Sentences with phrase «giant ice sheets»

She is also occupied with the properties and motion of giant ice sheets on the Antarctic continent, which constitute 70 percent of the entire supply of freshwater on the planet.
In March, Bamber argued that the other giant ice sheet vulnerable to global warming, the Greenland ice sheet, is also more resistant to temperature rise that experts had thought.
Not only did the Alps grow long glaciers but giant ice sheets sat atop much of Northern Europe, flattening the Baltic landscape.
Our global climate models zoom down to finer and finer resolutions; our satellites reveal remote corners of the globe; we increase our understanding of the response of giant ice sheets and deep ocean currents to a warming planet.
However, the two studies present some strongly contrasting evidence about how Greenland's ice sheet may have responded to past climate change — bringing new urgency to the need to understand if and how the giant ice sheet might dramatically accelerate its melt - off in the near future.
The two studies improve our understand of Greenland's deep past, while raising questions about both the past and future of its giant ice sheet in a changing climate.
The dynamics of Antarctica's giant ice sheet is full of questions and the disastrous potential.
At the time, the continent was likely covered by coniferous forest, unlike the giant ice sheet that is there today.
If it were possible to lift up the giant ice sheets, that watery, stony terrain is what would remain.
«Hot rock and ice: Volcanic chain underlies Antarctica: Seismic maps of the mantle will improve predictions of giant ice sheet's fate.»
During the last ice age, much of North America was covered by a giant ice sheet that many scientists believe underwent several catastrophic collapses, causing huge icebergs to enter the North Atlantic — phenomena known as Heinrich events.
2:10 p.m. Updated Lora Koenig of NASA just sent this note providing the reference underlying her comment about past summer melting episodes at the summit (the spot on the giant ice sheet least vulnerable to melting):
Twenty thousand years ago, what is now New York City was at the edge of a giant ice sheet, and the sea was roughly 400 feet lower.
A recently developed technology called cosmogenic exposure age dating is now being used at Aberystwyth University to determine the length of time the granite boulders were exposed to the sun, giving scientists important information about when the possible expansion and retraction of the giant ice sheet took place.
Peoples» education in the science of global warming and cooling — e.g., the more «gentle cycles» we have known for about 150 years; the more extreme cycles of the Holocene (last ~ 11,000 years), and the real thing, giant ice sheets.
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