Sentences with phrase «get their fresh air during»

We additionally offer secure, outside exercise areas where boarders can get their fresh air during their stay with us.

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Who am I kidding... I love almost any activity that gets me outside in the fresh air during the summer.
Because it was such a cold winter -LCB- being pregnant during the Polar Vortex was no joke -RCB- I make a point to get out in the fresh air everyday.
Ensure that the child gets enough exercise during the day as well as a lot of fresh air and sunshine.
During the day, allow plenty of sunlight into the house or take your baby outside to get some fresh air.
Make sure your preschooler's getting lots of fresh air and exercise during the day too.
If a child is teething, growing through a growth spurt, sick, working on a developmental milestone, hungry, didn't get enough exercise or fresh air, is preoccupied by a scary situation that occurred during the day, or any list of other things, that can wreak havoc on their sleep.»
One thing that usually helps is to wear her out with lots of fresh air during the day and to try to get naps in so she isn't overtired at bedtime.
Schedule plenty of stops during your trips to give your toddler a chance to get some fresh air and calm her tummy.
Luckily, Rowan is still taking 2 naps a days so I'm able to catch one of those and I try to get some fresh air on a walk with him during my «icky» time of the day (which also keeps him quiet and happy).
To minimize motion sickness, schedule plenty of stops during your trips to give your baby a chance to get some fresh air and calm her tummy.
Making sure your child gets plenty of fresh air and exercise during the day also helps.
You can try giving your baby breaks during long rides so as to get some fresh air.
Here are some ideas to help children get fresh air and exercise, keeping active during the long, cold winter season.
If a child is teething, going through a growth spurt, sick, working on a developmental milestone, hungry, didn't get enough exercise or fresh air, is preoccupied by a scary situation during the day, or any list of other things, that can wreak havoc on their sleep.
It may be helpful to take a walk, get some fresh air, drink a cup of water or tea, or take a short nap during this time.
Tip 1: Working out outside is a perfect way to get fresh air, especially after spending so much time indoors during the work day and during the winter.
I even try to squeeze in a couple of walks around the block during the workweek just so I can get some fresh air and enjoy the weather.
The Grade 4 & 5 Snow Pass is a great way to start your child in the sport of skiing or snowboarding and get them out in the fresh open air during winter.
To avoid that common «cabin fever», simply get out of the house during your lunch break to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air.
Having them here forces me to get outside for some fresh air and overall improves my mood during the day.»
It could be thinking too much about worrisome thoughts, not getting enough fresh air or exercise during the day or an intent desire to stay up.
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