Sentences with phrase «giant white cross»

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But as you descend underground, past Titania's Veil (a gleaming white calcite formation), crossing Giant's Hall and skirting the mirror surface of Dream Lake, you will hear an ethereal music start to fill the dripping hush.
She crossed a Papillon with a White Vienna, as well as a White Flemish Giant, and worked on this breed for 20 years.
In some instances, she blots out the Confederate sculpture, as if attempting to erase the history that underpins it; in others, she makes it a more explicit site for white supremacist fantasies by adding giant burning crosses, racist slogans and a memorial to Dylann Roof (the alleged murderer of nine African - Americans in a South Carolina church in June).
In giant white block letters on a black ground, it proclaims, «Blind Idealism is Reactionary Scary Deadly,» with the words reactionary and scary overlaid by red crosses.
From those showing only a few unknown artists to giants of the art world like Jay Jopling's White Cube, the cross section of galleries affords huge choices to art enthusiasts.
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