Sentences with phrase «getting into work»

If not, is the recruiter likely to wonder if you're going to have problems getting into work in the morning?
Across the gender divide, the 25 to 64 age group covers women who are just getting into the work force to grandmas that might be about to get out.
Getting into the work pays dividends, though - the puzzles bear scrutiny: they are good - moving, even.
There are ways to cut back on the amount you borrow to pay for school, including getting scholarships and grants, working part time, getting into a work - study program, or choosing a less expensive school.
The age of getting into work early, finishing up your first cup of coffee and flicking through your favorite local and national publications is quickly expiring.
But hand a hard time getting into the work force after college, so she considers becoming a high end escort in order to earn some money and get out of her family's home in a disadvantaged black neighborhood.
«We want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to transform their lives for the better by getting into work.
In effect, the government is cutting these firms» potential profits as the companies are paid for each unemployed person they take on, then for getting them into work and finally for keeping them in work.
At a time when fuel prices are at record high, and the Government is punishing drivers with sky high VED increases, Mrs Kelly is now going to hit low income earners in Greater Manchester with a 8 per cent tax on getting into work.
McVey said on Thursday: «This decision ensures that there are no unintended barriers to young people accessing housing on the basis of their age alone and getting into work, and is in line with the government's launch of the Homelessness Reduction Act and our commitment to eradicating rough sleeping by 2027.»
He didn't have a drink or drug problems and he wasn't going to struggle getting into work.
Meanwhile, the ritual of saving more of my after tax paycheck had begun because getting into work before 5:30 am and regularly leaving after 7:30 pm didn't seem sustainable long term.
«If you are just getting into some work and a phone goes off in the background, it ruins what you are concentrating on.
Experts believe that if you're not in a good mood, you should take some spare time before getting into work.
Now I come in to my office, close my door, and I get into a work zone for six wonderfully uninterrupted hours.
We got into the conversations, and we got into the work, and we talked, and we argued, and we discussed, and that process ended up being very good for the character and also for our working relationship.
However since I've begun using my desk, I have found myself not needing to get myself into work mode.
Other ways to get into a working mindset can include sitting down at your desk or workspace, turning off your phone or putting it away, exercising, stretching, or eating breakfast.
Having this space helps your brain get into work mode.
Herbert Gans has developed a typology of the poor and draws distinctions between (1) so - called maladjusted, (2) the routine seekers, (3) those who are striving to get into the working class or into the middle class, and (4) those who are action seekers striving to maximize excitement and gratification within their present status.
I'm going to tell you a little about myself by way of introduction and how I happened to get into the work that I do - of working primarily with congregations and occasionally with other religious organizations around issues of human differences.
I'm going to tell you a little about myself by way of introduction and how I happened to get into the work that I do — of working primarily with congregations and occasionally with other religious organizations around issues of human differences.
«Our culture is to get into our work, put our hands on it and be passionate,» says Steve Adelstein, treasurer and vice president of Finest.
First of all, when I got into work yesterday, I had this nice big blue canvas bag on my desk, and I immediately knew what it was.
«These are the folks that are coming up and are going to be our customers when they leave school and get into the working world.»
Yes, I really love a piccolo before I get into work in the morning.
I was holding a 6354 dollar check to give him at his work gate Christmas day with the first vacation that any one knew of since his sophmore year of high school He had been violent the last eleven years the last Christmas in 2008 forcing two men out of the back of his fathers car at 45 mph on asphalt trying to get him into work and choking his father unconsious with another man hitting on the hood of the car from inside, He was just not being in the least cooperative with any thing he had not since 2001, Things were deadly by that point all because he wanted it his way.
Those not in the healthcare industry who want to get into work as a doula may find value in training and certification classes.
One of my colleagues, the comedian that he is, got into work early the next day, took a screen grab from the internet and proceeded to print out the image 20 times and plaster our office — a good use of taxpayers» money, ahem.
Today's white paper also includes announcements relating to the government's work programme, which will seek to help Britain's long - term unemployed get into work again from next summer.
He said it would be worth spending up to # 15,000 on a person to get them into work «because of the money you're going to save down the line».
But the Tories appeared to back down yesterday when Mr Willetts told The Andrew Marr Show: «We do have a preference for a way of going forward that involves graduates after they have got into work
The charity Rethink Mental Illness has welcomed the launch by the Government of four new projects, aimed at helping people with mental health problems get into work.
And when we got into the work that he was doing, I halved his pay... They all show up from Florida and it's one big con.»
What are hard - working people who travel long distances to get into work and pay their taxes meant to think when they see families — individual families — getting 40, 50, 60 thousand pounds of housing benefit to live in homes that these hard working people could never afford themselves?
«As a society we [can't] say we're going to tolerate the fact that there are going to be many workless people in our society who we never expect to get into work... and I think that's a tragedy for our country and a tragedy for those individuals.»
«In the 1990s people were written off on incapacity benefit with no help to overcome their problems or support to get them into work,» said James Purnell, work and pensions secretary.
We're spending up to # 14,000 on one individual to get them into work — and already almost 700,000 people have got onto the Work Programme.
Ahead of legislation being introduced in parliament on Tuesday, he will argue the plans are «giving more people the opportunity to get into work».
«What I worry about is that people are losing confidence, losing energy, losing enthusiasm, and there's a real opportunity to get them into work,» he told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show.
The Conservative government, he said, would focus on the «real causes of child poverty», which he identified as supporting families, improving education and helping people get into work.
It?s that wanderlust, in fact, combined with a strong urge to do good, that got him into this work in the first place.
Still unable to get into the working mood, I was dilly - dallying at my desk, flipping over my notes as my laboratory's research officer shouted over the partial partition of my study cubicle, «Lynn!
Not getting into working out earlier.
Initially I got into this work because fitness was my «thing.»
When you're just getting into working out, almost anything you do is going to have a big effect on your body, so you could be gaining a decent amount of muscle and losing fat at the same time.
When you're a total beginner and you're just getting into working out, pretty much anything you do is going to spark a change in your body.
If you're a woman just getting into working out and lifting heavy, you couldn't look like that even if you wanted to.
We are chatting about her passion for World Vision (and how she got into working for World Vision), the Global 6K for water and ending the world water crisis, and we also just talk about life and what living a life to serve others looks like.
Use one with beautiful artwork, or inspirational quotes to get you into your work groove.
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