which means that for the second time ever since the start of residency, I get to have a snow day!!
aren't bloggers lovely people — sounds like a great place to eat out at — and a generous place too — the raw nachos sound fascinating — one of these days I might get out and try some raw foods in Melbourne — hope you are enjoying the snow
Lots of cozy hugs for you, I saw all the snow you got the other day — WOW.
Did I mention that we got a foot and a half of snow on Mother's Day?!?! And I am all about picnics and the backyard barbeque spread: burgers, potato salad, watermelon, corn on the cob, baked beans, and chips!!
The meatballs do make this soup a bit more labor intensive, so if it's not a snow day and you're in a rush to get dinner on the table, feel free to just throw in a can of red beans or some extra veggies.
so weird seeing your boys in that much of snow while I am sitting here barefoot and anticipating a «cool day» in the» 70's... regardless, I would like a bowl of this nice soup when I get home..
I mean don't get me wrong, who doesn't love a good snow day??
Just as the days were getting brighter and warmer, the weather did a 180 ° and we had snow.
And even though we got blasted with a random snow storm yesterday, I was happy to spend the first day of Spring making these festive pudding cups!
We had a stretch of 80 - degree days in March, yet just awe got some snow.
I've got these in the oven right now, it's a snow day today so I'm making them for when my friends come over later!
The leftovers are definitely getting us through our involuntary adult snow day and I hope that they make your week better too.
Meghan, I think choosing to take a snow day as an adult is even cooler than getting one as a child!
, so I get a «snow day» every day!
That got even worse on day three, where much of the running was lost to snow.
If the Braves get snowed out, they will probably have to find an off day to stop over in Colorado in the summer on the way back from the west coast.
I wasn't sure either of my kids would be into full - day lessons (which run from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm), but my contact at Mount Snow really recommended full - day lessons for the kids because they get so much more out of it.
Since we have another snow day today, if you're getting itchy about getting out of the house, make a plan with this roundup of event ideas for the weekend!
And with the passing of the spring equinox, now we know for certain that no matter if it snows, or not, the days will continue to get longer.
We only ever get a 30 second flurry so to have snow cover for 3 whole days was pretty much unheard of before.
During these so - called snow days, we still managed to get Mac to Tae Kwon Do class.
Late fall can be a tricky time to get dressed, what with snow showers before Halloween in some parts, followed by balmy sunny days with temps in the 60s.
Of course you'll probably have to watch Frozen for the 217402347th consecutive night in a row but hey, at least it sticks with the snow day theme and if Frozen on Ice comes to town you'll probably have a decent shot being cast as Elsa considering how many times «Let it Go» has gotten stuck in your head.
Too cold or too much snow, Williams says, and again folks are put off, unless it's getting dangerously close to Christmas Day.
I always forget just how fickle March tends to be, and get overly excited for all things spring, when I should just sit back and enjoy the ride that is 70 degree weather one day, ice and snow the next.
Whether you get snowy winters or not, you can have a snow day with this fun snow paint!
But I know lots of people who kept getting snow and having days off school and work who are only going back to work today.
If they take my kids on a snow day I always reciprocate on a weekend so that they get some time off too.
The Snowy Day is about a young boy discovering what pleasure he gets from playing in fresh snow that has fallen.
We had a pretty quiet week; we got some more snow mid - week and had a day that all of our plans were cancelled and it was actually warm enough to go out and enjoy the snow!
On days like today in Ohio it's hard to believe that summer will ever get here... it's the end of April and we had snow flurries!
Can you believe it is the first day of spring and we are scheduled to get more snow tomorrow?
Being so high on the list means it's has the most of that in it... I'm stuck in a rural area without a good supply of formula for my son (it was suppose to be a day trip but the snow is too deep to get back home), I will be using this at lease until I can get back home.
We have gotten so much snow in the last few days!
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