Sentences with phrase «get uncomfortable if»

Not necessarily in an unbearable nature entirely, but to the point where it can get uncomfortable if held for long periods of time during a gaming session.
We'd have preferred something more rounded as those edges get uncomfortable if you're holding the phone for a while.
It can get uncomfortable if the right support system is not in place.
However, it might end up getting uncomfortable if the pillow overheats and causes excessive sweating.
However, Shelby gets uncomfortable if they approach her.
However, I can see insurance companies getting uncomfortable if you travel in unsafe waters.

Not exact matches

Even if it might feel a little uncomfortable to disclose when you first start dating, it's better to get it out in the open than to have it affect your work in ways you might not expect.
If you mess things up at the start, you'll soon enough get to that awful and uncomfortable conversation where someone will ask you about one of the new hires and you'll say «I don't know» or «the jury's still out.»
One person said they felt slightly uncomfortable with how personal the life / culture interview got, and that the discussion portion felt as if they had stepped into a college classroom and were being quizzed by a professor.
In restaurants, only a small handful of customers complain in the hopes of getting a discounted meal or free service... but most people only express a concern if they truly feel unhappy or uncomfortable.
In the Marines, we are often working in close quarters in really uncomfortable settings (like a chest deep fighting hole, and, oh yeah, it's probably raining), and if you can't get along in the group, you're not going to be able to effective leader or member of the team.
For example, if he tried to get a shy person to retell a story he enjoyed in front of a large crowd, he ended up putting that person into an incredibly uncomfortable situation.
If you've got a sense of humor, this book will definitely make you laugh, but it will probably be the uncomfortable laugh resulting from seeing a bit too much of your own inner weasel.
«You should have someone in management and in HR to see if someone is getting stuck in an uncomfortable situation, whether it is inappropriate touching, too much hugging or a conversation that is taking a bad turn.»
They should be able to hold their own when the Pats go five - wide on third - and - six, and if they can pressure Brady and get him uncomfortable, the Jags have a shot to win outright.
If you don't get nervous or feel a little uncomfortable after setting a goal, then you haven't reached high enough.
If courts were sympathetic to that argument, he concludes, things could get uncomfortable, and expensive, very quickly.
If you're still feeling uncomfortable with these hacks, practice them with friends or family members, or even in front of the mirror until you get the hang of them.
Even if I go into a store with the intention of buying something, I get uncomfortable when somebody asks me if I need help.
If those terms make you a little uncomfortable, or if buying just makes more sense in regard to the pieces of restaurant equipment you need, take a look at getting a small business loaIf those terms make you a little uncomfortable, or if buying just makes more sense in regard to the pieces of restaurant equipment you need, take a look at getting a small business loaif buying just makes more sense in regard to the pieces of restaurant equipment you need, take a look at getting a small business loan.
God isn't the one who has or needs taming is the people who are in need of taming by God... and the weather could very well be the reaction of the behavior of people's deeds... so yea God gets uncomfortable and can cause disaster if he want to show a sign or tame the people...
You know, sometimes when I look at one of your Sophia drawings, the woman in me can't help but wonder if she ever gets cold and uncomfortable (physically) because of her nakedness.
Of course such an alteration involves for hierarchy and rank and file an uncomfortable period of transition: the old and well - tried is no longer there; the new has not yet got into its stride, has not yet become something that is taken for granted without discussion; the intellectual and religious attitudes necessarily required if the new institutions are to succeed have first slowly to develop.
I know some Christians are uncomfortable with that, preferring not to «mix» faith and politics, (as if we can compartmentalize), but as Aaron Niequist put it the other day, «if we want to love our neighbor, we will naturally get involved in building the systems that lead to flourishing, and fighting to change the unjust systems that target the poor, weak, and marginalized.
If you are telling the effeminate applicant that this job position just isn't right for them because you felt a little uncomfortable during the interview, then you are a disgusting bigot who needs to get the fvck out of America.
It removes the necessity for you to question human morals or to make your own moral decisions, because it lays out a set of simple rules upon which you will always fall back if things get a little too confusing or uncomfortable for independent judgment or consideration.
Fosdick had been warned that if he did not get the attention of his audience quite early, at the very beginning, he would be in for a most uncomfortable evening.
Close your eyes... be aware of your body... notice any areas that are uncomfortable or tense... squirm around if you need to get more comfortable... take off your shoes if you like... now just be aware of your body again....
Sorry if it just got uncomfortable....
If you've never done it before or you haven't done it in years, it's uncomfortable, unenjoyable, and it feels like you're not getting any benefit from it.
So if they get switched on they could make this an uncomfortable evening for Chelsea.
I'm curious to know what will happen if I don't have this escape hatch of connectivity every time things get the slightest bit boring or uncomfortable.
Every time we're back visiting Canada and I get looks if my kid yells in a store, or we walk into a restaurant and people look at me like I'm the grim reaper because I've got a child in my arms, I can't help but feel uncomfortable.
And you may be having trouble getting a good night's sleep, especially if you're uncomfortable or find you need to get up to pee.
Because of the remarks I usually don't use these for naps or bedtime as I wouldn't want him to get uncomfortable while he sleeps... The inserts are so incredibly easy to snap in and out - they are perfect for babysitters or grandparents to use if they aren't familiar with cloth diapering.
However, as they continue to grow, the strain on your back gets uncomfortable for you and baby if you don't have the right baby carrier.
You might even need to get back to Sponge bath if your infant is uncomfortable.
If you feel uncomfortable exercising in public after you have given birth or you don't want to leave your baby, get a fitness DVD.
If your little one is uncomfortable, gets overheated easily, or tosses and turns all night, then co sleeping may no longer be working out.
If you place the pump incorrectly, it can be uncomfortable and you'll be much less likely to get the milk you need.
So I did it probably for ten, twelve sessions, and to me, the biggest benefit was just keeping me really balanced throughout the pregnancy, with the twin pregnancy I just felt really large and things got pretty uncomfortable towards the end, so I think for me the prenatal yoga helped me just stay balanced and also really aware of my body, and I think that helped with the birth experience, helping me be aware of my position and my posture, so I did an unmedicated labor with my twins as well, so I could just really think about if I am sitting up, opening my pelvis, and be aware of that.
If you get tired or uncomfortable carrying baby in one position you can quickly adjust baby to another.
She had her own little cheering squad too, I think that makes the big difference, as well as, like you were saying with your mother in law asking you, «Why are you breastfeeding 16 times in a 24 hours period», if you don't have someone else in the room who is going to get your back, you can feel very very isolated and uncomfortable.
If you feel uncomfortable when lying back, simply adjust yourself until you get a spot that works right for you.
Here are some pics I took of my 33 lb, 40 inch tall daughter REAR FACING... and she was uncomfortable and looked ridiculous and DEFINATELY would be experiencing neck issues even if we DID N'T get into a freak accident.
If your little boy or girls are already having some signs of diaper irritation — they get uncomfortable and wanted to take it off, it is the right time to start the whole process.
But, if your uncomfortable or it bothers you, there are some things you can do to try to get your breasts back to a similar size.
Afterpains are typically mild and short - lived for first - time moms (if they're felt at all), but they can be quite uncomfortable after a second delivery and usually get worse with each successive pregnancy.
Overall, it is best to avoid getting water in the ears because it is uncomfortable, but it is not detrimental if it happens.
Or you may not get a break at all if the kids balk at participating — the preschooler uncomfortable in unfamiliar turf, the grade - schooler who thinks the activities, no matter how spectacular, are «lame.»
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