Sentences with phrase «get straight facts»

So you are not going to get straight facts from him, but you will get them from me.
The problem, however, is not simply getting the straight facts.

Not exact matches

That is an important distinction, a fact that both OfficeMax and its critics needs to get straight as the debate continues.
Note that the text is minimal and gets straight to the point, stressing facts over long descriptions.
Let's get the facts straight because for a minute there, I was actually confused myself.
Lori, You need to get your facts straight, none of the military services allow smoking during basic training any more and haven't for a number of years.
So... get your facts straight, dude.
Get your fact straight.
It is telling that people who feel competent to assert, with no doubt, that there is no God can not get simple historical facts straight.
You need to get your facts straight.
«So let me get this straight, you are a Yale professor based 100 % on your acceptance of Greco - Roman Jewish mythology and Dark Ages superst.itions as fact
Just get your facts straight
Adelina, Go with Bob and get your facts straight, both of you!
You must get your facts straight before you jump to beliefs... Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) was a man.
People need to get their facts straight on these issues and read what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says on these issues.
You need to get you facts straight.
Try getting your «facts» straight before you use them for your poorly planned agenda.
We also need to make sure we've gotten our facts straight.
I've lived in Utah my whole life and I'm not a mormon but you need to get your facts straight.
When you get your facts straight, please come back and write something coherent that actually makes any sense...'til them, you may go an play in the middle of the highway nearest your home!!
All of this is probably obvious to all but I just want to make sure I am getting my facts straight.
Well Deb, get your facts straight.
shieldofgrace, I suggest you go to or to get your facts straight.
We must,, of course, try to make sure that religious persecution isn't covered up, and we must try to get the facts straight, avoiding exaggeration.
Please it's critical that we get the facts straight.
It seems you better sit down and do your homework so you can get your facts straight.
Sounds pretty airtight, Your Honor, but let's make sure we've got all the facts straight.
Please get your facts straight before posting.
If you're going to use the stupidly overdone kiddie world of warcraft «fail» meme like all of the other idiots, then at least get your facts straight.
IOW, get your facts straight.
No point in bothering with a bigot, especially when said bigot doesn't know how to spell or get their facts straight.
Get your facts straight.
If you're going to dis a religion Colin at least get the facts straight.
Do try and get your facts straight, mmmkay, thx.
Let's get all the facts straight before we start playing though.
WHY cant you get your FACTS about me straight??????? YOU assume too much..
Please get your facts straight.
Anyone who thinks the gospels «gets the facts straight» has to explain the different days and times of the death, the countless contradictions and historical mistakes.
«Was the author reliable in getting the facts straight?
Az in Ks — Please get your facts straight.
Get YOUR facts straight and learn your history.
I am also a convert to the LDS faith and have found nothing but good things for me and my family since joining.You have no clue what so ever and need to get your facts straight mate!!
People who have not gotten the basic facts about their life straight will not do the things that make learning from Jesus possible and will never be able to understand the basic points in the lessons to be learned.
Go and get your facts straight!
Get your facts straight before ya say anything.
@Rodents for Romney and Reality, Shia are not Muslims, get your facts straight how could Rushdie write a book on Islam if he was wrongly guided from jumpstreet and we don't worship a «moon God», twisted... haters keep hating while others are guided... don't hate the player, hate the game.
For all those who feel as if they've got Christians by the throat simply by pointing out that Christmas is celebrated at a seemingly arbitrary or previously pagan time of year, get your facts straight.
In the future, Ms. Sullivan should get her facts straight.
Sikhs have a history of fighting against injustice so get your facts straight people as I had a chance to learn about them and I wish you could do the same.
Secondly you should get your statement of facts straight, Jesus was not born of Joseph, he was conceived of the spirit, through Mary, a virgin.
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