Sentences with phrase «getting votes in the election»

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They're in the news over speculation that «fake news» spread via Facebook posts could have influenced the election outcome, and over Google's high placement of a search result reporting wrongly that Donald Trump got more popular votes than Hillary Clinton.
We're here at Business Insider Greek Election HQ to watch the information come in, and to learn if the pro-bailout New Democracy party, and its leader Antonis Samaras, can hold off the upstart leftist Alexis Tsipras, and get enough votes to form a government.
Until 1803, the vice president was the person who got the second highest number of votes in the presidential election.
In an infamous example, an app designed for help get out the vote failed on Election Day.
So they forced an election they couldn't possibly win by defeating the Conservatives on a confidence vote in Parliament — and gave Prime Minister Stephen Harper something he couldn't get without their invaluable help — a majority government with no chance of being defeated for four years.
It put in more than $ 1 million and included investments in field staff, digital ads, and a get - out - the - vote effort for Tuesday's special election.
At the same time, however, I think the NDP did get some support from (small c) conservative voters in the last election, who really wanted the PCs out but couldn't bring themselves to vote Wildrose.
Bush won by 537 votes - while a get - out - the - vote phone bank contacted 23,000 Muslims in one day during elections in 2008 and 2010, the report says.
Any of these clubs so silly as to allow such a political rise deserves what they get and should not be allowed to vote in presidential elections.
CNN: Survey: Catholics divided on political issues, as adherent numbers decline As important as the Catholic vote is in the 2012 election, a new survey finds that the group is far from monolithic and is not largely focused on the issues that get a lot of attention from church leaders — abortion and gay marriage.
Washington (CNN)-- As important as the Catholic vote is in the 2012 election, a new survey finds that the group is far from monolithic and is not largely focused on the issues that get a lot of attention from church leaders — abortion and gay marriage.
Just this year alone I've gotten to vote locally as well as in the Israeli, Spanish and Australia elections...
Santorum did not get the most votes in a general election — he got the most votes in some states from his own party, especially in formats where the fringe tends to dominate.
His last prayer is that Ron Paul stays in and gets the whack - a-doodle religious vote so that Paul becomes like Nader and Perot, giving the election away to the other side.
Well, we recently had our elections here in Rutherford County, and it's humbling and sad all at the same time ¯ humbling to see the number of folks who give themselves selfishly to causes they believe in, humbling to see men and women subject themselves to the mauling they get when they run for office, humbling to see folks waiting to vote in the heat of this miserable Tennessee summer we're having, but also sad to see how insular and crimped a lot of us have become.
In an off - year election with few overarching issues and weakened parties that could not get out the vote effectively, highly partisan and active minorities were able to get their candidates elected.
Mr Kenyatta, who got 54 per cent of the vote in August, is from the Kikuyu group; Mr Odinga, who got nearly 45 per cent in the earlier election, is a Luo.
A high percentage of those were elections in which the winning candidate got fifty - five percent of the votes or less.
I did not vote for Mr Obama the first time, but he sure will get my vote in the next election!
I believe a large percent of America can see this and votes for the guy's who do not pull such underhanded tactics in an attempt to win, which is why the Republicans were so stunned when they got destroyed in the last election.
We're nearing the end of election season, a time of year when we get to vote for president of the United States, members of Congress, governors, and, in some states, even dog catchers.
That said, Turow found «there are a lot of unknowns for this generation: we grew up in the recession, we've got a trillion dollars in student loan debt, we don't trust our government (the first political event I can remember is the Lewinsky scandal, and then the Gore versus Bush election, when the popular vote did not get the presidency).»
They're targeting a large swath of the population who is normally not politically engaged enough to vote in non-presidential elections, but has been much more politically engaged since Trump got elected.
Highbury 44 and the rest of your fast shrinking delusionals, if you vote in General elections, I reckon the LIBDEMS WITH THEIR 7 % SUPPPORT will get your vote.
I typically don't get political on this blog but I hope these 6 clips (and last night's debate) will show you why it's imperative to vote in the upcoming presidential election for Hillary Clinton.
We are four days away from Election day, and with that, a number of celebrities have come together star in an anti-Trump parody to urge people to get out and vote — and not for the «orange talking STD» as they so call Trump in the song.
The MLPD - a stalinist / maoist party - got 0.06 % (24.219 votes) in the 2013 election, down from 0.07 % (29.261 votes) in 2009, and 0.1 % (45.238 votes) in 2005.
However, if they had voted for Gore (in spite of him actually being their second preference) then he would have won, and they would have got their second - best candidate, rather than their worst (well, Pat Buchanan ran in that election, so probably their second - worst in practice).
The organization has also championed — endorsing and raising money for — the handful of Assembly Republicans who joined the Democrats in voting «yes» to pass the marriage bill on the other side of the Capitol, protecting these lawmakers on a potentially difficult issue (and one that, as it turned out, didn't lead to anyone's ouster, but did contribute to Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava getting pushed out of the NY - 23 special election by conservatives who argued she was too moderate).
In a one - on - one - interview, the former Trades Minister refuted assertions that, he has no «constituency» in NDC and that will affect his chances of getting delegates to vote for him to become the presidential candidate ahead of 2020 national electionIn a one - on - one - interview, the former Trades Minister refuted assertions that, he has no «constituency» in NDC and that will affect his chances of getting delegates to vote for him to become the presidential candidate ahead of 2020 national electionin NDC and that will affect his chances of getting delegates to vote for him to become the presidential candidate ahead of 2020 national elections.
in 1992 Presidential elections, Ross Perot got 19 % of the votes, but zero electoral votes (some argue, effectively handing Presidency to Bill Clinton the latter might likely be partly why in 2016, 3rd party candidates got only 4 % combined).
In conclusion do they differ from standard majority elections that you always get a candidate that has at least 50 % of the electorate backing her and you can do it in one single round of votinIn conclusion do they differ from standard majority elections that you always get a candidate that has at least 50 % of the electorate backing her and you can do it in one single round of votinin one single round of voting.
It would mean that suddenly all of the perennially safe seats would be in play - to the extent that everyone who lives in them would get to express a meaningful vote for their next MP - if not on election day, then in the primary running up to it.
He added that, there was the need for people of the region to see what the other side has gotten, so must desist from voting the NDC and vote the NPP in the coming general elections.
It is not an issue that's grabbed the passions of the British people in any way... If you wrote an election leaflet that read «We want a written constitution for the United Kingdom», you would probably get nil votes... I doubt if anyone would regard that as among their thirty top issues.
But in a telephone interview this afternoon, LaFayette scoffed at the idea that he has a favorite candidate, noting that since he isn't a 37th SD resident, he won't even get to vote on who will carry the party's banner into the special election.
Communications Minister Dr. Edward Omane Bomah says President Mahama will increase his vote margin astronomically in the northern region compared to what he got in the 2012 elections.
Background: Over the recent months of observing different campaigns for presidential election in the U.S. and their one - sided views on everything, I got to the point of thinking that indirect vote by representatives of the people is not working any more.
What if congressmen only got fractions of votes: the fraction of the voters who voted for them in the general election?
The Tories get about 100 - 200 people to take part in their «primaries», and if the means of election involves going to a meeting to listen to speeches and vote, the numbers aren't feasibly going to be much higher than that.
In a parliamentary system the party in power is the one with the most votes in parliament and that would always correspond to the party that won the most actual votes in the election, even if they didn't get the most seatIn a parliamentary system the party in power is the one with the most votes in parliament and that would always correspond to the party that won the most actual votes in the election, even if they didn't get the most seatin power is the one with the most votes in parliament and that would always correspond to the party that won the most actual votes in the election, even if they didn't get the most seatin parliament and that would always correspond to the party that won the most actual votes in the election, even if they didn't get the most seatin the election, even if they didn't get the most seats.
Even just showing to someone how you voted can be illegal according to § 107c StGB [German English](Violation of secrecy of elections) and could get you up to two years in prison.
But was there any evidence suggesting that during the 2014 elections people voted strategically for certain parties in order to get Jean - Claude Juncker as the Commission president?
Cuomo today kicked off a Get Out The Vote rally and canvass to flip the state Senate into Democratic hands and elect Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer ahead of the April 24 special election in Westchester.
Probably the most immediate use of text messaging in the U.S. will be for election - day Get - Out - The - Vote efforts, though you can also use them as a two - way tool by soliciting information from supporters through polls and such.
For federal elections, data - driven campaigns get two data points on voting behavior every two years: whether someone voted in a primary (and which one) and whether they voted in the general election.
If the electoral districts are large enough (possibly nationwide), a party does get a weight in parliament roughly equivalent to the number of votes they received in the election.
I'm thinking of a situation where at year 2, the PM is very popular in Parliament, so they just call for an election (which passes the Parliament's vote) to getting reinstated another 5 years, and then repeating forever.
And Mayor Byron W. Brown, running for re-election with only nominal competition in the general election, was suddenly back on television, spending a total of $ 106,500 in little more than two weeks on ads, campaign literature and a get - out - the - vote effort for himself and his fellow Democrats running for countywide office.
I think activists can work to get Greens and Respect elected in a handful of FPTP seats and we must all hope for an embarrassingly massive Tory landslide (300 seats or so) on < 50 % of the vote that will make everyone see what an absurd situation we are in, make Cameron's parliamentary party more unruly and nekedly nasty and — crucially — smash the Labour Party so hard that both its right and its left give up all hope of ever winning a FPTP election again, and destroy the hubris that decrees that they never collaborate with other progressive / left forces.
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