Sentences with phrase «gift to a friend instead»

I even got a figure to gift to a friend instead of an additional one for myself.

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Partnering with organizations like WorldReach (who allows you to sponsor children) and Charity: Water (who lets you tell your friends to donate instead of getting you a birthday present every year) or finding a cause like ending human trafficking, supporting education or assisting the homeless can represent more than just one - time gifts or temporary passions.
My girls recently had birthdays, and told their friends not to bring gifts, but to make donations instead to help rescue girls from slavery.
One thing I'm doing this holiday season is requesting that instead of material gifts my family and friends make donations to a selection of non-profits.
Instead of a white elephant gift exchange, ask friends to bring one (gently worn) article of clothing to contribute to the swap.
The idea is that friends and fans, instead of purchasing gifts for a child that we all know will be well taken care of, donate money to Unicef, to help children who need it all over the globe.
If the cost is too much for you to handle alone and it's OK with the parents, call up friends and family and ask that they donate cash instead of giving a baby gift.
It always seems like a great idea to make batches of holiday cookies to give as hostess gifts or share with my friends (or just eat by myself), but when it comes time to actually deliver the goods and make these complicated confections my mind kind of shuts down and I end up making brownies from a mix or just going to Starbucks and getting a latte instead.
So, instead of stressing over which pricey perfume to gift your best friend with, consider planning a home - cooked dinner or daytrip with her instead.
To make a healthy gift that friends and family will devour this season, skip the fruitcake and go for granola instead.
I also recently just gave a gift basket of summer baby items to a friend and included some beach toys instead of a bow.
Even though I don't really need anything, my online shopping carts have been filling up more quickly than originally anticipated — and I may or may not have bought some gifts that I thought I was going to buy for friends, and then mayyyyybe bought them for me instead (or both of us, let's be real).
Instead of registering for gifts that you already have or don't need, you could sign up with Oxfam Unwrapped and let your family and friends donate their money to a worthwhile cause.
Encourage the kids on your gift list to step away from tech devices and reconnect with friends and family by instead sitting down at a board game.
A gifted violinist, the determined girl chooses to practice all summer — instead of going to camp with her friends — in order to be ready for a youth symphony audition.
This year, instead of promoting your own books as holiday gifts, give back to your author community by working to promote your friends» books.
When she can't buy her best friend a desired gift, she decides, instead, to make her something special.
Yes, some social networking / recommendations / gifting services would be nice — but I totally disagree that Amazon could come out with a dedicated device that was NOT for reading, and instead just focused on recommending books to friends.
5 % EXTENDED FAMILY AND FRIENDS 51 % of parents would ask family or friends to make college savings gifts instead of material prFRIENDS 51 % of parents would ask family or friends to make college savings gifts instead of material prfriends to make college savings gifts instead of material presents.
That is, if someone could get a loan from a bank and he'd pay $ 1000 in interest for the year, but instead you loan him the money as a friend interest free, than as far as the IRS is concerned you have given him a $ 1000 gift, and you could potentially have to pay gift tax.
Instead, you might need to trim your Christmas gift list, or let friends and family know you need to opt out of giving gifts this year.
Family and friends who might otherwise purchase a gift for occasions like birthdays, Christmas, etc., instead can go to your web account and deposit money that goes directly into your 529 plan.
You can also choose to ask your friends to bring donations for RCHS to your birthday party instead of bringing gifts.
This year, instead of gifts - ask your family and friends to donate to a cause close to your heart by creating a personal fundraiser on your Facebook page to support the mission and efforts of the Animal Rescue League of Iowa (ARL).
Two girls who recently celebrated birthdays decided that they had enough «stuff» in their lives and opted to ask friends and family to think of homeless shelter pets, instead of traditional birthday gifts, at their birthday parties.
Ask your friends or family to make us a gift basket instead of buying you another present that may go unused.
By inviting your friends and family to donate to the animals in your name, instead of buying unneeded gifts, you'll help change the future for homeless pets all around the country.
So instead I'm sending you a Petsmart gift card, and the next time one of your friends is at Petsmart, they can use it to buy you a Kong (or something else super fun) and some of your favourite treats as a Christmas and a thank you present from me and my family - because you totally deserve it!!
Instead, consider: cooking with your friends to celebrate a birthday instead of the classic gift - giving routine; going on a wintery hike on Christmas morning instead of doing the customary opening of presents; taking a class with your significant other to celebrate your anniversary instead of spending money on things he or she may not reallInstead, consider: cooking with your friends to celebrate a birthday instead of the classic gift - giving routine; going on a wintery hike on Christmas morning instead of doing the customary opening of presents; taking a class with your significant other to celebrate your anniversary instead of spending money on things he or she may not reallinstead of the classic gift - giving routine; going on a wintery hike on Christmas morning instead of doing the customary opening of presents; taking a class with your significant other to celebrate your anniversary instead of spending money on things he or she may not reallinstead of doing the customary opening of presents; taking a class with your significant other to celebrate your anniversary instead of spending money on things he or she may not reallinstead of spending money on things he or she may not really need.
The Xbox One is slightly different, as you will need to navigate to the product, select to purchase it, highlight the «Buy as Gift» option but instead of putting in the person's e-mail address, you need to input their Gamertag ID from the Xbox Live friends list.
For your birthday or the holidays, ask friends and family to bypass the gift cards or pajama set, and politely request cash instead.
Rather than the usual gift - giving, he asked family, friends and co-workers to instead make a donation to the local women's shelter.
If you want to reward yourself, forgo an expensive gift for yourself and instead take a friend out for a nice meal and bottle of wine, Stroh suggests.
Bar Cart: Instead of buying us something cheesy, our friends decided to gift us with the coolest white (obviously) bar cart from CB2.
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