Sentences with phrase «giant planets such»

The earlier theories proposed that gas - giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn involved the growth of large solid cores of about 10 to 20 Earth masses, followed by the accumulation of gas onto these cores.
Although northern lights also exist on giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn, the newly discovered aurorae are thousands of times more powerful; furthermore, the same electrons that trigger these aurorae may drive weather patterns on brown dwarfs, some of which have clouds.
For example, they could make it possible to recreate on a laboratory scale states of matter found in the interior of the Sun or in the inner recesses of giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn.
Now that the scientists have a better idea of how long the solar nebula persisted, they can also narrow in on how giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn formed.

Not exact matches

If the planet is to avert the worst scenarios for climate change, the optimistic long - run forecasts for oil demand growth put forward by energy giants such as Exxon can be thrown out the window.
All universes (plural) may well have been formed in one swelling swoop thusly becoming a uniformed dimension so ginormous our universe could well be a part of combined universes forming say a giant seahorse living within a sea so vast all being a part of a ginormous planet so huge we may never know such a thought of plausible revelation.
While such circumplanetary disks have been theorized to surround giant planets at birth and to control the flow of gas onto the growing planet, these findings are the first observational evidence for their existence.
However, earlier studies which proposed that giant planets could possibly eject one another did not consider the effect such violent encounters would have on minor bodies, such as the known moons of the giant planets, and their orbits.
GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD The most likely galaxy to host habitable planets might be a giant elliptical such as ESO 325 - G004 (pictured, center), which is about 450 million light - years away in the constellation Centaurus.
Such orbital migration would destroy any smaller, Earth - like planets that had formed, as an inward - moving giant would scatter smaller planets the way a bowling ball would blast through a pile of marbles.
Such distant giants lend support to the most radical challenge to standard theory, in which some planets form not by core accretion, but by a process called gravitational instability.
Researchers expect to find water on many planets outside the solar system, called exoplanets, including Jupiter - size gas giants such as HD 189733 b and HD 209458 b, which orbits a different star.
Finally, such observations might help to envisage the distant future of our planet, when, in 3 or 4 billion years, the Sun will become a red giant and will circulate in our atmosphere making life impossible on Earth.
Thus, «giant chunks of space debris clobbering the planet and wiping out life on Earth has undeniably broad appeal,» Meltzer says, whereas «no one in Hollywood makes movies» about more nuanced explanations, such as Clovis points disappearing because early Americans turned to other forms of stone tool technology as the large mammals they were hunting went extinct as a result of the changing climate or hunting pressure.
The interiors of the icy satellites of giant planets, such as in Jupiter's moon Europa, have conditions where carbonic acid could form.
Polar cyclones on Saturn are a puzzling phenomenon, since the planet, known as a gas giant, lacks an essential ingredient for brewing up such storms: water on its surface.
So far there are few if any wholly satisfactory explanations as to how such an extremely elongated solid object could naturally form, let alone endure the forces of a natural high - speed ejection from a star system — a process thought to involve a wrenching encounter with a giant planet.
«Scientists experimentally re-create conditions deep inside giant planets, such as Jupiter and many exo - planets
The orbits of exocomets on Beta Pictoris could also help scientists trace the presence and migration of larger, undetected bodies such as gas giant planets in the planetary system, says Russel White, an astronomer at Georgia State University in Atlanta who was not involved in the study.
What is more, improved technology should also allow larger observatories such as Keck to move from the few giant planets already imaged — all of which orbit their host stars at relatively large distances — to closer - in worlds more like our own.
In the Solar System, small rocky planets such as the Earth orbit near the Sun, whereas gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn are found much further out.
Lawrence Livermore scientists for the first time have experimentally re-created the conditions that exist deep inside giant planets, such as Jupiter, Uranus and many of the planets recently discovered outside our solar system.
The Dawn spacecraft is on just such a mission: a journey first to the giant asteroid Vesta and then on to the dwarf planet Ceres.
According to two new studies, such clouds also arise around the failed stars known as brown dwarfs — even ones as small as giant planets.
«For stars that are like our sun, but older, such thawed planets could stay warm up to half a billion years in the red giant habitable zone.
Robotic spacecraft, such as Pioneer 10 and 11 and the Voyager probes, gave us our first close - ups of the gas giant planets in the outer solar system.
He and his colleagues have conducted long - term studies of the dust disks around old stars and the changes in aged red giants such as Betelgeuse, and are preparing the telescopes to look for possible infrared laser signals from newly discovered planets circling nearby stars, in search of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Useful for launching larger interplanetary science payloads such as Asteroid Redirect Mission, Mars Sample Return, Jupiter Europa Orbiter, Saturn / Titan Sample Return, Ice Giant Exploration, Outer Planet Sample Return, Large Telescopes and In - Space Infrastructres.
And in an exciting find for those seeking life beyond Earth, the telescope has revealed that small, rocky planets similar to Earth are more common than larger gas giants such as Jupiter.
Such waves will propagate through the planetary interiors, allowing giant planet seismology to constrain internal structure in much the same way as done for our planet using earthquakes.
[1] Earlier examples of ALMA research have been described in press releases such as «ALMA Sheds Light on Planet - Forming Gas Streams — Tantalizing signs of flows feeding gas - guzzling giant planets,» «Sweet Result from ALMA — Building blocks of life found around young star.»
However, the inner, eccentric orbit of a giant planetary companion «b» recently discovered around 54 Piscium would probably disturb the orbit of such an Earth - type planet.
Called «NASA's Leadership and America's Future in Space,» the report said that studying the outer gas giant planets (such as Saturn) help scientists learn about their atmospheres and internal structure.
Whereas ice giant planets, such as Uranus and Neptune, which are denser and composed of ices, dust, and other heavier debris, likely formed farther out in the system, as an amalgam of leftover heavier substances rich in heavier elements that accreted beyond the snow line.
Detecting water on Ceres supports models of the solar system in which giant planets, such as Jupiter, migrated to their current positions, mixing material from the outer and inner regions of the solar system.
A separate paper from Nature Astronomy discusses how diamonds can rain down on giant icy planets such as Neptune and Uranus.
Even if such an orbit were possible, any Earth - type planets that orbited Edasich during its youth would by now have been burnt to a cinder, and possibly fallen into the star from frictional drag with the giant star's gaseous envelope.
In the research of extrasolar planets, astronomers have found a wide variety of planets such as Jupiter - like gaseous giant planets circling around central stars in a much smaller orbit than that of the Mercury, and planets that have a very large orbit far beyond the Neptune's orbit.
Spectroscopic studies that rely on variations in the depth of the transit with wavelength have been used to identify gases such as hydrogen, sodium, and methane in the upper atmospheres of some close - in giant planets.
He added that researchers might be able to move closer to studying more Earth - like planets with the arrival of next - generation observatories such as NASA's James Webb Space Telescope and big ground - based observatories such as the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT).
This result, that systems with multiple transiting planets are less likely to include a transiting giant planet, suggests that close - in giant planets tend to disrupt the orbital inclinations of small planets in flat systems, or maybe even to prevent the formation of such systems in the first place.
Others (such as Glenn Schneider of the University of Arizona and Scott Kenyon of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), however, argue that a giant planet in the system could gravitationally deflect comets and asteroids away from inner planets that may support life in the liquid water zone, in the same way that Jupiter protects Earth in the Solar System.
Given the large orbital eccentricities of these two objects (which move beyond 500 AUs of the Sun), some astronomers have argued that they were likely to have been strongly perturbed by a massive celestial object (which is unlikely to have been Neptune as they do not come close enough to feel its gravitational influence) such as the passing of a rogue planet (perturbed from its primordial orbit by the gas giants of the inner Solar Sylstem) or one or more passing stars, which could have dragged the two objects farther out after initial orbital perturbation by Neptune or as part of a «first - generation» Oort Cloud.
However, the giant planetary companion «A1» or «b» recently discovered around Star A could disturb the stability or the development of such a rocky planet in this orbit.
Almost 1 percent of stars have such giant planets in very close orbits, with orbital periods of less than one week.
Low - to medium - mass stars, such as the sun, will eventually swell up into red giants, eventually shedding their outer layers into a ring known as a planetary nebula (early observers thought the nebulae resembled planets such as Neptune and Uranus).
Previously discussed in a November 24, 2011 pre-print, the astronomers «surveyed a carefully chosen sample of 102 red dwarf stars in the southern skies over a six - year period» and found a «total of nine super-Earths (planets with masses between one and ten times that of Earth),» of which two orbiting within the habitable zones of Gliese 581 and Gliese 667 C. By combining all the radial - velocity data of red dwarf stars (including those without undetected planets) and examining the fraction of confirmed planets that was found, the astronomers were able to estimate the probable distribution of different types of planets around red dwarfs: for example, only 12 percent of such stars within 30 light - years may have giant planets with masses between 100 and 1,000 times that of the Earth (ESO news release; Bonfils et al, 2011; and Delfosse et al, 2011).
Both objects formed among the rocky and icy protoplanets beyond the Solar System's «ice line» now located around 2.7 AUs, but the early development of Jupiter apparently prevented such large protoplanets between the gas giant and planet Mars from agglomerating into even bigger planetary bodies, by sweeping many into pulverizing collisions as well as slinging them into the Sun or Oort Cloud, or even beyond Sol's gravitational reach altogether.
The «cold start» process, on the other hand, is pretty good at forming planets over a broad range of masses, from giants such as Jupiter, which has more than 300 times Earth's mass, on down to Earth - sized worlds.
Even if such an orbit were possible, any Earth - type planets that orbited Aldebaran A during its youth would have been burnt to a cinder by now, and possibly fallen into the star from frictional drag with the giant star's gaseous envelope.
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