Sentences with phrase «gets blood moving»

The half - naked beefy man on the cover of the romance book gets your blood moving.
This gets blood moving, and helps with peristalsis, the wave - like motions of the stomach and intestine that move food along.
I wake up and do a few quick, simple stretches (forward bend and childs pose) to get blood moving.
It wasn't a killer work - out, but it was enough to get the blood moving and burn a few calories (plus it was fun).
It's incredibly relaxing and helps to get the blood moving in your body.
Not only will this brief bit of exercise get the blood moving and burn a few calories, but it will boost satisfaction, productivity, and workplace happiness following.
And just like something to get my blood moving, and then I would take my journal and I would write three things I was grateful for every morning, and in the beginning it's like kinda surface - y stuff --
There's another pretty awesome benefit to getting the blood moving around your circulatory system.
They are a great way to get the blood moving, release those feel - good endorphins, stretch the muscles, restore normal range of motion and help you detox those nasty toxins that cause pain and inflammation.
It will get your blood moving and help wake you up and get you ready for the morning.
It's important to stretch and get the blood moving in your muscles.
I enjoy getting outside to get the blood moving doing things recreational and educational with other co-conspirators.
If you find yourself nodding off at your desk, get up, walk around, and get the blood moving.
Take a short dance break to your favorite tunes to get your blood moving and boost your endorphins.

Not exact matches

When your company is teetering on the edge, and even when it is not, bringing in outside advisors and new blood can be a smart move, but only if you are also getting the most from your in - house talent, too.
And moving among the Roman soldiers, saying, «We've got to get rid of Jesus or there will be rebellion and blood on the streets.»
I was moving boxes and files at work and around noon I thought to myself «I should test my blood sugar its probably getting pretty low.»
Is it more important to get the new blood signed sealed and delivered before sorting out the Sanchez scenario, or is it more important for the Frenchman to focus on the contract rebel and either force him to stay, make sure he does not sign for a Premier League rival or simply get the best price we can for him and move on?
It's thought that cabbage's natural properties help open capillaries and get blood flowing in and out of the area, moving trapped fluid in the breasts, and relieving pressure and inflammation.
If the movements seem slow to start, try lying on your left side — this increases blood flow, which helps get baby moving.
Cleaning is like exercise, it gets you up and moving and gets the blood flowing.
All the blood rushing in your kidneys and your growing child shoving and moving down there, would put you on endless nights of getting up and urinate.
What basically, what you do is you take the leaf off the cabbage and you, you know, slice the vein open a bit, and then you put it in your bra, which is, you know, great probably don't want to do that at work but when you're home or maybe overnight it's a good option, and what it does is it opens up, opens up the capillaries in your breasts so that the milk doesn't get stuck, that the blood keeps flowing and the milk keeps moving and doesn't get stuck, and get you clogged duct.
Even if the baby is sleeping when you take the sugary food, a change in your blood sugar level will do the trick and get your baby moving.
Get moving to keep the blood pumping, improve immune function, and just feel at - one with the world and universe.
This just gets you warmed up and the blood moving.
To start, just push an isolation move to get all the gears rolling and the blood flowing towards your arms, but also to get your biceps and triceps working without the interference of other muscles.
It plays alone because the fiber and protein and fat have all been processed out, allowing the carb to move fast into the bloodstream, absorb too quickly, and cause blood sugar to get too high too fast.
«To get enough blood flow to cleanse your brain while you are sleeping, you need a four - hour break to digest before you go to bed... If you want to protect your brain health moving forward, you should go 12 - 14 hours a day without eating.»
Sitting in the car can lead to lower backaches and stiff legs, so it's important to get out of the car and move your body restoring blood flow.
In order to get the blood flowing in your brain, you should move around more.
Typically, I walk from terminal to terminal just to get the blood flowing a bit and then I find a relatively clean spot kind of close to my departure gate and move through different asanas.
Do a little detective work When youre planning to get pregnant, your first move should be a careful prepregnancy checkup to reveal potential risk factors like diabetes - related problems, high blood pressure, polycstic ovary syndrome, fibroids, or thyroid abnormalities — all of which are mostly treatable, says Mary Stephenson, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the recurrent - pregnancy - loss program at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
During menstruation the uterus contracts with gentle downward moving contractions to help get the menstrual blood out.
Getting the body moving on a moderate level, promoting blood flow, deepening breathing, and increasing range of motion in our joints, work to stimulate the immune system.
The process of moving harmful substances from the cells, fats, and tissues and into the blood stream and digestive system for the body to get rid of can almost make you feel a little sick at first.
The stronger you make it, the better it moves your blood and the more oxygen you get through your system — i.e., the better you can exert yourself without getting tired.
In addition to a sturdy pair of walking shoes (since walking every day is my favorite way to get the blood pumping and the body moving!)
A great time to do a mental check is when you're limbering up, doing some dynamic range of motion moves to get the blood pumping in the body.
Plus, I prioritize moving my body every day, even if it's just a walk to my local coffee shop to get my blood flowing.
Did you know that the main reason they get patients up and moving after an accident or injury as soon as possible is because the lymph, the body's immune fluid, doesn't have its own pump like the blood has the heart?
Saunas move blood away from the center of the body toward the extremities to get rid of the heat.
«For those extremely long trips — over 18 hours — you definitely have to move around or risk getting an embolism, which is like a blood clot in your veins.»
You might want to do a light warm up by walking, elliptical training, biking or just moving the body through different ranges of motion for a few minutes before doing static stretching to get the blood flowing, but it's not necessary.
Move your arms around in circles, loosen up your neck by moving it side to side and in circles, move your hips around in circles, touch your toes, stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings, do 10 bodyweight squats, and 20 bodyweight calf raises to get the blood flowing around your shMove your arms around in circles, loosen up your neck by moving it side to side and in circles, move your hips around in circles, touch your toes, stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings, do 10 bodyweight squats, and 20 bodyweight calf raises to get the blood flowing around your shmove your hips around in circles, touch your toes, stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings, do 10 bodyweight squats, and 20 bodyweight calf raises to get the blood flowing around your shins.
Plus, your immune system gets a kick each time you exercise because toxins are removed from your lungs and lymphatic system Antibodies and white blood cells are also moving around in the extra blood flow which adds to this benefit.
It's the perfect way to get your lymphatic system moving and your blood flowing.
Any exercise with a «cardio» component (that elevates your heart rate), and any exercise that gets your lower leg muscles moving (which compress around the large veins in the legs, helping to pump blood back up to the heart) is ideal for both blood AND lymph circulation... Thus a great detoxifier.
Creating something that could stimulate the body and get the free testosterone moving through the blood stream became necessary, and now there are pills and supplements on the market that can increase the amount of hormones you produce and help you effectively maximize that physical function in order to improve your muscular health.
The point of this is to get your heart pumping a bit and also move more blood through your legs without too much strain.
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