Sentences with phrase «getting on with»

It is the churches that have for 2,000 years been obsessed with sex; everyone else has been getting on with it.
Jeremy absolutely --- it's about getting on with the business of living and experiencing it.
In the meantime, I intend on getting on with the work of the Kingdom, I'm done waiting for permission.
It was a reunion, a family gathering, a tribe of women that all get it, all understand, we don't have time to be bickering and boundary - drawing, we're too busy loving, we're too busy getting on with the work of the Kingdom and the honour of our King.
Islam does not come to the shores of the west with the intention of blending in and getting on with their lives — they come and use our laws against us to set themselves apart and watch as our rights are restricted to avoid the appearance of racism while their rights are enhanced in their separateness.
Just make sure that our devotion to its ideals does not deter us from getting on with what needs to be done in this contingent world.
How are you getting on with the medication and therapy?
We're getting on with it.
When Americans can stop caring about everyone else's private business and getting on with governing ourselves, we'll all be a lot better off.
I want to start simply, quietly getting on with what needs to be done.
Getting on with the task is the major way to become qualified - this and finding a guide of your own.
«People are getting on with lives very well here.
It's therefore much better and far more liberating to abandon trying to figure it out and simply concentrate on getting on with it and actually doing it.
We are simply getting on with it, with the work and the community and the dreaming and the loving and the living out of the hope of glory.
My three sons are all sound and getting on with their lives, without Drugs, Cigarets, Stealing, Cheating, Bullying, Prejudice or Hate, they accept all people and allow them to have their own opinions without sulking or falling out with them, Non of them have been bullied or sort to bully to get their own way, but have appreciated and loved the people they have met.
BTW thinking outside the box would be getting on with your life without the oppressions of religion.
Today, we have a maturing environment and many projects getting on with their objectives.
I've said I'm not a quitter - but there's a job for this Conservative Party in government to be doing and that's what we're getting on with.
The Coalition Government is getting on with the job of delivering our water infrastructure needs, today annowncing $ 1 million to fast - track a feasibility study into improving water quality and supply to support the expansion of the Myalup and Collie River irrigation districts.
Once the commitment is made at the highest policy level, bodies are charged with getting on with it and getting it done.
And I won't delay you any further in getting on with it.
But in the U.S., the major players are just getting on with it.
Within an organization, when people trust each other, their energy is invested in minimizing damage and getting on with it.
Still, for many small businesses, «getting on with the job» is cause for concern.
Non-productive meetings interrupt the flow of the day and we should all challenge the temptation to call a meeting rather than get on with the job in hand.
This isn't always a bad thing and it's part of the psychology — or pathology if you prefer — that also makes it possible for entrepreneurs to quickly get over their past hiccups and get on with their main job of making history and changing the world.
(See This isn't always a bad thing and it's part of the psychology — or pathology if you prefer — that also makes it possible for entrepreneurs to quickly get over their past hiccups and get on with their main job of making history and changing the world.
Jagger hopes to convey the message that «despite all those things that are happening, you got ta get on with your own life, be yourself, and attempt to create your own destiny,» the singer wrote in his press statement.
And in the case of Daniel Snyder, the owner of a certain football team whose home base is Washington, DC, one of those hard changes should be to get on with it and change his team's name.
«Parliament has today backed the government in its determination to get on with the job of leaving the E.U.,» said British Brexit secretary David Davis.
We drag our feet on every infrastructure project, Elizabeth Quay for example, so why don't we build above the line like Yagan Square and just get on with it.
So what are us non-prodigies to do, simply accept our modest level of creativity and get on with life?
No one can correctly anticipate everything that's going to happen, so if you're forced to adapt, just change up your plan and get on with it.
Take heart in the fact that you've saved yourself a lot of pain before investing resources in a bad idea and get on with finding opportunities where the numbers will work better for you.
Politely acknowledge their input, toss in a compliment for good measure, and get on with your day.
Getting uncomfortable means that we stop focusing inwards on our fears, our perceived failings and our shortcomings and get on with the task at hand, which is living a rich and meaningful life.
«For those more complex tasks, on the other hand, it would better to let us get on with it.»
You tend to just move down here and get on with your life, and you don't necessarily think about connecting with other Canadians.»
With the discrediting of this sort of nonsense, perhaps further nutjobs will allow the world to get on with reality.
Rather than using screens as digital babysitters while they get on with other chores, parents should watch along with their little ones if they want their kids to get any educational benefit out of what they're viewing.
«Already I've had on my phone, and over text, messages of support from people who want to get on with it and get on board and get out there campaigning and that's what we'll be doing... Lots of MPs»
Then they could get on with their lives without mortgaging their future with student loan obligations.
Then, you can get on with the business of enjoying the journey now and in your golden years.
They need to face the facts and face reality so they can get on with their real lives.
And then, you know, we let them get on with it.
«It's a nice way to air our differences and get on with what we have to do,» says Yag.
Spend a little while, automate your finances, and get on with your life.
Is there any foolproof way to corral your guilt, perfectionism, and fear of failure and just get on with pursuing your dreams?
Changing up your scenery can do wonders for letting you get on with doing your finest work.
This is why resilience and the ability to get over the past and get on with the future are just as crucial as the perseverance that it often takes to stick with your idea through thick and thin.
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