Sentences with phrase «get tongue tied»

One can get tongue tied and give off the impression of being nervous and incompetent.
I get tongue tied like nuts but that guy must be a dynamo with the ladies.
I had to ask what Project OneWay was too (and I get tongue tied every time I say it out loud!)
I have always done well wherever I worked, I can power through a presentation and I have a strong sense of self - confidence when it comes to my skills but regardless of all of this, job interviews will weaken my knees and get me all tongue tied.
and totally get tongue tied and self conscious and can barely get my own name out....
I get tongue tied with my kids all the time and slip silly words into sentences they have no business being in based on the background noise (of which, with 4 kids who all talk to some degree or other, is alot of noise lol).
Getting tongue tied and not knowing what you say is the atheist.
From my own experience, with Child 1 I couldn't pump nearly enough milk so we ended up buying lots of formula anyway (between that, the cost of the pump and the hands - free bras, the cost of the journey to get his tongue tie snipped, and the extra maternity leave I took, I may well be one of the few women to have made an overall loss from breastfeeding).
Ater sixty minutes of CrackBerry talk tossing back names like Bold 9900, Bold 9930, Torch 9850, Torch 9860 and Torch 9810 we were getting tongue tied and parched lips.
Unable to channel John Gottman directly, I did my best to represent the Gottman Method, only getting tongue tied a couple of times.

Not exact matches

Have you ever experienced something cool and, in telling the story, you get so tongue - tied that you end up saying something along the lines of, «well, you just have to experience it for yourself?»
I think initially I had like huge breast and they were always engorged and my two girls right are, they were tongue tied, and so that was a difficulty that we had too just because they wouldn't latch on very well and I was just struggling with that but it's getting better, it's getting better each day.
They saw a wonderful lactation consultant who identified a lip tie and posterior tongue tie and when he saw the improvement in nursing after the procedure at 7 days of age, he felt a need to get involved in this area of medicine.
While I can share so many more stories about women's experiences breastfeeding a baby with a tongue tie (and the improvements they had after they got their baby's ties revised) I thought it would be great to actually talk with a professional who lasers tongue and lip ties on a daily basis.
Not sure if he got so used to the glow of a bottle during that week or if it was thtrauma of the tongue and tip tie released that led to his refusal.
He had a tongue tie and even got operated to remove the tongue tie, but he would not latch no matter what.
The only way to get him to eat was with a bottle, so I pumped and gave him exclusively breast milk for a week before getting his tongue and lip tie released.
There is also a condition called «tongue tie» where your baby has a short tongue and this causing problems with latching on properly, leading to baby getting less milk out of your breast.
Ladies if your child is tongue tied... GET IT FIXED!!
Met with Lactation consultants again and again, bought every cream and ointment, got the tongue and lip tie fixed but nothing helped!
Both of whom were getting to grips with 100 % tongue tie, GERD, traumatic birth, being v small... and just being damn hungry!
Interestingly, she was diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie (not an obvious one) which basically has the symptoms of you not having enough milk cos the baby is always hungry but actually is just that they can't get the milk out.
There are so many battles you might feel like you need to «win» when it comes to breastfeeding (or not breastfeeding)-- Should you do it at all, and for how long, and how often, and what if your baby won't latch, or has a tongue tie, or you get mastitis, or clogged ducts, or cluster feeding is killing you?
I swear, nothing would get in the way of him and his milk — not even the fact that he was severely tongue tied.
I didn't have medical issues that made breastfeeding harder than typical; I had a cooperative baby (no tongue tie or poor latch or underdeveloped reflexes); I had generous maternity leave (for the U.S. anyway) to get the hang of things; and I had lots of support from lactation consultants, doctors, my husband, and friends.
Hi, I am exclusively pumping for my 3.5 weeks old baby due to difficulty latching — tongue tie and he gets very upset with it.
And then when we got home his latches were very, very painful and we came to find out that he was tongue tied so we got his tongue clipped and his latch was much better but he was in a lot of pain from the tongue clip so he actually stopped nursing altogether.
JEAN CHAN: I think as soon as it's identified is probably the best age, because kids get teeth at 4 - 6 months, and if there are other breastfeeding issues, I think a lot of moms think breastfeeding is going really well for them, they think it's wonderful and fine, but really they're tolerating some symptoms that they don't really need to be tolerating if their child is lip tied and tongue tied.
Make sure the mother is getting AWESOME LACTATION SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE which includes a thorough history taking, a full oral assessment of the baby to rule out tongue tie, a detailed plan (short term and long term) for the mother and baby on where to go from here which includes different options.
I failed to mention that my baby had posterior tongue tie and I got it corrected when he was 2 weeks old.
Also, I am doubtful that there would be a tongue tie issue, as he was latching great until he got used to the bottle, and now he has a shallow latch.
I researched and decided to get her tongue and lip tie fixed.
Reflux in babies can sometimes be undiagnosed lip and / or tongue ties — many similar symptoms, and because so many providers aren't well - versed in ties, they get a diagnosis of reflux.
Of course, her expenses included getting her baby's tongue tie clipped.
I think that's something that all moms who have tongue - tied babies should consider when they get a Frenectomy and they're trying to get the baby off the nipple shield.
If you have a smaller milk storage capacity, a vulnerable milk supply, a baby who is distracted or busy during the day, or a baby who has any sort of feeding issue such as low muscle tone or perhaps a tongue tie that affects how effectively he feeds, your baby may take less milk at each feed so he will need more feeds over a day (and night) to get his «quota».
Tongue / lip tied babies tend to wake more frequently than normal and can sometimes get stuck in this pattern.
They both had tongue ties so very difficult to get them to latch!
She's not eating effectively because of a tongue or lip tie, hasn't learned how to coordinate her jaw muscles, or gets tired or frustrated trying to eat.
I got in touch with a local LC and she told me that she was tongue tied and that was the problem.
My son was tongue tied at birth to it made the latch terrible I struggled for a while take him to the family doctor they will clip the tie as the hospital wouldn't do it for me either the younger you have it corrected the better and then mom can work on latching properly and it should increase the milk supply it is difficult breastfeeding with a low supply and bottle feeding the baby gets used to being able to get more milk quicker from a bottle and then will fuss and not want the breast just takes some time and when ever possible just offer the breast he will eventually take it when a bottle is not offered it also helps to squeeze a little milk out so he can smell and taste it it will encourage him to latch on and eat also some woman can pump and some can't I have a problem pumping I can maybe get an once from each breast and that is if I'm lucky
I wanted to give up on my desire to breastfeed, but Ana encouraged me to press on and get the tongue - tie release.
Friends, tongue and lip tie (frenectomy) reversal is a BIG MONEY MAKER and lactation consultants are getting kick backs for referrals.
And we had tongue tie, nipple shield, all sorts of fun things to work through and this time around I'm definitely going to be, it seems like can get out of the house.
Although some twin mums prefer simultaneous feeding to reduce the amount of time they spend nursing, my babies struggled to get a good deep latch (it turned out they were tongue - tied) and I found that feeding them separately allowed me to get them latched more deeply.
If your kid has tongue tie, cleft palate, severe reflux, allergies, nipple confusion, or any other of a myriad of issues that would prevent full breastfeeding, I get it.
Well, for starters, breastfeeding is physically difficult: even if you don't struggle with getting your baby to latch, you could also be dealing with milk supply issues, sore nipples, or a tongue tie.
Carole Potter: Yes, so with the Posterior Tongue Tied clipping you have to do these stretching and sweeping exercises for about 2 weeks after the actual clipping and the stretching exercises with time get less painful for the baby but they are pretty hard for them initially so I used various homeopathic stuff that was given by my lactation consultant as well as, stuff that I can buy like, whole foods or sprouts and that helped Mallory a lot with the exercises because she is an intense baby and the stretching was hard on her.
If you are still having pain, I would absolutely recommend getting a lactation consultant in your area to take a look and make sure baby doesn't have a tongue tie or something else going on making it difficult for the baby to latch on deep enough.
«Tongue - tie is less of a problem for bottle - fed babies,» says Dr. Schanler, since less tongue movement is required to get the milk from the bTongue - tie is less of a problem for bottle - fed babies,» says Dr. Schanler, since less tongue movement is required to get the milk from the btongue movement is required to get the milk from the bottle.
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