Sentences with phrase «ghost children»

This is especially evident when you factor in creepy ghost children in the mix.
There's a moment in Sinister when Ethan Hawke peers into an attic and sees a gaggle of ghost children watching a Super 8 movie of Bughuul, a Babylonian pagan god.
It was sappy and low - budget and full of creepy ghost children, but I was a pretty credulous young person and for years I had the distinct impression that abortion was a traumatic experience, and that all women who had abortions regretted them and would never get more than one.
«Diagnosis: Death» is packed with all sorts of spooky imagery: vanishing pools of water, creepy ghost children, sudden noises of unknown origin, and vanishing apparitions are in abundance, though none of them provoke fear nor laughter from the audience.
Tien's a dude with three eyes whose best friend is a ghost child and maybe a vampire.
We get some short extensions, an additional Coraline - Mother exchange, a montage of disposed moments, an extended version of the ghost children bedroom visit, and a cut dream sequence that took 66 days of hand animation (a tiny fraction of which we get to see).
When the supernatural element eventually kicks in we are exposed to ghost children and the chief antagonist himself the pagan demon Bagul / Mr Boogie.
The last one I remember was that one that only came out in Japan and had that filler with some ghost child who tried to take revenge on Guts for coming into his ghost manor...
@GhostofTim Why is Karin of Hateno a ghost child with a book inside them?
Sarra dedicated the award to «our ghost children — those Aboriginal girls and boys, dead by their own hand, who no longer believed that the future could be better, or that they had a place in it», to «Indigenous students rotting in classrooms no Minister or millionaire would send their child to», and to Indigenous parents and communities, school and community leaders involved in education.
For birth parents, there's the ghost child not being raised.
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