Sentences with phrase «giant planets during»

One theory suggests, however, that its extreme tilt could have been created by a series of smaller shifts through orbital migrations and interactions between the giant planets during the earliest stages of Solar System formation (Adrián Brunini, 2006).
On one hand, more heavy - element - enriched interstellar clouds of gas and dust may be more likely to create giant planets during stellar formation.
The Oort cloud consists of objects ejected from the region surrounding the giant planets during and after their formation.

Not exact matches

Most likely, Meech says, the object is an outcast from another star system: a space rock flung out during the star's tempestuous youth when it was surrounded by freshly - formed giant planets embedded in a disk of debris.
First, the paper suggests that there could be habitable planets around white dwarfs — during the dead - end stage that comes after the inferno of the red giant.
During the solar system's infancy 4.5 billion years ago, they say, the giant planet was knocked out of the planet - forming region near the sun.
False color, for the sake of drama, got a lot of reinforcement when the giant outer planets were photographed during the Voyager mission in the late 1970s and 1980s.
Because the icy moon is not perfectly spherical — and because it goes slightly faster and slower during different portions of its orbit around Saturn — the giant planet subtly rocks Enceladus back and forth as it rotates.
During a presentation at NASA's Outer Planets Assessment Group in 2013, Hofstadter stressed the significance of mounting a mission to the ice giants.
This work sheds light on the complex youth of our solar system, when the building blocks that formed the core of giant planets and their satellites were tossed around or captured during the giant planet migrations.
During the relatively brief, combined giant phases of the two stars at present, however, a planet could orbit the Aab pair far enough out for the two stars to act as a single gravitational source and near enough for it to receive enough energy to sustain life, possibly around 12.5 AUs out from the binary.
The giant planets nudge comets in toward the system's star, as was the case in the Solar System during the Late Heavy Bombardment about 4 billion years ago.
During this period, the giant planets within the Solar System migrated in toward the Sun and then out again until they settled into the orbits they maintain today.
We present and exploit new near - infrared images and integral - field spectra of the four gas giants surrounding HR8799 obtained with SPHERE, the new planet finder instrument at the Very Large Telescope, during the commissioning and science verification phase of the instrument (July - December 2014).
Earlier this summer, the spacecraft made its first full orbit around the gas giant — the first of 36 planned flybys during the 20 - month mission — flying 2,500 miles above the planet's dense clouds.
During the course of the Trans - atlantic E... ▽ More Ground - based wide - field surveys for nearby transiting gas giants are yielding far fewer true planets than astrophysical false positives, of which some are difficult to reject.
But there shouldn't be enough material available during the creation of red dwarfs to allow the formation of giant, Jupiter - class planets in the protoplanetary disk.
Even if such an orbit were possible, any Earth - type planets that orbited Edasich during its youth would by now have been burnt to a cinder, and possibly fallen into the star from frictional drag with the giant star's gaseous envelope.
By now, moreover, any Earth - type planets that orbited Aldebaran A during its youth would have been burnt to a cinder, and possibly fallen into the star from frictional drag with the giant star's gaseous envelope.
Even if such an orbit were possible, any Earth - type planets that orbited Aldebaran A during its youth would have been burnt to a cinder by now, and possibly fallen into the star from frictional drag with the giant star's gaseous envelope.
On December 1, 2009, two astronomers submitted a pre-print suggesting that the planet's extreme axial tilt (an obliquity of 97 degrees) may have resulted from the presence of a large moon that has since been ejected from orbit around the ice giant by the pull of another planet during the orbital migration of the giant planets early in the formation of the Solar System.
Such valor is accomplished by using his magic ring, which makes manifest anything he imagines (be it a giant fist or a machine gun turret), and which comes in handy during his quest to thwart a planet - devouring force of yellow «fear» known as Parallax as well as the creature's Earthly proxy, mutated scientist Hector Hammond (Peter Skarsgaard).
The third monolith is activated after a series of tasks during the A Dying Planet side mission, located at the end of the giant chasm.
During the events of the Club Nintendo comic «Donkey Kong in: Banana Day 24», aliens erroneously took Earth for a giant coconut, and since they adored this kind of fruit, they took the planet with them, pulling it away from the sun.
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