Sentences with phrase «gets their opinions knocked»

Not exact matches

Guy Smith: That's been one of my observations, because I've been in the marketing trades within side of technology and there's always this divide between sales and marketing because the salespeople, in my opinion, my humble opinion, tend to be quarterly driven and whatever the lost sale that they last had is today's emergency and I have a feeling that that's one of the ways that feature creep gets into products is the salespeople talking about the sale they just lost and if we only had that feature, and then that knocks the entire development organization off course for the features that actually serve a broader market.
Maybe the likes of Manuwa, someone who doesn't have great wrestling and he could smother him without getting knocked out but I think the 205» ers who he can't hold down likely KO him — but my opinion is biased I'm not a fan at all so my view is that I wouldn't be upset if I didn't see him fight anymore — regardless, don't want to see any fighter take permanent damage
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