Sentences with phrase «gets gaslighted»

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And I get why you would think those demonized by the US emergent boys might be «batshit» because the natural response of someone who has been subjected prolonged gaslighting by a skilled person with NPD and signs of sociopathic tendencies is to go ballistic and behave in manners that can make one scratch their head.
Furthermore, while not technically ironic, it is rather amusing to me, whenever one such as yourself decides to indulge a bit of gaslighting and ends up getting called on it, how quickly you assume an aggrieved posture.
Plus, a receipt from a participating shop gets you $ 10 off dinner at some area restaurants, including Myers + Chang, Union Bar and Grill, Gaslight Brasserie, and more.
In fact, it's probably a relief when the entire world stops gaslighting kids and they finally get their hunches confirmed.
But before her entrance, her skirts got too close to a gaslight and her costume caught fire.
This site even mentions the prevalence of dating... that their «love» is hurtful and doesn't feel loving at all, generally we get back a host of gaslighting excuses about how our big problem is that we're not using the same loopy definition...
The only work he can get is as a session musician on a ropey single and some nights he performs at the dingy Gaslight in the Village.
Steven Soderbergh, US cinema's most unpredictable auteur, tricked out a shlockily old - fashioned gaslight - thriller format with a scuzzy iPhone aesthetic and sharp gender commentary in Unsane, and got a lofty Berlin film festival premiere for his trouble.
It's a movie where a woman marries a man only to find out that he's a murderer and is unable to escape or get help [see: Gaslight; The Two Mrs. Carrolls; Suspicion; etc.].
Since Mike's death, Llewyn has been trying to make it as a solo artist playing at the Gaslight Cafe to get noticed.
The second event is on Thursday 10th October in Leeds and will feature Mark Jawdoszak from Gaslight Games and Oscar Clark from Everplay discussing getting the most from Game Connection and the Game Developers Conference.
We need to get better at standing with women who speak out, instead of gaslighting and assassinating the characters of those who dare raise their voices saying «me, too.»
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