Sentences with phrase «gifted classrooms»

But in gifted classrooms, teachers are expecting excellence from everyone.
My wife skipped a grade and was in a magnet gifted classroom.
With high teacher turnover an ongoing challenge, retaining veteran and gifted classroom teachers is another proven benefit of collaborative school leadership.
Also visit Educational Products, Materials for Gifted Classrooms and Internet Investigations for more resources, and Movies - featuring gifted kids in a positive light.
The number of disadvantaged students in gifted classrooms fell back to pre-2005 levels.
Also visit Educational Products, popular with both gifted children and their teachers, Internet Investigations for free curriculum libraries and individual units right from the Internet, Materials for Gifted Classrooms, terrific (free!)
The solution, the district decided, was to ask the state to waive the requirement that only students who met the test score cutoffs could be taught in gifted classrooms.
Well, not really — it was «play» money I had created years ago, when I taught a self - contained fifth - grade, gifted classroom.
Executing a gifted program that encompasses learning outside of the gifted classroom, including school - wide and community projects
In the gifted classrooms, classmates may be more supportive of working hard and getting A's.
Also visit Free Online High School Courses, Educational Products, terrific educational materials, Publishers specializing in the gifted, (Free) Materials for Gifted Classrooms, terrific educational materials, Smart Toys, perennial favorites of gifted kids, and Movies, featuring gifted kids (and adults) in a positive light.
Some get reassigned to a gifted classroom during that first kindergarten year.
Are we finding all the brainy minority children who can ace these tests, and steering them to gifted classrooms, or are we missing some of them?
The researchers found that some students who scored as low as the 75th percentile on the federal study's assessments had been assigned to gifted classrooms).
Why are black students half as likely as white students to be assigned to gifted classrooms in U.S. public schools?
The district hoped this would not only give the gifted classrooms a critical mass of students, but also increase the number and diversity of gifted students in those schools by exposing more students to the kind of thinking that the gifted tests attempt to measure.
A better, quicker solution to reducing the racial gap in gifted classrooms, according to Grissom, is to test every child in the school system for giftedness, so that you're not relying on subjective humans to decide whom to test.
Districts have tried — and failed — to open the doors of their gifted classrooms to more minority students.
In many situations, the child's IQ was clearly in the high average range, but was a high achiever and was placed in a «gifted classroom
(Free) Materials for Gifted Classrooms are great (free!)
Figure 6: Black students are overrepresented in discipline numbers and special needs classrooms and underrepresented in the teaching force and gifted classrooms.
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