Sentences with phrase «getting any respect as»

Never really getting any respect as a young actor trying to break through, it's hard to imagine that the same guy from «Vampire's Kiss» is now a multi-award winning celebrity.
It's always a blast to see a movie as subversive and fun as this one getting its respect as a classic, but it's worth noting that many beloved cult movies were less than beloved at the time of their release.

Not exact matches

As I got to know them, I realized they also had a natural chemistry, mutual respect and an acute awareness of one another's strengths and weaknesses.
As proxy season gets underway, some early, behind the scenes discussions between shareholders and companies are exhibiting a welcome break from the past: a new tone of respect.
More than two - thirds of chief marketing officers don't think the role gets the same respect as other executive functions.
A handshake like that shows that you're paying respect to the person you're talking to, and as science has confirmed, giving respect gets respect.
«We young managers tend to get defensive as we try to make older people respect what we want to do,» he says.
Universal had heard all the stories of Hopper's erratic behavior over the years, first as an up - and - coming actor who had small parts in the James Dean movies «Rebel Without a Cause» and «Giant» (he admired Dean immensely), then as a bit player on a slew of TV shows, where he got little respect and gave even less back.
For instance, they'll be less happy and more stressed (which affects things like their productivity and creativity); they may quit on you (which will cost you and your company time and money); they may give you bad reviews or complain to HR (which puts your job in jeopardy); and you'll have trouble earning their respect, being viewed as credible, and getting them to listen to your opinions.
«With the challenges, they can say what they want, talk shit back to us — which we can respect — and we as investors get to know them a lot better.»
«And so if you're putting people in trade and treasury or commerce as an example that are super successful, I think the American people should get the assurance that they picked a leader whose judgment they can trust and respect,» he said.
Being known as the father of modern economics used to entitle him to greater respect than he now gets in some quarters, where his «invisible hand» is portrayed as more sinister than comforting, and the self - interest that drives the butcher, brewer and baker to prepare our dinner gives the food a bitter taste.
If you're the Merriam - Webster dictionary you define success as «the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame.»
Further, real estate doesn't get the respect it deserves as an investment until you look at the after - tax returns and prudent borrowing to amplify the gains.
But if neither one can garner a majority on the first few ballots, Ryan could easily get drafted as a consensus alternative with national campaign experience and a deep well of respect within the party.
New low - cost deferred variable annuities «deserve to get more respect,» insisted Pfau, but he singled out the immediate annuity — also called an income annuity or a life annuity — as packed with the most potential because it offers «a ton of benefits to consumers.»
Indeed, the impetus for our book, «JP Madoff: The Unholy Alliance Between America's Biggest Bank and America's Biggest Crook» was Holder's refusal as Attorney General to prosecute a single criminal banker for the litany of indisputable crimes committed in the last eight years and his sale of get - out - of - jail - free cards to senior officers of JPMorgan Chase so that they were not prosecuted for their complicity in Madoff's crimes and for their dishonesty with respect to the «London Whale» scandal.
I have a ton of respect for the way in which GMO manages money (their guts to be massively contrarian if that is their view) and I think their thought leadership is about as good as it gets in the industry.
Jesus will wipe away all tears, but he will be very angry at those who rejected Him and intentionally caused all the tears because they craved power over others, wealth beyond a lifetime's use and did not believe they'd ever go to their graves as other than respected people who at the end created charities and got hospitals and universities named after them.
So our narrative leads to a student generation that thinks that its views should get as much respect as anybody's — at least after graduation.
Once we begin to think in this way (entailing, of course, a «paradigm shift») we are able to get beyond our narrow and destructive anthropocentrism and respect nature almost as we respect our fellow humans.
No, they don't want to have holidays or say the pledge of allegiance but they have no problem citing 1st Amendment rights in going door to door pushing their religion down people's throats or getting out of their responsibilties as American citizens by showing respect to the flag.
My life was once much more difficult, and I wasn't the happy, comfortable, and respected person I am now, and I managed to get that way without religion, as millions of others have.
I remember giving so much of my time without question and I got abused as a result — I wasnt looking after myself I wasnt respecting me and I did nt have personal boundaries and I was being walked over.
I'm nice to anyone who shows me the same respect and if religion never come up, no problem, but when it does and I get some type of zealot or another trying to preach I polietly excuse myself, and write that person off as a lost cause and remember to aviod them in the future.
Wonk, with respect... prostate or colon cancer is not something you can get by the choices in your life in the same way as choosing to go to bed with a guy.
It does this by keeping the initiative with him throughout the process, by making him feel accepted in a group, by respecting his rights as an adult to think and do what he himself wants to (including getting drunk), and by giving him a sense of unique usefulness in helping other alcoholics.
He showed her no respect, and has stripped her dignity, that's as bad as it gets.
The post is so full of historical inaccuracies, theological problems, and contradictions that it's hard to know where to start, but I want to make clear from the get - go that my response to this post should not be seen as an attack on Tim Challies himself, (who I respect and like), but rather a response to the general belief that God's presence is limited to the pages of Scripture and that all forms of contemplative or experiential spirituality should therefore be dismissed out of hand or regarded with suspicion.
I have stated that i am 25 many times, well, before i was 24 — but that was before i turned 25... and so i have stated also many times that i am not a proper HIPPIE of the age... but am infact just a bestowed man of a t!tle, known as hippie — but i said no, being i have respect for the real hippies — said lets make it hippy and since i became a poet — Hippypoet... Get Over It!
Helene, I respect your thoughts but if everyone felt the same as you and believed that their special interest group deserved special treatment as a show of tolerance, not much would get done.
I embraced their culture, learned their language, the basics to get by and I felt I earned their respect as a result, I was welcomed into their homes, to their weddings I felt none of what you felt.
And, as Smith notes, a problem with mere prudentialism is that its adoption is imprudent «because if people realize that the point of «morality» is really to get what we want, then people will lose their incentive to respect the moral - prudential imperatives that prudence itself imposes whenever those imperatives seem to impede us from getting what we want.»
As we try to get our orthodox Christian message out — love of God, love of neighbor, and the call to live according to his design — fury will only serve to lose the respect of the many who have already tuned out all the shouting between left and right.
Constantly haras - sing and trying to guilt trip people into believing is as far from respect as you can possibly get.
II respect that being stricken with cancer may be a time on someone's life where they need the comfort that perhaps a belief in God may bring, but I still hate to disappoint you, you need to look to lifestyle, environment, diet and genetic pre-disposition as to «why» you may have gotten cancer.
But if he should begin to display his hobby in ordinary social gatherings, or to imagine that his knowing the works of Emily Dickinson entitled him to some measure of respect not accorded to those who had gotten no further than page three of The Sun, then it was time to put him in his place as a social outcast.
The «de-mythologizing» of this belief is necessary; but it equally important for us to respect, as we must also come to recognize, the probability of some genuine insight which got itself stated in a set of ideas which nowadays seem to carry little weight for vast numbers of our human comrades.
The thing that gets to me is that the person questioning the faith is not seen as an equal - another person with a brain that is to be taken seriously and respected.
«As long as you don't try to push it on me, I respect your faith» I get iAs long as you don't try to push it on me, I respect your faith» I get ias you don't try to push it on me, I respect your faith» I get it!
I used to be a repub till congress was taken over by the tea party and Romney as our candidate.I can not support a man who is a draft dodger and a tax evader.The repub congress has done nothing for vets, nothing for the middleclass.All of the good repubs have gone or have been forced out by the extremists that care nothing for the average joe or veterans like myself.Until we get real candidates that care for the middleclass and vets I will not vote for the repubs.Honor and respect, and caring for this nation is what the repubs used to stand for, now we have wackjobs from the tea party holding america hostage and thats as un patriotic as it gets, it is hurting many americans, our economy and soldiers who are looking for work.
I bet she'd get about as much respect their as I would at Prestonwood Baptist Church (is it really a church?).
and you «non-believers» are even more ridiculously idiotic for fighting so hard to get people to believe in nothing, such as you... So why don't you show a little bit of respect to the «believers» like myself.
«If you had been there at the first Easter event and had been saying the same sort of thing to the disciples, «Hold on chaps, you must respect the integrity of Judaism as a living religion,» then the Church would never have got started in the first place.»
in connection with the terrorist attacks — because jihad is something that Muslims respect — I got up and responded as follows: «I'd like to relate to this comment not as an academic, but as a Jew... We Jews have in our Bible the edict of «an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.»
In this respect every generation begins primitively, has no different task from that of every previous generation, nor does it get further, except in so far as the preceding generation shirked its task and deluded itself.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
So we better find a way to leave «tolerance, respect, and freedom» as our best legacy for our future, mixed, generations (maybe a couple of hundreds years down the road), because they will have to get along among themselves — and it will be a very diverse America indeed.
@Reality it shows u had very sad life when u were bought up by ur family as they did nt teach u anything abt respecting other religions and 2nd u dnt the knw anything abt islam so stay shtum ok... get a life... loser
I think we can get closer to god if we pray selflessly and with full devotion and we do not go on a wrong path i.e. we have a good behaviour for others and we consider all as equal and we respect all and love all the creations of god and try not to hurt anyone.
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