Sentences with phrase «giant mugs of»

We consider them to be the best thing about fall and winter weather other than giant mugs of...
We consider them to be the best thing about fall and winter weather other than giant mugs of hot chocolate.
Grab a red pen, a giant mug of coffee or tea, and find a nice, quiet place to review your work with a critical eye.

Not exact matches

When entering the monastery grounds from the giant parking lot, the gate made of wood and Masskrüge (1 liter glass beer mugs) is a dead giveaway that this place is about brewskys, too.
Not long ago, my wife and I watched a one - station, one - drink bartender in Guadalajara start a michelada by scooping salt and powdered chicken bullion into the bottom of a giant glass mug.
Reading this with my giant 20oz mug of coffee in front of me that will be gone in a matter of minutes I actually said to my lovely little 2 year old this morning that 5 am is too early for mommy to play and she told to make coffee.
To keep going on very little sleep: Get small caffeine hits Instead of downing one giant to - go cup of coffee, drink 4 to 6 ounces (the amount in a small cup or half a mug) every few hours.
There's no giant scene of confrontation where she vows to keep her clothes on or to stop mugging for the camera every chance she gets.
So be sure to bring your wetsuit, thick fluffy towels and giant mugs to fill with hot chocolate when you eventually venture out of the water.
«Little» is perhaps the key word here, as estimates of # 500,000 or so BP annual sponsorship deflated to the reality of a puny # 330,000 in 2006 (the latest year for which figures were revealed) for the polluting oil giant's privilege of mugging every visitor to Tate Britain with its corporate marketing.
Then we could sit around in my kitchen drinking coffee out of giant mugs (while Jack tries to entertain us) so we could chat about all the things we love to talk about here everyday, except it would be way better than everyday because you'd really be HERE instead of me being here talking to myself just hoping you are still out there, sipping coffee and nodding your head along with me.
This year I was at my limit for Christmas decor budget so I put a wooden cutting board out, topped it with a glass hurricane lantern filled with fresh greens and a few Christmas ornaments, two white pretty china mugs, a branch of greenery from the tree, and a cake pedestal topped with a giant festive snow man mug, and voila.
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