Sentences with phrase «getting close to others»

Such persons try to minimize or avoid difficulties related to attachment experiences [42], becoming less sensitive to signs of rejection, being less comfortable getting close to others, and using avoidance strategies to regulate attachment stress [17; 39], as shown by poorer memory of attachment related events [46 — 47] and less neural activation in the dACC and anterior insula [40].
An anxious or fearful style of attachment is found in someone who is only partially uncomfortable getting close to others.
They don't play games, they don't avoid getting close to others, and they are not overly anxious about being abandoned or rejected in relationships.
Researchers wanted to know if people's feelings towards a «virtual child» were related to comfort with getting close to others in real life.
Individuals high in attachment security are comfortable getting close to others and with having others get close to them; they also find relationships enjoyable and easy - going.
Take away: This research shows that how comfortable people are with getting close to others in real life is linked to how they feel and behave towards virtual beings.
Living with the reality of loss and death — and our absolute fear of that — can keep us from getting close to others.
When we get close to the other side our focus is directed toward God, and the things of God, yet we are still here, so the connection between this world and the Everlasting becomes clear.
We set a goal to win a state title and we're really working hard to make sure we're getting closer to each other and closer to that goal.»
Breastfeeding in the heat may be a little uncomfortable, as two sweaty bodies get close to each other.
Infamous for its 300 days of summer and year round outdoor excitement, Denver is undeniably beautiful and perhaps getting close to nature also has Denver's singles getting close to each other!
Most of them even have concerns with getting close to other lesbian women, and to have a companion they can remain with, it is an improved time they started out going out often.
This happens for various reasons: common interests, the opportunity to get to know each other well, ways to get close to each other, etc..
Start your communication by sending an instant message with interesting text and soon you will get closer to each other.
When they get close to each other, Charlie tells that he is actually twenty years old.
Since That Championship Season is about a group of high - school buddies, how important is it that you actually get close to the other actors — Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Patric, Chris Noth and Brian Cox?
Remember those junior high school dances of yore, when the boys would line up on one side of the room and the girls would line up on the other, and both sides would talk a big game but no one could actually bring themselves to actually get close to each other?
As Victor and Beatrice get closer to each other, you realise that they would be far happier abandoning their need for vengeance and running off into the sunset together.
Each month seems to find the top three in most categories getting closer to each other and making this race super competitive.
The problem is that these scenes are juxtaposed with Anakin and Padme getting closer to each other in Naboo.
It showed that European and American readers are getting closer to each other.
It has broadened the scope, and if such a series can succeed in France, it is encouraging that both sides of the Atlantic will be getting closer to each other.
We really want 2 dogs, but our existing dog is very leash reactive and when we get her close to other dogs, she nips at them and plays very rough.
These tours arrange for carefree moments and the opportunities to get closer to each other.
Here you can once again get close to each other by going for a picnic in the veld, swim in the dam, chatting on the stoep or viewing one of the oldest VOC cannons in South Africa.
Although it was nice to be able to get close to others instead of who you want to date, as a visual novel it would of been nice to have more romance time in the game instead of rushing it all in the last few chapters.
We create them for our physical safety and, occasionally, we are brave enough to let them dissolve when we want to get close to others either personally or politically.
«The positions of the departments did not get closer to each other.
Communication is the biggest challenge couples face, and so in the workshop we teach them to identify their patterns of communication, how to overcome conflict and even how to use it as a way of getting closer to each other.
When this person gets close to others they display inconsistent strategies in relationships, varying from hyperactivating (seeking to gain emotional and physical closeness) to deactivating (attempting to shut down closeness).
I slowly started getting closer to this other guy to the point where we were in a sort of a relationship, but even then, I was unable to break it off with my guy cos a part of me still loved him.
You will build new skills and healthy habits, and get closer to each other in the process!
You should always have that chance to be alone, get close to each other, cuddle, kiss and most importantly, make love on a regular basis.
You can be so worried about getting burned that you're not fully present in the relationship, which makes it harder to get close to the other person.
Marriage psychologists Andrew Christianson and Neil Jacobson say that one of the major relationship patterns is that one of the spouses is often pursuing and trying to get closer to the other while the other may be quite satisfied with the depth of connection.
The ASQ includes five scales: (1) ASQ - F1, «Confidence in relationships»; higher scores in this subscale indicate a secure attachment (e.g., «I find it relatively easy to get close to other people»); (2) ASQ - F2, «Need for approval» denotes both worried and fearful aspects of attachment, characterized by an individual's need for others» approval and acceptance (e.g., «It's important for me to avoid doing things that others won't like»); (3) ASQ - F3: the subjects» anxious behavior in searching for others, motivated by the necessity to fulfill dependency needs, is depicted by the subscale «Preoccupation with relationships»; it represents a central topic in the conceptualization of anxious / ambivalent attachment (e.g., «It's very important for me to have a close relationship»); (4) ASQ - F4, «Discomfort with closeness» reflects an avoidant attachment (e.g., «I prefer to keep to myself»), and (5) ASQ - F5 «Relationships as secondary» is typical of a dismissive style, in which subjects tend to emphasize achievements and independence, in order to protect themselves against hurt and vulnerability (e.g., «To ask for help is to admit that you're a failure»).
This corresponds with previous research which states that those with a secure attachment are willing to get close to others, have a higher sense of self - worth, and value others more highly [14].

Not exact matches

I've been wanting to try shopping this way for the year that it was closed to the public, and the other day I finally got a chance.
«I managed to get to work with a bloody arm and forehead, and thank God I had no other cars close to me when it happened.»
I guess if I were to pick one piece of advice for other young entrepreneurs, I would suggest getting a close adviser who has good entrepreneurial experience, is really smart, and is someone you really trust.
Next, figure out how to get what you want in a way that gets the other side closer to what they want.
But investors shouldn't get too excited about a possible move on Corus, because Shaw must first close the Canwest deal before seriously looking at other acquisitions, and there is no obvious need to privatize Corus.
One source close to the company says it's now difficult for Other Bets to get new hires approved.
«The biggest thing for me was the constant meetings with others to talk about how achieving certain milestones would get us closer to our goals,» she remembers.
The other part is that being on the west coast, the time zone we're in, we get up a little early to service the eastern seaboard, but when we have to square off our trades and close out our books at the end of the day, we're still trading with companies out of San Francisco and Los Angeles in this time zone.
In other words, you don't know if what you're doing is getting you closer to your end goal or getting you further away from it.
Often, we lose sleep over things we can't control, get the sweaty palms before giving a speech, experience dry mouth when waiting for an answer to close the deal, or any other physical symptoms that indicate anxiety may be present.
Other areas where Target will redouble its efforts this year in offer gifts under $ 15 meant to serve as easy, affordable gifts customers can get for people outside their closest circle, such as a teacher or a second cousin.
The authors argue that what others perceive as a mess might actually be the result of a system where the «more important, urgent work tends to stay close by and near the top of the clutter» and the less important papers «tends to get buried to the bottom or near the back,» CNN reported.
Our partners tried to outdo each other, with some sending more emails than originally planned and even changing strategies mid-launch to get closer to that Tesla.
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