Sentences with phrase «to get upset about»

So why not get upset about something where the stakes are a little bit lower?
As those people get upset about what the administration is doing, or not doing, they talk.
Of course, the song plays at the very end, but by this time, the movie's done so much wrong that it's not worth getting upset about.
It's almost as though people would rather get upset about something than have to use their brains and formulate an actual argument.
Sure I do, but I don't get upset about things I do not have or own.
Sometimes accidents happen and I'm starting to learn that there is literally no point in getting upset about it no matter how big or little the mistake is.
This can help them weed out people who get upset about dog hair on the sofa or sloppy kisses when they walk in the front door.
Never get upset about unfortunate interview: every interview experience is your advantage over other candidates.
You might have to be a broken record, «Thanks for your thoughts, but this is what we do,» without getting upset about it.
Everyone got upset about the fact that he spent so much money.
Instead of getting upset about the way your toddler is speaking to you, do your best to ignore his fresh remarks.
Please don't get upset about other bloggers and their collaborations.
We realize: If someone gets upset about so something trivial as a mistake with their coffee, something else is wrong in their life.
Do you think they're going to get upset about missing a target, or will they keep recruiting?
Most importantly, I avoid getting upset about being awake — usually what's on my mind is important.
Nobody gets upset about the former, but the latter is just stupidity at its finest.
If the other side gets upset about that then simply tell them] your client will be available by phone or you have already obtained settlement instructions.
Sure, there are going to be those who do most of their gaming on portable systems, but it really isn't worth getting upset about.
It only seems to be when it is an opinion on the supernatural that people get upset about being criticized.
This election was such a gut punch, it's hard to get upset about anything regarding film awards, no?
Our leaders do seem to get upset about things probably because they are presented with information that is not put a broader historic context.
To the voters who get all upset about these things from either side, I say this.
I never get upset about the age thing though, because just think... when we are actually old we will still look much younger than everyone else!
It took him a few moments before getting upset about the remarks made by Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham regarding athletes speaking on...
It has mixed - use development, and no one really gets upset about it, that you can walk down streets and there are houses, then maybe a corner shop, or you may see a building that has housing above shops.
I think you're sometimes a little milquetoast, but if people actually got upset about the «Do you hate me?»
It's easy to get upset about seeing the Eagles at # 2 on some of these lists.
What these men were saying had direct implications on the choices Ms. Kelly had made in her life — and yet she is the one being faulted for getting upset about that.
You have always inspired me to to not so get upset about the fact that my kitchens have SUCKED..
But when they manifest at the table with a toddler who throws food, gets upset about what's being served, or otherwise misbehaves, this can (obviously!)
When you know the truth, and it makes you free, then you wont have to get upset about articles like this because it is man NOT Yahweh!
I can not believe that the Catholic Church can get all upset about providing birth control to it «s employees when 98 % of Catholic women who are in their childbearing years use birth control.
We just pretty much ignore religion, we don't care about it, don; t get upset about it, don; t bather with attacking it.
And I'm not talking about this isolated incident either, but it did trigger a reaction — just as people get upset about eating a potato (all the carbs!)
I don't usually get upset about sports, usually I could care less and I make fun of Austin for getting emotionally involved in sports.
Lots of things to get upset about from this transfer window, Gibbs is not one that especially troubles me.
On a personal note, I've stopped getting upset about Arsenal finally.
Why then would any one calling himself a Gunner get upset about that?
No matter how much she appreciates your hard work, it will still be overwhelming for her to be alone with the baby for long stretches with little relief, so don't take it personally if she still gets upset about the load she's having to bear.
Try to engage in your young toddler's feelings, confirming them («I can understand that you are angry») and try to comfort him rather than getting upset about how the anger is expressed.
People who get upset about tissued drips or bruises around their Clexane sites... suck it up, it isn't an «error» it just happens.
If anyone gets upset about a 5 - year - old in the ladies» room at an airport, I'll invite them to come up with a solution that keeps my son safe and still allows everyone to pee in a closed stall.

Phrases with «to get upset about»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z