Sentences with phrase «getting good grades»

If you believe in quality, come to us and we provide you the best quality university assignment writing service for macquarie university studentswhich help you in getting good grades.
The quality of dissertation is very crucial as per the point of view for getting good grades in the dissertation assignments.
Getting good grades with original content is one of the most tedious jobs for a student.
Getting good grades, playing sports and participating in school clubs are all part of the high school experience.
The importance of getting good grades can not be emphasized enough when it comes to studies and academics.
In stark contrast, only 52 percent of students who did not think teachers expected them to succeed said getting good grades was important.
Of the students who agreed that «Teachers believe I can be successful,» 87 percent also agreed that getting good grades is important.
Specifically, can you describe a relationship between the way feedback is treated in various classrooms and whether students are focused more on learning or more on getting good grades (or both)?
The academic challenges that our children face in elementary, middle, and high school — getting good grades, passing tests, choosing courses from a relatively limited list — are fairly straightforward.
Rather than relying on getting good grades or being accepted into social cliques in order to have fun, I frequently made my own entertainment instead.
If the principal is an instructional leader in your school, they are going to evaluate you on not just whether kids are getting good grades, but on what they see in that classroom.
«Even now I'm really hard on them when it comes to school and getting good grades.
«Everyone in our schools works incredibly hard, and that hard work means more pupils in Norfolk and Suffolk getting good grades and a better start in life.
In particular, more disadvantaged pupils are getting good grades in English and Maths, and more are sitting and achieving the English Baccalaureate.
Time taken away from lessons in favour of physical activity does not come at the cost of getting good grades
Summer school is mandatory for those who are not getting good grades.
He says, «It's not just about getting good grades, but what I will face, what I want to do.»
So what does this mean for parents, especially those that learn that their kids aren't currently headed for success (and even though their kids have been getting good grades and glowing reports from their teachers)?
However, research shows that black students are more likely to be categorized as «acting white» based on their style or the music they listen to than on getting good grades.
Though they may be getting good grades and playing the game, these children need consistent challenge and opportunities to develop their gifts and talents.
Dame Martina Milburn, chief executive at The Prince's Trust, commented: «While young people are painfully aware of the importance of getting good grades and under incredible pressure to achieve them, this report shows that the life and character skills considered key to success in their working lives are at risk of being overlooked.»
Charlie only cares about studying and getting good grades but is thrilled to win and hopes to get a few more books from Mr. Wonka.
So we had all of these kids going through the system, passing their classes, getting good grades, passing the state tests with flying colors, and getting their diplomas.
Getting good grades and into college does not in itself fulfill the demands of purposefulness; even the desire to achieve these ambitions so as to make a good living and raise a family, while better, does not fully qualify.
However, as the remarks of Barack Obama, who would later win a seat in the United States Senate, suggest, it is the fact that reading a book or getting good grades might be perceived as acting white that makes the topic a matter of national concern.
[Mom: «I am sorry that Gina is oversensitive but glad to know you think she is moving in the right direction and getting good grades.»]
As a matter of fact, the rebellious Korean - American graffiti artist could care less about getting good grades in school or about obeying the law.
Getting good grades, listening to classic»90s hip - hop, BMX biking and playing in their punk band, Oreo (zing).
If only I could turn back time I think my focus back then was just getting good grades and getting out ASAP... not so much being stylish, haha.
Since we began working with Melissa, she is getting top marks in school for being a hard worker and she is getting good grades.
Or, maybe your student is focused on getting good grades and being a good person.
Is it sitting in class, getting good grades to go to a good...
These kids offered a different way of doing things; for them studying hard and getting good grades was the norm.
What separated those two groups was not intelligence, but that some kids were able to put off the things they enjoyed most like hanging out with friends for the things that mattered most like getting good grades and pursuing their dreams.
While many of them set themselves up for success in the future by getting good grades and thinking about life after school, some of them struggle to think past today.
Talk about the benefits of getting good grades instead.
The thinking goes like this: we live in a super-competitive world where getting a good job requires getting into a good school which requires getting good grades in tough classes... and building up a good, application - worthy slate of extracurriculars.
She started with some universally acknowledged positive academic outcomes for students: getting good grades, graduating from high school, and earning a college degree.
Young people worry most about fulfilling adult expectations (80 percent about obeying parents, 78 percent about getting good grades, 69 percent about preparing for the future, 62 percent about earning money), instead of what adults routinely perceive to be the big crisis in growing up — sex, substance abuse, peer pressure.
It's so surreal to think about because literally a week ago, my main concerns were going to the beach, figuring out prom, getting good grades on my projects, and now everything is on this monumental scale.
Listen to most teachers — and most parents — and it's easy to assume that getting good grades in school is a requirement for professional success.
Allstate: Get the Smart Student Discount if the driver is under the age of 25, unmarried and is a full - time student getting good grades
Focus on getting good grades and taking advantage of the school's resources and opportunities.
They wouldn't let up on us about getting good grades just because we were working!
What it really means is getting good grades, going to a great school, getting a job, and then working your way up the proverbial ladder of success.
«I was so stressed about getting good grades,» she told People.
Can you just tell me how to get a good grade?
Tough says that people who test high in conscientiousness get better grades in school and college, commit fewer crimes, and stay married longer.
I got a good grade on the paper.
According to The News & Observer, Wednesday's report «found a new culprit: the Academic Support Program for Student - Athletes... The report describes a fairly broad group of academic and athletic officials who knew about athletes getting better grades in classes that only required papers, yet taking little or no action.»
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