Sentences with phrase «ghetto mentality»

They were from another country where there's less of a «ghetto mentality
Is ghetto mentality naturally occurring?
There's so many issues with ghetto mentality.
But, we can't eradicate ghetto mentality 100 % across society.
This isolationist policy has created in many Asian Christians and churches a «mission compound» or ghetto mentality.
It has not come in physical persecution, in the creation of a ghetto mentality, in insults to personal dignity.

Not exact matches

Poverty research and policy development has since been dominated by economists, who attribute the same maximizing psychology to the poor as they do to stockbrokers on Wall Street, thus obfuscating the distinctive, defeated mentality of the ghetto.
The reviewer can find nothing in the book to quote that would support her charge that Wisse wants to «brand» Jews who believe in a negotiated settlement as «perpetuators of a ghetto appeasement mentality
She concluded, «It is hard to escape the suspicion that the real point of this essay is to brand any Jews (and non-Jews, for that matter) who still believe in the possibility of a negotiated settlement in the Middle East as perpetuators of a ghetto appeasement mentality
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